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Has Rudd simply lost the plot!
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Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 6:18:59 AM
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rehctub, I’m always in support of giving a new government a fair go, after all that’s democracy. I am however, worried by the trend. An almost endless stream of abandoned, ill conceived or failed policy initiatives. I also think our government is aware of its inability to deliver anything either meaningful or sustainable; this is evidenced by the moves to offer “distractions”. Fiscal policy is being promoted as relevant to 2035, very long term productivity issues, the need to fund long term pension commitments, healthcare reforms, population demands by 2050 and he old “look over there” treatment of the republic issue.
I would personally feel much more comfortable if these issues were addressed as a consequence and extension of short to medium term policy implementation. That’s the bit that’s missing at the moment. Has our Prime Minister lost the plot? It’s looking like all he has in the locker has been populism and rhetoric. If that is the case then there never was a plot to start with. Very disappointing for me but he is till commanding popular (populist) support Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 8:35:31 AM
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What'ya mean lost the plot ? He never had one !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 9:25:54 AM
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rehctub wrote:
"Has Rudd simply lost the plot!" I don't think so, His plot to destroy this country is very much on track if you ask many! Posted by RawMustard, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 10:24:11 AM
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It looks like we may have a return to Capital L Liberal Government, as more and more people express disappointment at the present Prime Minister. I am not sure I would like that at all, because the Liberals under JH were the most atheist and ungodly government in the recent history of Australia.
KR tapped into this dissatisfaction, and shifted the rusted on Christian vote from the Liberal Party to his party. However his winning may have not given him a rusted on Christian vote, and his almost pathetic support for climate change measures , exhibits a skin deep trust in Almighty God, and a public repudiation of his Christianity. In Australia today, are some brilliant scientists, whose gifts are almost the same or follow on the brilliance of Nicola Tesla. Some of these scientists are on the cusp of putting all coal fired electricity generation out of business, as Tesla was able to do, except for the blocks put in his way by the copper and coal interests 100 years ago. These scientists have no protection under the Liberal regime started in 1970 in New South Wales and spread like a societal cancer to every Australian State and Territory. This cancer is arbitrary government without reference to a panel of 12 sovereign individuals, drawn from the body politic. I am aware of and verily believe that over unity, or the use of energy drawn from the universe by way of friction as the earth flies through the ether at 25,000 miles an hour, is on the verge of becoming a reality as Tesla predicted it would be at the start of the 20th century. My understanding of gravity is that equilibrium is achieved by the uptake and giving off of equal amounts of sub atomic energy. That is why atoms revolve in perpetuity, and we do not collapse. If KR reforms the fundamental system of government, destroyed by the liberals, between 1970 and 2004, he will deserve to be reelected, but at present he is vulnerable. Garrett and Wong are his albatross, and both are legally trained. Posted by Peter Vexatious, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 11:44:50 AM
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Kevin Rudd is just bowing to his Global Corporate masters,much the same as John Winston Howard.It is not a matter of losing the plot,but relinquishing power to those willing to grant us a moments respite.
You see,in the longer term we will all be slaves to this oligarchy that knows no compassion or justice.Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac that will enslave all our humanity if we as individuals don't have the courage to confront it's perverted intent. The lust for power is inversely proportional to our insecurity. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 7:06:05 PM
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Most of the posts do not deserve an answer, you PV from within the Liberal movement know better.
The thread draws support from,commited Liberals. Is there any room for reality here. I have taken the stick to Rudd on his weakness in Japanese whaling, and other issues, yet he will, without doubt, win an increased majority. Now why is that? It is because so far the only policy your mob have is stalling and stopping legislation. Now take me on if you are brave enough to say I am wrong, even that an increased majority is not a chance but you will fail. As for being a one term government? Without a return to Liberalism, not Howard's brand, it will be after 3 terms at least for Rudd. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 7:27:54 PM
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The labor heavy education outfit will make sure that Rudd wins again. Hopefully though after that, education will once again produce thinkers rather than followers. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 7:49:41 PM
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Belly is too welded to his form of enslavement.It is all about tribal alleigience like the Tutsis and Hutus in Africa.The union movement have found a secure little niche in which they are unaccountable and will not upset the conventional system of Goverance for fear of a logical outcome.The union movement like our Govts exist for their own gratification.Neither of them serve the people.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 10:07:48 PM
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So much hand-wringing and despair - surely the Apocalypse is upon us and Rudd is the AntiChrist!
