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The Forum > General Discussion > I'm not sure this is the answer?

I'm not sure this is the answer?

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The French are examining a law that outlaws Psychological violence between partners.
Great idea in theory * ut* would you judge it what is or isn't PV i.e. word against word.
How would you enforce it? Would it be equally enforced gender wise?
Is it a bridge too far police intruding into the private lives of the couples?
Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 5 January 2010 1:34:39 PM
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I'm struggling to come up with a coherent comment for this. Part of me thinks it is retarded to even attempt to police decency and another part suggests psychological violence is already policed. You CAN be done for assault if you put the fear of God into someone. The hard part is proving it.

I believe there is also countless on-going examples of domestic violence that doesn't involved physical contact. My old man was a tyrant when I was young and the damage that did to my mum was horrendous for her spirit, her health, and her general well being.

Really, I think people need to take responsibility for their own lives and figure out what they will and won't tolerate in a relationship. Psychological violence seems to me to either be a precursor to further physical violence if the couple are starting out or its basically been enabled by the victim through tolerating behaviour that becomes habit and 'not wanting to rock the boat'. My mother inlaw is the latter.
Posted by StG, Tuesday, 5 January 2010 6:45:33 PM
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Dear Examinator,

I think that this law may be a step in
the right direction. Of course it's not
going to be easy to prove, and does have
the potential of being mis-used. However,
the same things were said about bullying
and harrassment in the workplace - and we
now have laws in place for them. Psychological
abuse can be just as damaging, and in some cases,
even more damaging then physical violence.
The echoes can last a life-time. The results
can be devastating - as your website points out.

However if certain safeguards are put in place,
such as assessments by professionals, profiling,
and so on - a law such as this one may just save
quite a few lives from being destroyed. Or at the
very least - may make people aware that their words
do have consequences. That "sticks and stones," are
not the only things that can do damage. Words do hurt
as well!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 5 January 2010 7:08:11 PM
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unPsychologically believable!

So the wife nags:
"You're drinking too much"!

The husband reply's: "Your constant nagging is driving me to drink"!

The judge just scratches his head in total dismay and then charges them both for psychological violence against him :)

What a load of Krudd!

Every day the world witnesses political fools who have nothing better to do than to think of ways to psychological violate sane people!

I give up, this world is not worth arguing about. The sooner someone drops the bomb the better!

Oh and I've just demanded charges against the original poster for psychological violence against this group ;)
Posted by RawMustard, Tuesday, 5 January 2010 8:41:14 PM
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Well, I think we've jumped the gun a bit?

Do we not need to start with a definition?

What does in the view of OLO members:

1. Psychological mean?


2. What does violence mean?

Perhaps a quick scan of "Common Law" at say:

will reveal any determinations as to what this country's law considers to be "sustained non physical abuse/intimidation" if anything.

Research of course suggests that psychological abuse during a child's formative years can have serious consequences.
Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 5 January 2010 10:35:15 PM
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My God. That'll put about 90% of women in deep "Poo Poo" won't it.

It'll never happen. The courts won't let you say a women has psychologicaly abused a man anyway. They are supposed to be the weaker sex & have to be protected from "men." Advice from a Lawyer.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 6 January 2010 9:41:09 AM
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