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The Forum > General Discussion > foxy's a first time graaaaany ! that sarted me thinking.....

foxy's a first time graaaaany ! that sarted me thinking.....

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Dear Pynch,

Thank You for the Congratulations.
Much appreciated.

Dear Wybong,

Thank You. I'm happy to hear that I'm
not the only one who finds all this a
life changing experience - and yes -
it does make one more conscious about
what the future holds - and the legacy
we'll leave for the following generations.

Dear Banjo,

Thank You - especially for giving me such a positive
insight for what's waiting for me in the future.
It will be sometime though - as this little
fellow is only 4 days old. But they know that
I'll do whatever they need, whenever they need it.
Babysitting - and whatever else they want.

Dear Examinator,

Your adopted Gran sounds amazing!
What a Lady!

My mother-in-law was a bit self-sacrificing
as well.
She gave up a high-paying job to go and work
at Mount Royal Hospital - looking after the aged.
She gave up her career - and studied nursing.
Completed the course - and for many, many years -
worked caring for the aged.
They made her a Governor of Mount Royal - after
she retired. For her it was a labour of love - she
did her job with great care and love.

Hating Russians? You can
hate the regime, but not the people - surely?
And my Gran was not one of the "invaders," - she
actually ran from the Bolshie regime as did many
of her fellow Russians. She was lucky enough to
come out to Australia with her Lithuanian husband,
(my grandfather) and my parents, as dsplaced
people, after World War II
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 January 2010 7:32:46 PM
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Ok Foxy, so we can sum it up for you:

Never mind the cellulite, stretch marks and wrinkles, they simply
don't matter. The grandkid will think that you are wonderful, as
you are!
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 24 January 2010 9:46:36 PM
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I would spend summers and sometimes more with my grandmother and grandfather in Lake Placid, N. Y. up in the Adirondack Mountains. I became very afraid of losing my grandmother. I didn’t want her or my grandfather to die. I can remember the odour of liniment that she used on her aching body. I recall her scent of clean clothes, garden and liniment. I still have her bottle of Sloan’s Liniment.

Her legs were shapeless and thick with the oedema that afflicts some old people when they retain fluids. Sloan’s Liniment helped to ease her aching body.

I asked, “Ma, why are your legs so thick?” I called her ‘Ma.’ Her children did so why shouldn’t I?

She looked at me and held me close. In a dreamy voice she said, “When I was a young and beautiful woman in Eishyshok (a small town in Lithuania) on a starry night I went swimming in the river. The smell of cedar and the reflections in the water so took me that I was not aware of the nearby water mill until I was drawn into the water wheel. I was so battered that my legs were no longer shapely when I got out. That’s why my legs are like this.”

Of course, I believed my grandmother. She was rigidly honest and would not lie to me. It was only years later that I realised that she did not want me to think of the infirmities of age. However, I did think of age. I heard that eating eggs promoted longevity so I advised my grandmother to eat eggs. Somehow, I knew this good time would not last.

In telling this story I am keeping her memory alive.

I loved my grandmother so much that my eyes tear when I think of her. May your grandchildren feel the same way.
Posted by david f, Monday, 25 January 2010 9:40:40 AM
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As I understand it albeit third hand my birth family were peasant stock and they saw Russians as non-Latvians and as such invader/occupiers.
They also had enmity towards Catholics. This was evidenced by the unofficial orphanage refusing my brother and sister being adopted together by a Catholic Latvian family. Resulting in my sister being adopted and my brother being left in the 'home'.
Fortunately, I missed all that peasant angst and specific prejudice.....I hate everyone equally (he he he) ;-)

I'm such a naughty boy.
Posted by examinator, Monday, 25 January 2010 9:47:07 AM
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Dear Yabby,

Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
You big softie you!
You're pretty great yourself!
Big hug!

Dear David F,

Thank You for your kind words and for
sharing your grandmother with us on OLO.
I would be happy if my grandchild
would learn to love me at least half as much
as you loved your amazing grandmother.
When you write with such emotion - you provide
a window into the wonderful soul of the man
that is - David F.
Again - Thank You!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 January 2010 10:09:22 AM
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Dear Examinator,

I doubt if you're capable of hating
anyone. And, I don't see you as a
'naughty boy,' at all.
A boyish charmer? - Absolutely!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 January 2010 6:58:10 PM
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