Behind all the bitching and moaning, do you really think things would really be "better" under the Libs or just "different"? Political criticism and grandstanding is just gainsaying and offering up hypothetical alternatives at best. Look at the all complete turn-arounds in opposition policy done only to cash in on the chance of possible votes. This whining will go on for another 3 years or so and then we all change places and it starts all over again. Nobody ever raised a statue to a critic. How about suggesting some real solutions for a change. Posted by rache, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 11:51:54 PM
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Individual/arjay here I challenge you both,,,to think.
To use your education to remember you both are not especially gifted. Arjay,, again infers I am welded on to every word and act of my party. That given arjays commitment to every conspiracy theory truly insults me. Individual? that old herring that old flogging with a roster feather. If you do not agree with me you are both wrong and ill informed thing. Education is wasted on so very many. It is open minded open hearted thought that makes us grow and learn. No one who has read my posts can think of me as educated, I have grave doubts about some who are. With no doubt ,No fear, I have taken the stick to my party and yes some in the union movement I love. My post history is far more balanced than both posters, arjay your insults here tell me you have no answers, both refused my challenge, increased majority. UNION arjay? the very basis for people movements world wide the reason we have a thing called lifestyle, better health care than America. No Rudd hasn't lost the plot he has not lost an election. He has not lost the voters. I challenge my opponents in this verbal tennis match to first find a racket with strings before stepping onto the court. best get one about 5 meters wide your return needs attention. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 5:07:46 AM
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It is always easy to make assertions when you have a limited exposure to the hurly burly of life, and are buried quietly in the wilds of Northern New South Wales. I am not a rusted on Liberal. In fact the last two elections I voted Labor, because as a Christian I could not countenance the blatant abuse of human rights, in its last two terms that the Liberal Party was legislating into illegal but un-challengeable law.
Unfortunately the Labor Party federally is still committed to abuse of human rights, and unwilling to stop such abuse by the States. The culprits are the 30 lawyers in the Labor Party in the House of Representatives, and a few in the senate. Human rights abuses are possible because the Australian Federal Police are a lazy bunch of fellows and girls, and have not taken seriously their commission, in S 8 of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 to execute and maintain the laws of the Commonwealth. You could feel the relief in the Christian community when Howard was eventually defeated. If you have a good memory you will know that Latham was leading by the same margin as Rudd just seven weeks out from the 2004 election. He came out and said he was an atheist, and the Christians fell away, and in compulsory voting shifted camp back to the devil they knew. Systematic abuse of human rights is still the policy of State Governments. Human rights are set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Parliament of the Commonwealth legislated this into law, but the saboteurs of the Rudd Government, the white ants of his integrity, like Robert McClelland and his mate Father Frank Brennan, insist it is not law. They are doing everything they can to stop Rudd being an effective leader. The core of the problem is the belief that human beings are corporations, and as children of the Parliament created by the Parliament are subject without redress to whatever laws the Parliament may choose to make. I just wish Kevin would wake up. Posted by Peter Vexatious, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 8:58:51 AM
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Everyone is entitled to have dreams and aspirations. Martin Luther King had a dream that all Americans would one day be equal. Belly has a dream that Kevin Rudd will have three terms. However dreams do not fill empty bellies, put roofs over homeless people, end global warming if it exists, or ensure a Prime Minister will pass his exam at the end of the term.
