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The Forum > General Discussion > the racing industry...100 million in grants..sign of unity?

the racing industry...100 million in grants..sign of unity?

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the best reply the bloated belly has is opinion..and flaming..but such is the reply from those who pretend to serve you...just as govt[mainly labourite has sold out the too the unions

to quote the belly button holing his flame attack<<I may well be wrong, but think I am not...NSW sold its TAB betting shops years ago>> this is about qld matie..

<<Part of that deal..was an amount of returns..has to go back to its birth place,>>special deal to special mates[at mates rates?]

HOW COME YOUR NOT REVEALING AMMOUNTS>..talking numbers...100 million...just to the horse racing industry?...what about the other sporting induustries...noting half our news has been subverted to sports/rorts reporting

<<That was how it was..when it was publicly owned..that remains how it is now.>>yes you intrenched powerfull elites have certainly made a next for yourselves,,,nothing ever changes eh matie

<<Not theft from the public purse,..>>PRESENT THE NUMBERS MATIE

<<in fact the very opposite,..far more goes into general revenue..than is returned to the is gambled on>>>BY THE TAB?.,..BY THE GGOVT?...MATE REVEAL NUMBERS..DONT JUST SPIT YA BILE,,PROVE IT


<<Knowing the truth,..further entrenches my view..well reveal the numbers

<<it is worth highlighting this thread is a fraud,.totally wrong.>>oh opinion..about actual news reports/in qld are wrong..but you converting nsw is

<<Given racing..via the sale of the TAB,..and continuing tax's is general revenue more than ever,>>>mate present the num<bers..EVEN THE SALE PRICE...REVEALS THE COLLUSIOON...THEY GOT IT all..IN GRANTS...and then some..INSTEAD OF US GETTING CONSOLIDATED REVENUE..mate..reveal..IF..your one of the sporty types getting the advantage

<<just how wrong this thread got it>>you posted twice on it...and presented no rebuttal of the facts...and got the state wrong...just like you gpot everything else wrong

PRESENT THE much tab got sold much much sports/rorts....paid out

<<And ask..we all consider..some truly questionable claims..being made on other subjects>> the special/intrests..that run everything from unions to sports govt's two party SYSTEM...and so much more
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 December 2009 6:08:17 AM
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it seems..i have hit a nerve..bellies/overeaction..and attack has made me i googled..sports/funding...and its far worse than i realised...OR YOU REALISE

take this..the first link

study it...see..its a[1]council..[and i was talking..of..'one funding aspplication/by a

but one/'s so/much..of its/our/ sports..[many indirectly]...think on this..

they get land/ heck of a lot/of funding

remember this began..with 100 the equestrian sports rort..but..look at the other sports/ the upper/left colum

read down the list..of other funding sources...all/together..this gets huge..

many grants go dollar/for dollar...'matching'..yet other grants..this gets huge...the numbers..are this/one..small council link...

ITS TIME..THE FULL NUMBERS/..GOT ATTENTION..recall how much..govt spends..just building the stadium;s...

think aT ELECTION TIME..THE FOOTY TEAM/THE HOCKEY TEAM..HANDING OUT HOW TO VOTE easy it is to get/their support..for your/support..of the millions of sports teams..raping the rest of us

it will be apparent..that more than a few will complain..about this topic even being raised...after all the image were sports is

recall the times of rome..rome was run by sports..destracting the people...while rome burnt

how could we have missed it..for so long..half the news is sports...and most of about giving sports get team lotalty/...

dont say you wernt told...look at how hard..the beer belly reacts...this is/his key power..his true power base..being exposed here...of course he will defend the rort..of course they will defend..the rort

REVEAL THE much fed/state...and council..funding goes to sport?...

its time some FACTS...NUMBERS.. were put on the table..they will no doudt speak for them selves

sports rorts indeed...these sporty types..are sending you broke...

where is the media...not asking the questions on this
how come half is spoprt?

yes nothing to do with
go read your paper..half of sport

they need SPORTY?/ distract you..while this latest Rome version..of organised sports rorts..does its rot...just like the days of yore/rome

those who dont recall histry..are doomed to repeat it!

the sports team..handing out how to vote/cards...for the two party..sports support/rort/ clever

get a sport/board position...

it seems a great tort/
defend your ground,...loll reveal the true numbers
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 December 2009 6:54:53 AM
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Your off ya head. You'd have us living like arabs or something worse.
There has got to be something else behind your non funding ambitions.
Churches, for example. Now i find that a real waste of money. There's $ for overseas, but you begrudge funding our own kind. You would have society collapse, this 2009 not 1830.
To read something sinister in sports funding is 'socialism by stealth' as someone else would say.
Posted by Desmond, Thursday, 24 December 2009 7:31:15 AM
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desmond..quote..<<There has got to be something else..behind your non funding ambitions.Churches, for example.>>>lol

i believe in god..full stop
i have no links to and church nor religious affiliation...just god

but this raises the interesting issue,...what links to funding groupos do you have?

i see how any group attracts govt monbey..[yes even churches...but its the same old numbers scam...SCAM...we got the numbers to help you get where is our grant

ITS A SYSTEMISED looting system
yes churches TOO

now present fact/numbers

<<Now i find that a real waste of money.>>>YES I AGREE
you got any numbers..aty all?

<<There's $ for overseas,>>>yes there is...they have politiclly advantagious numbers TOO
lets include ANYONE WITH NUMBERS...but lets get to the numbers,...that will reveal they collude top dcecieve..for a part of the cash pie/sceme

<<but you begrudge funding our own kind.>>>yes i begrudge govt supporting them with OUR CASH,,,who ever they may be at the public trough...bleeding us dry

<<You would have society collapse,..this 2009 not 1830.>>>and our states are BANKRUPT...i just want to know WHY?

i already figured out the who..[anyone getting huge govt grants]4


<<To read something sports funding is 'socialism by stealth' someone else would say>>>as i see my OPINION...socialism is some getting the lucre the rest getting the shaft...present the govt gifts..isnt socialism

the gigf is up
pay your own way...we been decieved by those colluding for personal gain long enough...present the numbers..

end the name calling...
govts are we know why...!

enough is your own way..
sink or your own

leave the public purse alone....

leave public assets...IN PUBLIC HANDS

mates serving not the role of govt
thats treason..present you numbers
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 December 2009 8:15:25 AM
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I agree, grants paid to racing clubs is just money down the drain.
Anything that comes back will no way cover the various costs.
I'll bet (sic) they don't pay rates on their land either.
What would the normal rates be for Randwick race course ?
The mind boggles !
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 24 December 2009 9:57:00 AM
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Come om Bazz you are brighter than that.
Clearly you commit the sin against your self of not reading others posts.
Launching in with comment without understanding.
The money, have no doubt, is not just a grant.
Australians Gamble, we always have and will.
Just as money made from lottery tickets will soon not all go to things like the Opera house, an intended beneficiary of one lottery.
Racing generates far more than is returned to it.
TAB once publicly owned was sold, like lotto, and other forms of gambling a percentage of money is always returned to government and in the case of racing a smaller part is returned, without that money none would be generated, racing would die.
This clearly, is a case of a tree producing much fruit, then being drip fed to keep it alive.
While insult OUG are your habit, you are as lost as any poster who ever came here, reality never shines its light on you.
But some who post often have got caught up in your fly paper.
This thread is a fraud, untrue, unseeing and nothing less.
I expect that from you but Bazz justify your post bloke.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 December 2009 5:24:44 PM
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