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The Forum > General Discussion > JFK.E Howard Hunt Ex CIA, Accuses LBJ

JFK.E Howard Hunt Ex CIA, Accuses LBJ

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No, it's not an apology Pericles.

It's an acknowledgement the discussion has finally moved forward, if ever so slightly.

Pericles wrote, "I have always understood that black ops play a part in any regime that needs justification to play the aggressor against their enemies."

Like the US joint Chiefs of Staff who were going to commit acts of terrorism against US residents in 1962 in order to be able to blame it on Cuba and justify and invasion. It was called Operation Northwoods, in case you had forgotten, Pericles. It's a documented fact and no longer a theory. It was only stopped because Presidenk Kennedy had the backbone to stand up to the Generals. (See


Pericles teaches me about German history:

"The Nazis needed an excuse to beat up on Communists, so they framed one poor sap for the Reichstag fire."



Pericles rants incoherently:

"Your problem is, the only people you can find to play the Nazis in this updated conspiracy scenario, are a 'secret cabal of elites'.

"That you cannot identify.


And how did Pericles happen to know that I cannot identifiy any of them?

I haven't memorised all the names, but I know for a fact that some of them are called the Rothschilds and others are called the Rockefellers.

Who do you think Eisenhower was referring to when he warned against the military industrial complex, Perecles?

Here's how Theodore Roosevelt described them:

"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an /invisible government/ owing no allegience and acknowledging no responsibiity to the people. To destroy the /invisible government/.to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first business of statesmanship of the day."
Posted by daggett, Monday, 5 April 2010 11:20:25 PM
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Are you sure you don't have too much time on your hands, daggett?

Keeping two threads going like overkill to me. Especially as you usually have nothing original to offer on either topic.

Finally, though, you are starting to lift the veil a little on the secret cabal of international elites, to whom you attribute a string of terrorist actions perpetrated against innocent citizens, in their pursuit of world domination through the establishment of a New World Order.

Did I get that right, by the way? It was a bit of an effort to write it all out without laughing.

>>I haven't memorised all the names, but I know for a fact that some of them are called the Rothschilds and others are called the Rockefellers.<<

Here's a tip. Don't try to memorise them. Write them down. Then you won't forget them.

And when you can actually point to one, do let us all know, won't you?

Until then, I choose to believe that they exist only in your imagination.

And I suspect I may not be alone in that.

Have a great day. And watch out for those gamma rays, won't you.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 6 April 2010 9:00:37 AM
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Pericles wrote, "Here's a tip. Don't try to memorise them. Write them down. Then you won't forget them."

Actually, Mark Lombardi did precisely that in his "Global Networks" drawings that were critically acclaimed by art critics (before he apparently suicided in 2000). (See "Mark Lombardi: Global Networks" by Robert Hobbs at

The Bush family's part in the invisible Government was also depicted.


Pericles wrote, "Until then, I choose to believe that they exist only in your imagination."

... and presumably also the "imaginations" of Presidents Eisenhower, Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt and Edward Bernays, whose works on "public relations" were used as text books by the Third Reich's propagandists as well as propagandists in the US.

Of the invisible Government, Bernays wrote,

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised opinions and habits of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country ... We are governed, our minds are molded, our tasks form, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind." (Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays, cited in "Towers of Deception - the Media Cover-up of 9/11"(2006) p225 by Barrie Zwicker)

Of course, whether a society in which opinions and habits of the masses are manipulated by an invisible government is truly 'democratic' is questionable.
Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 6 April 2010 10:14:43 AM
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Phew. I thought your last contribution to the other thread was bizarre, daggett. This one defies such a simplistic definition.

Conspiracy theory meets Salvador Dali.

Who'd 'a' thunk it?

I must thank you for the digression into the world of Mark Lombardi. A world as rich and vibrant in the use of the imagination as... yours, I guess.

It's just that he was a better artist, and therefore better known. Otherwise, I'd say you were twins.

I'm also indebted to Maurice Merleau-Ponty for this little gem used by Robert Hobbs in his appraisal of Lombardi's work.

"When I say that every visible is invisible, that perception is imperception, that consciousness has a ‘punctum caecum,’ that to see is always to see more than one sees – this must be understood in the sense of contradiction – it must be imagined that I add to the visible...a nonvisible...– One has to understand that it is visibility itself that involves nonvisibility."

I shall keep this, and treasure it. If I can find the original for proper attribution, I'll definitely be using it in my book.

Quite possibly as the dedication.

It is about as perfect a description of your own thought processes as can be written. Classic.

And how amazingly fortunate for you that Lombardi "committed suicide". Imagine if he had been uncooperative, and died of natural causes...

Every hundred or so of your posts, daggett, you come up with a gem.

This one is certainly in that class.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 6 April 2010 1:58:29 PM
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Pericles wrote, "I must thank you for the digression into the world of Mark Lombardi. A world as rich and vibrant in the use of the imagination as... yours, I guess."

Actually, Pericles, the works were entirely based on news gathered from mainstream newspapers.

Yes, it's hilarious that Mark Lombardi committed suicide, isn't it, Pericles?

No doubt, PynchMe and Christopher also see the humour in this.

At the moment I do not whether or not there were any suspicious circumstances surrounding Mark Lombardi's suicide. All I know is that he is supposed ot have killed himself. The overall number of untimely deaths, whether through heart attacks, cancer, suicides, plane crashes, not to mention assassinations, of people who seem to pose a threat to the invisible Government strikes me as suspicious.


Note Pericles' silence on the fact that former US Presidents Eisenhower, Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt and Edward Bernays seem to share much of my understanding about the Invisible Government (whether or not they approve of it).
Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 6 April 2010 3:55:14 PM
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I have come to look forward to your "Note how Pericles..." paragraphs, daggett. They make me chuckle.

>>Note Pericles' silence on the fact that former US Presidents Eisenhower, Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt and Edward Bernays seem to share much of my understanding about the Invisible Government (whether or not they approve of it).<<

"Former US Presidents Eisenhower, Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt and Edward Bernays" are all well and truly dead, daggett.

So it's difficult to see how they can share much of your understanding of anything, frankly.

But seriously, do you think that one tiny soundbite, out of context, is sufficient to recruit them to your cause - the cause, I should remind you, that there is a secret cabal of international elites (or is that an international cabal of secret elite - no matter) enforcing upon us a New World Order.

Let's just take Bernays, for a moment.

Did you actually bother to read the tract from which you excised that quote?

I thought not.

Here it is, in full.

You see, it is about advertising. Not world domination.

As Chomsky points out:

"His major coup, the one that really propelled him into fame in the late 1920s, was getting women to smoke. Women didn't smoke in those days and he ran huge campaigns for Chesterfield. You know all the techniques—models and movie stars with cigarettes coming out of their mouths and that kind of thing. He got enormous praise for that..."

Nice guy.

Incidentally, this is plain tacky.

>>Yes, it's hilarious that Mark Lombardi committed suicide, isn't it, Pericles?<<

Hilarious may well be your word for it, daggett. It certainly was not mine
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 6 April 2010 5:25:24 PM
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