When we look back at the Rudd government, if that is to be its fate, it will probably be the tour by Father Frank Brennan and Mary Kostakidas, around Australia at the behest of Robert McClelland that will be marked as a tipping point. Copenhagan and the assumption that the Sovereignty of Australia as a corporation could be assigned to a foreign power called the United Nations is another. However the worst criminal act of the present government is its failure to rein in and curb rampant dishonesty by State Governments. Paul Keating’s government passed a lot of laws that were very beneficial to the Commonwealth. Howards government blocked and opposed every one of them, and to do so maintained the Courts they created in the Federal Court of Australia and High Court during the Fraser years. The Family Court is still an abomination. None of these can be maintained as legal, because none are prepared to abide the laws made by Paul Keating’s government. As corporations, people have no right to challenge the board of directors, in corporate Australia, while the government treats criminals as people but civilians as corporations. Australian Law was predicated upon a Royal Identifier. One Seal that was representing the ultimate authority, which to Christians is Almighty God. A copy of that Seal is affixed to the website here: That Seal was affixed to the Australian Constitution. It was affixed to the Proclamation making Australia a self governing Nation. But it is evidence of the only One World Government that will work. That is government under the Rule of Law set out in the Holy Bible. 520,000 Commonwealth subjects died in World War II defending that concept Posted by Peter Vexatious, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 9:45:45 AM
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rehctub, indi(bloody)val,et al,
To which plot are you referring? Me thinks you mean he's lost the plot you wanted him to adopt. Personally I'm glad he didn't, logic dictates that we would be in real bother had he adopted your views. That isn't to say that as a leader he isn't flawed and only slightly better that what else is in parliament that he can be replaced with. I do think that it is the likes of you with your hands-off-but complain-a-lot-at-whom-ever is in the seat attitude, that maintains the system whereby we have a parliament full of party and self interested politicians. I have long campaigned for a more equitable *system*. I find it interesting to note that the best the ad hominem brigade can offer is tweedle dee in lieu of tweedle dum. Note the abject hypocrisy of The Mad Monk's utterances about virginity advocating his girls should hang on to it. Despite Daddy believing he had an illegitimate son.i.e. he certainly didn't protect his. In truth gentlemen, you are entitled to your opinions but so long as the *SYSTEM* remains the criticisms, in the topic's context is moot. Posted by examinator, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 10:04:30 AM
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The infantile temper-tantrum-tossing krudd hasn't vacated any of his Peking predator panderer positions nor drifted from the plot.
Like his similarly self-and-own-culture-loathing ideological twin (who has also never had an actual job, cashed an earned check, been responsible to a profit, met a payroll, worked even a night-shift at a 7-Eleven or driven a day-shift in a cab!) at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC, the Canberra krudd lives in an entirely delusionally-fantasized fascistic fairyland - a utopia that will exist when he and his pseudo-intellectual elitist ilk create it. The Canberra krud marches to a band whose ump pah-pahs reach the ears only of similar self-anointed savants - in the vacant lots of whose minds flourishes only the narcissistic noxious weed the rest of us call the Power Lust. And just as his positives are our negatives, his spending represents our losses, his "carbon credits" represent the theft of Peter Spencer's property -- and of that of every other land-owner? Thus he sees as his greatest triumphs those of his actions and activities that we perceive to be his most horrendous failures and to be most destructive of our freedoms and to effect the most egregious advancement of the totalitarian tyranny into which we, post-Whitlam, are being whirled? Our every loss marks the totalitarian tyrant's every win! Brian Richard Allen Lost Angels - Califobambicated 90028 And the Very Far Abroad Posted by Brian Richard Allen, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 4:43:57 PM
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Welcome BRA and what a load of rubbish!
PV hardly the wild north coast here mate. And come, you while focused on other things are not silly, do you think location ensures understanding Rudd has the next election in the bag, within not much more than one week poor old Tony Abbott takes the stage, the sexist, betrayer of his own leader own stated thoughts gets his chance. It is already written, not unlike mad Mark Latham he has quickened the heart beat of some in his party. The end result stand by for the very same outcome. What then In Rudd's second term some shine will come of, the fact is it always was going to happen. But who can turn the shattered internally crippled[ it is you know] conservatives party, it will only be one party soon, not Abbott. Without a healing, without dumping such as the shadow minister for smoking and dead wood like Tucky and both Bishops Rudd or his successor is assured of three terms. I get the feeling PV you only give credit to your brand of Christian. And Latham? he takes the credit for not being the man he said he was, in his own way his self destruction was his only service of worth he ever did the ALP, one I remain grateful for. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 5:34:42 PM
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Examinator; To which plot are you referring?
Acctually, I was refering to his plans for population growth in the next few decades. It is just that his supporters have come out in force to defend something that I have not mentioned here. Almost a perceived guilt trip hey! In any case, his past two odd years have yielded very few 'completed' trophies to skite about. Now if we had an over supply of fruit, veg etc that was forcing prices down, or, if we had doctors emptying bins due to lack of work, or, if we had two teachers and one aid per class room, or, if we has near zero unemployment, or, if we had no such things as over crowded detention centers for immigrents, OR, if we had no water restrictions or no housing crisis, or no aging population crisis luming, THEN and only THEN should we consider boosting our population by some 60%. So I ask again, Has he lost the plot? Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 7:10:56 PM
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Ah rechtub again and again you get those boots on intent on kicking your Krudd doll and fall over them.
