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Forum Rage

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cont'd ...

I forgot to add that your theory that OLO
needs you to "castigate," is a mistaken
one. You're neither that important or great,
in the general scheme of things.

And, as for your saying that " people avert their
eyes from arguments they're unable to refute..."

Nah, they simply can't be bothered making the
effort when they see who it is they're dealing
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 March 2010 2:38:38 PM
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Yeah but you're still making the effort Foxy. Come'on, admit it. You love me!
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 5 March 2010 4:00:45 PM
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I came to the thread in self defence?
I am aware[ and grateful it made howler happy] I go too far in defense of my belief, some times you can never win.
So I came as therapy, to remind myself the forum is indeed bigger than all of us.
Antiseptic, please no white collar stuff, and those other unions?
I may have to stand up for a week, but have always said unions there is a difference.
PSA is no union, it serves only its self, the others how would I know.
AWU grew last year by big numbers it continues to grow.
just before I turned 13 mate I went to work.
Long list hard jobs hard work, salary now no overtime but never stops.
I would even now love to host a jack hammer and work all day but 15 to 18 hours a day 600 klm in one day is stress and work.
63 e mail addresses in my PC every one gets a monthly report done out of hours.
Amusing your idea I am not a worker and your little sling at women here to, problem there bloke?
Do they not like you? I do not want to be short with you, but is that why?
Why you call C J Morgan short fella?
I got the long thread right bloke didn't I?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 5 March 2010 5:06:45 PM
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Your shenanigans aren't worthy of comment so I won't


Did you know that in days of yore if a jester failed to amuse they amused the gathered assemblage of guests by having the unfunny jester beaten. Don't cha love the old ways hmmm ? :-)

from your own computer you deliberately play games (verbal techniques tthat reflect blue collar views) to get a response.

Hmm where do I start?
Blue collar? (generalization) my adopted parents fell into that category as did most of mums rellies (40 of them) But none of them ever expressed any opinions that remotely reflected your views.

I'm sorry blue collar doesn't mean dumb, or just plain rude, unnecessarily provocative for provocative sake.

Did it occur to you that the reason some come to OLO is to chat/discuss on a sensible level. Certainly not on the some ignorant angst ridden level that seems to be prevalent on talk back radio level.
Look at it like this I've dealt with alcies in a refuges, druggies, crims, pollies, so I am aware of their thinking, that doesn't mean that I want to roll in it when I'm seeking recreational mental stimulation and conversation.

Likewise because mind numbing stupidity is there doesn't mean I want to partake. I wouldn't be surprised if a number of other posters had similar views.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 5 March 2010 6:24:44 PM
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Dear Examinator,

In days of old when knights were bold
and some ladies needed rescuing ...

I do love the days of yore. However, as far
as court jesters go - they actually were
immune from punishment. The role of the
court jester historically, or as is known
in Shakespearian Studies, the wise fool,
was not only one of entertainment but as
the voice of reason. The court jester held
a special dispensation to speak his mind.

His words could be laughed aside as that of
a simpleton, but more often than not, they
were taken to heart.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 March 2010 7:31:15 PM
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Belly:"I came to the thread in self defence?"

Just as well you put the question mark in. You were one of the first posters. They do say the best form of defence is attack...

Houellebecq:"They are choosing not to communicate."

Very true. They've taken my old Mum's advice to heart:"better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt". Of course, for some of them, being thought a mere fool is the height of personal aspiration.

Houellebecq:"You'll never compete with my 33 inch waist."

Scrawny bugger, aren't you?

Foxy:"Most of us do consider
others when posting. "

I'd say all of us do: why else post? The bone of contention is the type of consideration we give. Do we pander to the artificial mores they impose, censoring ourselves in either content or mode to suit their comfort? Do we rather choose to test those mores by failing to observe them?

Pelican:"Does all this talk about forum rage really matter?"

Not at all. I suggest that we all return to discussing our putative latent homosexuality immediately. Or Lara's boobs.

Foxy:"we've always managed with good-will,
tolerance, and respect for each other,"

Hahahaha. Did you get some really good eccies this arvo, Foxy?

examinator:"my adopted parents fell into that category as did most of mums rellies (40 of them) But none of them ever expressed any opinions that remotely reflected your views."

Having read your stuff, I doubt any of them ever expressed an opinion that was remotely intelligible. Let's not demand miracles...

Examinator:"blue collar doesn't mean dumb, or just plain rude, unnecessarily provocative for provocative sake"

When was the last time you were on a building site, old chap? A wrecking yard? How about the tip? A sawmill, perhaps? Done your share of toil at the mines, eh?

Oh, that's right, mum's rellies told you all about them. Gotta love armchair experts...
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 5 March 2010 9:42:28 PM
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