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Abbott on Boat people

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Sorry rstuart I find that weird,and a cop out.
Having shared my views Crean and Latham betrayed the party, started threads about the dead, murdered by its own members NSW ALP my runs are on the board.
I never walk my party's line.
But Abbott?
now surely most share my view of the two, yes only two party's can win, Labor is the only electable one.
Greens are a refugee camp for ex ALP and true left voters, no future government Will ever be driven by Bob Brown.
Only he impresses me less than mad Abbott.
In truth can I believe this of you rstuart? that your whole thought process is controlled by the party you vote for?
No I would never think that.
Yes it is true, for just a few, they are indeed few but any person, any at all, who thinks his/her party no matter right or wrong, is an enemy of that party.
Constant change and improvement is the only path to better outcomes.
Last note this, John Howard, dislike him as I do, would never ever be silly enough to say what Abbott did.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 3 January 2010 6:10:54 PM
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* It is hypocritical in the extreme for Abbott only the other day arguing about safety and people travelling in leaky boats and then to advocate for a policy to turn those same leaky boats around*

Not so Pelican, somebody has to be a smartarse and try to prove
you wrong, so I will have a go :)

We know very well from the Howard years, that the quickest way to
stop the boat trade, is to turn some around and send them back.
The message soon gets out, people stop wasting their money and
the boats stop coming.

So the saying that "sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind"
has some merit. For in total, alot less people will risk their
lives on leaky boats, once a few are turned around and sent back.

Note how few boats arrived, once Howard implimented that strategy
and note the 60 plus boats that arrived, once word got out that
Kevie was a soft touch.

I am certainly no Abbott fan, but on this point that you have
made, you are clearly incorrect, as the evidence shows
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 3 January 2010 9:15:42 PM
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Posted by Belly, Sunday, 3 January 2010 6:10:54 PM

" ... Greens are a refugee camp for ex ALP and true left voters, no future government Will ever be driven by Bob Brown. Only he impresses me less than mad Abbott. ... "

That's amazing! *Belly* can see the future. What's your next trick poppet? Walk on Water?


We're getting to you aren't "we?"


OY! I'll tell U how it is. John Howard in my view is a filthy little child abuser. And that goes for his mates too.

*Bob Brown* would never knowingly abuse anyones kids under any circumstances.

Nor would he socially degrade the weary and the weak legitimate Asylum Seekers.

And whilst he may be but Human, flawed and weak like the rest of us, he appears to be a "good person," for want of a better term, and if he was to become the President of an Australian Republic, I'm sure he would put together a talented team to deal with the the economy etc etc and not indulge in the cronyism that the main parties carry on with.
Posted by DreamOn, Monday, 4 January 2010 12:00:30 AM
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Ah Dream On you tell me you are getting to me but your post proves the reverse I am getting to you.
Your idiotic claim Howard, a waste of the air he breathed, was a child molester is almost mad.
Bob Brown? extremist rather than conservationist.
As much the man responsible for no ETS as any one in Australia.
See the future, yes just maybe, using understanding and a lifetime of studying politics ,I have an understanding.
But you fail to understand the present.
Yabby, Howard did not win by turning boats back at sea.
He made parts of this country non Australia, took rights to appeal away and sent people home from there.
Surprisingly he took many of them in bought them here to settle.
Even I am unsure that we should except so many, or maybe any boat people.
But drown them?
A chance exists we would by the strange wish of Abbott.
Lets think about just what Abbott, or Rudd could have said, we may well have seen support climb if.
A commitment for 20 years minimum prison for boat crews involved in smuggling, life for those who offend more than once.
I could continue but want to underline this, just as Abbott lost votes in trying to win those he already has, a cloud of condemnation will come my way.
Because Greens and the very left, think their cuddle a refugee is a majority wish.
To some extent, not popular but true, most of us, me too, are unhappy with the increasing arrivals.
No government, not any one, can make every one happy, this one is doing very much better than the last in migration via our refugee program, but in my view can do better.
Yep know the pink left will kick me, sorry Bob Brown, that will always be the color I think about when talking of you.
No new votes will be won by Brown as he ages he becomes more remote from reality.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 4 January 2010 5:23:29 AM
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Abbott's blown the dog whistle on refugees because it works. Even rusted on ALP true believers like my old mate Belly respond to it.

Belly, Bob Brown's no extremist. You're letting your fear of the Greens get the better of you.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 4 January 2010 8:00:12 AM
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Seconded CJ- it looks like an obvious case of having paid little attention oneself to Brown and the Greens and let someone else's (media journalist/editor's) stereotypes filled in the lack of information.

It shows because even the slightest information would tell one that Bob Brown won't be Prime Minister because he's a SENATOR.

And I'm saying this as someone who IS pro-border-security, and I can at least appreciate the political value of the Greens.
Posted by King Hazza, Monday, 4 January 2010 8:25:54 AM
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