While Abbott says different now, he and his party believe population is the growth food we need, that may very well not be true. Growth is not always a good idea. But both ships of state, look at migration figures under Howard, both temp and full time, we have to convince both sides it is wrong. After the election, after voters have spoken, you without doubt, will say voters have lost the plot. you will remember this post, try so hard not to say it, but you will say it. it is crystal clear you see only your views and dislikes and have no intention of letting the light of reality shine in, who has lost the plot? Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 January 2010 5:30:02 AM
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Belly, for some reason you are obsessed with the forth comming election.
I have little doubt the libs can win, however, I do think that Krudd is trying very hard to loose. At present we export approx 80% of the food we produce. That means there is 20% left to feed the masses and, 80% that generates income that is required for us to survive. The word 'survive' is appropriate I think, however, Prosper would be more pleasing. Now assumming we increase our population by 60%, that means we also need to increase production by 60%, otherwise there is a real inbalance. Now with our dwindling farmland, dwidling water supply and our half cocked plans to reduce carbon outputs. Please explain how on earth we are going to achieve this and stay competetive with nations that have not signed the kyoto agreement or agreed to emmisions cuts ? Now as for my toppic, it has nothing to do with the failings of the Rudd government, rather, it has to do with how he can think we can sustain a population increase of 60% (many non english speaking) and be a world front runner on emmisions reduction. From the words of Pauline; "please explain"? If this guy was in business he would be broke! Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 28 January 2010 9:38:26 PM
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Let us get back to basics rechtub.
the fact we EXPORT 80% of our food is commerce in action, good, trade, welcome to those who grow it. And obsessed, bloke too many early mornings opening that shop. Again and again you get into Rudd claim he is a lost sol and about to fall over. no he has already won the next election, increased majority. Do you bet on horses? I love it and grab a paper first thing to look at tomorrow. Read the form bloke, not your own opinions get the good oil, see what the owners trainers jockeys form followers and expert say. Look the horses over see are they breathing well. Backing Abbott is like having a few bob on the clerk of the course to win and the ambo driver to run second. Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 January 2010 4:16:41 AM
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We all sooner of later get a plot if we don’t decide to go up in smoke. However while we are alive we ought to be treated with a bit of respect. My beef with Kevin is that he still subscribes to the philosophy, even though he is a Christian, that the government is entitled to legislate over living breathing human beings, as if the State were their father and mother. This is the communist manifesto, and is a lingering legacy of 70 years of the Soviet Union. While it was a very powerful rogue State, it paid for lots of subversives to study in Moscow, and it influenced the Prime Ministers of Australia from Bob Menzies onwards.
Living breathing people are entitled to a living breathing court, ( note the lack of capital letters) in which the soul less corporation, the State must take them to rip them off. This of course is not possible in a court, with living breathing human beings in it as judges. ( NB the lack of capitals). These are the words of the Constitution. In S 79 Constitution the words court and judges are uncapitalised and judges is plural. If KR lost the plot he lost it a long time ago. Probably when he was learning Chinese. The Chinese have had the corporate State forever, and no Chinese person has ever been anything but a child of mother China, until they leave. Even then they were keen to die there. Not so those who have made themselves Australian Christians. Since before he was elected I have been writing to KR pointing this out in good faith. That is never illegal here, and some of us ( plenty of doubters) thought he would listen, but so far his ears are not working, and we still have nine separate countries governing twenty two million people. Most of us have two governments, One State and One Federal. This is not the deal done in 1900. Perhaps that red headed woman, who terrified Tony Abbott was right, and he is prepared to admit we need One Nation. Posted by Peter Vexatious, Friday, 29 January 2010 4:49:36 AM
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When politics got turned on its head in 1998 by a woman from Ipswich, the very roots of the two party system were shaken and stirred. The Centre of Politics polarized, and eleven seats in Queensland voted to shift from Labor and National to One Nation. Many seats just hung on by a thread, but systematic denigration of some policies eventually destroyed the Party, but not the want. The want for One Nation, instead of the United Republics of Australia is still out there, and we the Christian Centre, who have always controlled government, when we have had a choice, want a United Nation.
