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The Forum > General Discussion > foxy's a first time graaaaany ! that sarted me thinking.....

foxy's a first time graaaaany ! that sarted me thinking.....

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Dear Yabby,

I was born in the US in 1925. Most boys born in that time were circumcised whether they were Jewish or not. It had nothing at all to do with the Nazis or the Jewish reaction to the Nazis. It is simply not true regardless of what you were told.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 3:04:14 PM
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Yabby, I agree with David f. Although, I think, it was a protestant verses Catholic thing. In North Queensland in the early 1900 untill the WW2 the availability of Preachers & Doctors in some of the small towns had a lot to do with what you were Christened & whether you got the cut or not. My fathers family of 9 (3 boys)were all different Religious Denominations & only my father, b.1921, being the youngest & 18 years later then the rest, was circumsized. The Nazi thing is rubbish.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 4:07:04 PM
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'Unfortunately there are still some men who want their boy to 'look like them' and seek to have him circumcised.'

Suze, you're a master of spin.

For every one of these men there is a new mother who thinks a circumsized penis just 'looks nicer'. I saw a documentary with a woman like that just the other day.

Probably the same types of women who never give head anyway.


'and I've never
regretted it being done.'

Have your sons?;-)


'I agree with you too re: circumcision '

Oh that doesn't surprise me at all! It's a wonder you don't offer your services at hospitals.

Of course, women are born perfect, the natural male needs bits cut off his sex organs.

If there were some medical justification for any part of a woman's sex organs to be routinely cut off, there would be an outcry from feminists about the misogynist patriarchy brutalising and disfiguring women's natural beautiful sex organs.

No cry to the contrary when it's men's bodies of course. When the historically male medical fraternity decides mutilating little boys genitals is the best thing, it's considered a valid trade-off, best medical knowledge of the time etc.

But if it were little girls, well, it'd be considered blatant misogyny, a human rights issue, men deciding what's best for women where they have no business having an opinion, the full monty! You only need to look at the natural birth groups who demonise all those nasty male doctors who dare to save woman's lives through caesareans to know it's true. Hands off women's bodies! Birth is natural!

But with foreskins, well, even though I'm a woman, I think I can make the call. As Foxy says, she never regretted it.

Now, where is James...
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 4:15:09 PM
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Houellebecq, I really don't think this is the forum to discuss sexual practice might want to try

After my comment that many men had their son's circumcised because they wanted them to look like themselves,
Houellebecq rants, <" For every one of these men there is a new mother who thinks a circumsized penis just 'looks nicer'. I saw a documentary with a woman like that just the other day."

I'm sorry, but how many new mothers and fathers have you had this discussion with at the time that circumcision was in vogue? None?

I had the chat with many hundreds of new parents.
Guess what?
Daddy almost always had the first and last say about sonny's penis, and that's a fact.
Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 6:28:45 PM
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Dear Yabby and Houellie,

This is not an issue for me guys!

Circumsize or don't, - the choice is
up to you as parents. My grandson wasn't, -
and I think that's fair enough!

As I tried to politely explain to the
Yabster - my two sons were born in
Los Angeles - where it was done
automatically - as part of the normal
procedure of that time - for hygenic
reasons. And it's never been an issue
for them.

If it's such a big deal for you guys -
then take my advice and don't have
anything snipped.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 6:41:33 PM
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cont'd ...

For your information - (and your sons),
to keep you up to date:
The Benefits of Male Circumcision.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 27 January 2010 7:05:11 PM
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