When John Curtin saw we needed a United Nation, he was elected easily. Ben Chiffley also was elected but he wanted to go too far too soon, so Ming got in. When Ming got in we still had an independent High Court. He thought we needed to ban the Communist Party, and failed because of the High Court. He fixed it in 1953, by insisting on Rules of Court to destroy Australian Unity. Only after sustained public outcry would the High Court accept anything after 1953, unless the Government brought it on. In 2004, in the worst example of public servant obsequiousness, the High Court was allowed to make itself irrelevant, and is still so. It took the one unifying aspect of its existence off its process. That Aspect was the Crown. It is worse than the Exclusive Brethren, it is a government boot licker. The High Court Rules 2004 are illegal and KR knows this. Beware KR. Despite the rusted on, well meaning people like Belly, only 51% of Australians can consign you to history. We want One Nation. We want these State based mongrels put in their place. Mongrels who want to imprison without a jury trial, for unpaid fines. Mongrels who harass single mums for money, when they are on Centrelink. Victoria is seething with resentment, and Victoria was the push for Federation into One Nation. My political antennae tell me we are ready for a Hansonite, to unite the Nation without racism Posted by Peter Vexatious, Friday, 29 January 2010 5:14:29 AM
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Well done belly you have avoided yet another issue.
Just how are we going to manage to sustain the projected 60% increase and, minimise our carbon output and, remain competetive? Please explain this to me. ps. I may have missled you with regards to abbott. I don't think he can win, but I do think labor can loose. Esspecially if rud continues to dig holes. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 29 January 2010 7:17:12 PM
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I see a group in this crows council.
Quite a few sitting on a fence smirking and saying how much they will give it to Belly after they win this election. Yet I seem of late, a challenge exists between me and one other,to be the only one to go on record an increased majority to Rudd. WHY. Most Australians Say so, in the polls. Abbott is still always will be, himself no leader. Conservatives not unlike American republicans are very much in the minority, few remember that. A true Liberal team is not standing for election,the winners, for a time, of an internal war are. Much, look truely, of the anti Rudd anti Obama stuff is a lie. I challenge yet again those who think Abbott is your trump card to say so here in this forum. You have amo, climate change is concerning many, the foolish mistakes and miss information, the lies see some unsure. Green insistence on wanting much more radical outcomes than a majority will except or no out come has splintered the forces of change. But Kevin Rudd will win, Tony Abbott will fail, he must to start rebuilding the conservatives. Put your reasons, your answers to my views on record so after the election it will be clear. Who got it right conceit? no just a firm understanding, we each must look at issues not personal wants and wishes if we find our selves in a minority we must understand that, I defended Latham once it became clear he was a fake. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 January 2010 5:26:48 AM
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I agree with Peter Vexatious.The time is now ripe for a political party that truely represents the people.Both the major parties are in the pockets of the Corporations.
We in Aust desperately need a proper constitution.Any new party must have in it's constitution that no Corporate donations be taken. In the USA the Supreme Court has just ruled 5 to 4 that Corps can donate as much as they like to Political Parties.This means that foreign Cops can now determine who the Govts will be.Democracy in the USA is all but dead. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 30 January 2010 4:16:41 PM
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Belly, you will soon have your answer to Rudd's confiedence levels if and when his once failed ETS gets rejected again, as, this will be the perfect trigger for a DD election. He failed to use this opportunity last time, let's wait and see what he does this time.
My opinion is that, if faced with that prospect, he will use the old 'it's to close to us running our full term to call an early election' and, this in it's self will be proof that he is concerned. His concerns would not be of loosing the election so much, as I doubt this will happen, rather, his concerns would be for fear of him loosing the confiedence of many voters while governing with an oppisition as weak as he has had. It would quite simply be a case of 'he just didn't loose badly enough to be voted out of office', and that's a worry for us all. Dispite the wows of workchoices, nobody can denie that our country boomed during the howard years and, in less than two years, all the spoils have been wasted, and some! Just look at Rudds failures; Solar, insulation, school funding programes, boat people, fuel watch, grocery watch and maybe My-school. The only thing he did achieve was to waste billions in record time, but, I doubt this is a trophy that he will be eager to display! Ah, did I mention stealing billions from our farmers and placing us in an anti-competetive position with our global trade partners, all so he could be seen as 'being green'! Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 31 January 2010 10:00:23 AM
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Everyone is overcomplicating this: Like any politician Krudd sees the population as TAXPAYERS - so when we need more money, how ya gonna get it? - HAVE MORE POPULATION - simple really...
Posted by Spinner, Sunday, 31 January 2010 2:18:49 PM
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Well rechtub I blame you, about 3 hours ago you had me hitting the key board just a bit hard.
Broke a finger on boxing day and it is the one I tap out my answers with. So I lost my post. found nothing to agree with in your list of failures. Did however see your often displayed lack of understanding of politics. Rudd if he calls it now[ the best time for conservatives] or on time will win more seats than he has now. And butcher you have overlooked a fact. two Liberals, true Liberals, have reserved the right to cross the floor in the senate. Now if Bob Brown wants to highlight how out of touch he is, just before an election. He can say his way or no way. And show me a conservative or Labor voter who wants such an extreme climate policy introduced. Brown may well back down, should something is better than nothing. Then Rudd has no DD trigger. And conservatives can go into an election on time fully charged up on fear and loathing of global warming, AND Labor will still win. The lost tribe of right wing pirates running the once Liberal party MUST fail before Liberalism can rebuild towards a return to government in 2016. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 31 January 2010 6:12:13 PM
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Belly; found nothing to agree with in your list of failures.
Tell me you're kidding! Solar; The funding for his scheme was pulled overnight and many companies only found out through the media. Insulation; Some companies invested millions on plant to manufature insulation here, which, besides helping meet demands, also would have created jobs. The rebate was slashed by 25% overnight. Fuel watch; A joke! Grocery watch; Another joke! Boat people; A mexican standoff that lead to Rudd giving in and allowing many people to jump the que. The stimulus; Billons spent, much of it wasted, now gone and very few jobs created. My school; Imagine if a kid accesses this site and finds that mum and dad send them to a crap school. How would this make them feel? Belly, Rudds failures are there for all to see. If you choose to have blinkers on then so be it. BTW, have you seen the latest news poll? Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 6:40:14 AM
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rechtub you good thing!
True bloke you make me feel good. You both over estimate your understanding. And devalue mine. ON RECORD now, I still say an increased majority to Rudd. polls or no polls. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 5:03:06 PM
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Well Belly, as we know polotics is a dirty game.
Watching Kerry Obrien on the 730 report last night was evidence that the media can have a huge influence on polotics as he tried very hard to discredit Tony Abbott on his parties climate change policy. So to come out and make a clear statement about an election outcome at this point would not be wise as we have witnessed politicians being tried by media many times before. Only time will tell, but, Krudd appears to have a few concerns to deal with. Now, once again, would you please refrain from your 'smoke and mirrors responses' and answer my question; Q: Just how are we going to manage to sustain the projected 60% population increase and, minimise our carbon output and, remain competetive on the global playing field? After all, this is what my thread was about and as yet, you have failed to address this issue. Perhaps it's time you either 'put up' or 'shut up' hey! Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 3 February 2010 6:47:21 AM
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We simply CAN'T sustain that sort of population increase AND reduce emissions AND maintain standard of living. Adjustment and change is going to be inevitable - it's a worldwide reality - but the question for Australia is - figuratively speaking: to lose weight do we eat sensibly and exercise and shed a sensible amount over a sensible period - or do we instead hack great chunks of fat off for the same sort of result instantly? - ie. is the resultant haemoraging and pain really justified?.
For those too obtuse to get it: policies like artificially boosting population thru immigration, and reducing emissions thru big stick "encouragement" like the ETS rather than incentive and technology driven avenues are equivalent to hacking away the fat. Posted by Spinner, Friday, 5 February 2010 9:36:22 AM
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Sorry rechtub did not see your questions, often skip bits of your posts not rude just ROFL.
no new coal fired power stations, forget greens and fear tactics build only gas fired AND Nuclear power stations. Bring back solar rebates ,even no interest loans to help pay for homes to be self sufficient, mine will be, I already am black out proof solar and battery's. Take tax from LPG keep it of, take half sales tax of Aussie made LPG only cars. recycle all sewage inland not into the sea,get serious about it look for better ways to cut greenhouse gases. PUT ETS in place but at lowest end until others follow. Stop all payments to have children until we stop so very many being dumped on grand parents and non family people. Build smaller cheaper housing more of them, use land away from current city's but make sure fast public transport is both cheap, and available 24/7 Get whole country involved in self funding retirement, super, insure it is partly kept to fund retirement not blown on second home. Consider tax breaks for childless couples why not? refine government instrumentality's not privatize them help them to work, contract out management rolls, all of them. enough so far? will return with interest but understand it is not personnel dislike, I do not think like you, gladdy would have a beer with you but must confront you often. makes for interesting posts. Posted by Belly, Friday, 5 February 2010 5:36:42 PM
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Going into specifics:
Power consumption: 1. a Korean fellow has invented a box that "conditions" household power current with claimed reduction in real consumption of 12% - if this is for real then all new houses should be REQUIRED to have them, with retrofit to older houses cumpulsory within 5 years. 2. Either apply something like ETS - ie. immediate increase in household power cost per unit - but offer rebates for staying under a certain "threshold" (determining the reasonable consumption threshold is the tricky bit). Else absolutely don't increase power cost - reduce it in fact if possible - but use a quota system - ie. work out the same threshold as described above and consumption above that is made to cost an astronomical amount. In other words offer REAL targets and INCENTIVES rather than the BIG STICK. General Emissions: 1. Power consumption should naturally reduce as a result of the measures I've described above - good oh - power stations discharge should reduce or at least not have to increase as much as otherwise might be the case as population increases. 2. Cars - there should be SERIOUS incentives to own hybrid vehicles - ie. to own a Prius or Fiesta Econetic or anything similar should cost less than $15000 - ON THE ROAD - and registration should be VERY cheap for such vehicles as well. INCENTIVES THAT ACHIEVE RESULTS PEOPLE! Posted by Spinner, Saturday, 6 February 2010 7:43:06 AM
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Societal - ie. standard of living and services protection:
1. Government needs to realise there's a damned good reason why important sectors like metropolitan Public Transport (rail and road), communications, power, water and medical NEED to be state owned: * It provides a secure and stable employment base for a LOT of people. * It provides stable and standardised supply of the services to the community (in simple terms economic factors don't determine the standard of any given service according to location - as IS the case with corporate admin of such things). * Because state run services are not profit centred, the cost to consumers can be kept down without having to impact on staff levels or even efficiency - worst case the services can be run at a loss being propped up by public funds - goverment wastes so much money on rubbish that keeping people employed is IMO actually a worthwhile "waste" - evidently there's danger of govenment / establishment inefficiency and corruption creeping in so costs end up just TOO high - that needs always to be guarded against. Example: It's ridiculous the way Queensland State government points to the way QR produces very little profit to add to the government coffers so therefor might as well be sold off.... THAT'S the POINT! - it's government owned and run service - it isn't SUPPOSED to MAKE money! It's meant to be available to the community at a reasonable cost - not what private enterprise HAS to charge to be viable! 2. More personal income needs to be comulsorily put into retirement funds - this is simply a no brainer - just about everyone has $300 000 + mortgages but we're bleating about being able to support old age? I just don't get it. Posted by Spinner, Saturday, 6 February 2010 7:46:15 AM
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Spinner two very good posts I agree.
I in fact live a life of involvement in government departments, see shiftiness cover ups, white wash, extremely bad management daily. In NSW second best often third rate management is the problem not your average workers. Yes minister is not a British comedy show, it is real life under any form of government. NSW rail is in festered with fraud and crime, it is the norm for family's of employees to win contracts, every department give contracts to ex employees. Want to be well of? join the NSW RTA become an engineer, serve for years then take a redundancy, a lot of cash, then come back, full time. on a contract paying far more, it helps if you failed in private enterprise, failures are at home in such places. far easier to plant weeds in the garden then claim it must go, than be accountable for failure. Solar power for homes will work, total cost was $11.000 for a mate he gets money back, produces more than he uses. Country homes, like mine wast no water the re cycle system uses every drop on my garden, clean water not anything else we can do better. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 6 February 2010 4:54:52 PM
Now considering we don't have enough teachers to teach our own english speaking kids, how on earth can we teach these immirants to speak english.
Immagine sitting in a hospital waiting room as one of 20, well, this will then become one in 32.
Is it fair to assume that a 60% increase in population also means a 60% increase in consumption of, fuel, power, gas etc.
A 60% increase on demands of all services and that's assumming they all speak english.
We can't fund our health system or our education system now. We can't provide for all retirerees. We can't tend to our needy now, what make this guy think we can by bringing in all these immigrants.
Is it just me, or has he lost the plot!