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The Forum > General Discussion > the racing industry...100 million in grants..sign of unity?

the racing industry...100 million in grants..sign of unity?

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in reading the sunday pap-ers...i noted this gem..[from darrell giles]

THE STATE government is considering a 100 million grant..[sorry the word used is...injection...into the qld racing industry...[the united bodies will meet..the month]

so the issue that grants...govt is gifting to these sporting bodies...what govt was set up to do?

i seem to recall millions gifted to footy too...and that failed formula racing the gold coast...and many other grants others beloved by our leaders...these must be adding up..big time..

how much of these gifts..[sorry ..injections...are we giving away to these fringe torts of office...?

how much of these revenues..being doled out are the straw..that sees us giving way our resources on 100 year leases?

...that see us paying double for water/electricity/car rego/insurance

they are all questions...that in light of the state excess...either need to be accounted...!

or distracted revenue yet more compulsory/revenue/raising..from speed fines...that is being revealed in the media....and other increases in govt charges...yet never discussing the cause..of us needing to sell off our state assets

is this something..we can change by voting for the other...or is it so ingrained..via the public service sukking..its people dry?...

just so govt larges can put on woodford/like destractions..grant's../sorry injections..while the states cofferes are burning ever bigger/holes..into our/your pockets

ok my question is

how can these tort/lurks be cut off at the knees

im sick of the revenue raising...WHAT CAN I DO... TO END THIS?
do you even care..or notice?

would signing this..change anything
or are unions so yesterday...we have no well as no voice
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 10:33:27 AM
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I agree OUG.

We hear all sorts of whingeing when money is allocated to welfare but any 'injection' of funds into sport or corporate welfare is largely ingnored.

Sport is certainly one area the government should not be involved - there are many more important sectors that need these injections of funds.

Just another non-essential snout in the trough.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 11:19:48 AM
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I don't know how you can say it's another non essential expense
What is racing worth to the state. Gambling is big business.
You need figures to judge weather it is warranted or not.
No different to any other big event, or don't have big events.
Govt; is the only one that can back up big events.
Posted by Desmond, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 11:53:52 AM
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Gambling is big business but it also costs a great deal in social terms. Weighing it up - I am not sure it is really worth it.

It is trading on human misery and while in a free society we might not be able to ban gambling (nor would we want to totally) but we certainly should not be funding or exploiting it. IMO anyway.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 12:01:34 PM
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I may well be wrong, but think I am not.
NSW sold its TAB betting shops years ago.
Part of that deal was an amount of returns has to go back to its birth place, racing.
That was how it was when it was publicly owned that remains how it is now.
Not theft from the public purse, in fact the very opposite, far more goes into general revenue than is returned to the sports it is gambled on.
Other sports benefit too.
Knowing the truth, and seeing how far from it OUG is, further entrenches my view reality plays little roll in some of his ideas.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 2:58:01 PM
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I wast one more post but it is worth highlighting this thread is a fraud, totally wrong.
Yet it attracted some who slammed government based on it, no need exists to slam the NSW government ,they do that themselves.
Given racing via the sale of the TAB, and continuing tax's is returning to general revenue more than ever, I again highlight, just how wrong this thread got it.
And ask we all consider some truly questionable claims being made on other subjects.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 December 2009 4:24:12 AM
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the best reply the bloated belly has is opinion..and flaming..but such is the reply from those who pretend to serve you...just as govt[mainly labourite has sold out the too the unions

to quote the belly button holing his flame attack<<I may well be wrong, but think I am not...NSW sold its TAB betting shops years ago>> this is about qld matie..

<<Part of that deal..was an amount of returns..has to go back to its birth place,>>special deal to special mates[at mates rates?]

HOW COME YOUR NOT REVEALING AMMOUNTS>..talking numbers...100 million...just to the horse racing industry?...what about the other sporting induustries...noting half our news has been subverted to sports/rorts reporting

<<That was how it was..when it was publicly owned..that remains how it is now.>>yes you intrenched powerfull elites have certainly made a next for yourselves,,,nothing ever changes eh matie

<<Not theft from the public purse,..>>PRESENT THE NUMBERS MATIE

<<in fact the very opposite,..far more goes into general revenue..than is returned to the is gambled on>>>BY THE TAB?.,..BY THE GGOVT?...MATE REVEAL NUMBERS..DONT JUST SPIT YA BILE,,PROVE IT


<<Knowing the truth,..further entrenches my view..well reveal the numbers

<<it is worth highlighting this thread is a fraud,.totally wrong.>>oh opinion..about actual news reports/in qld are wrong..but you converting nsw is

<<Given racing..via the sale of the TAB,..and continuing tax's is general revenue more than ever,>>>mate present the num<bers..EVEN THE SALE PRICE...REVEALS THE COLLUSIOON...THEY GOT IT all..IN GRANTS...and then some..INSTEAD OF US GETTING CONSOLIDATED REVENUE..mate..reveal..IF..your one of the sporty types getting the advantage

<<just how wrong this thread got it>>you posted twice on it...and presented no rebuttal of the facts...and got the state wrong...just like you gpot everything else wrong

PRESENT THE much tab got sold much much sports/rorts....paid out

<<And ask..we all consider..some truly questionable claims..being made on other subjects>> the special/intrests..that run everything from unions to sports govt's two party SYSTEM...and so much more
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 December 2009 6:08:17 AM
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it seems..i have hit a nerve..bellies/overeaction..and attack has made me i googled..sports/funding...and its far worse than i realised...OR YOU REALISE

take this..the first link

study it...see..its a[1]council..[and i was talking..of..'one funding aspplication/by a

but one/'s so/much..of its/our/ sports..[many indirectly]...think on this..

they get land/ heck of a lot/of funding

remember this began..with 100 the equestrian sports rort..but..look at the other sports/ the upper/left colum

read down the list..of other funding sources...all/together..this gets huge..

many grants go dollar/for dollar...'matching'..yet other grants..this gets huge...the numbers..are this/one..small council link...

ITS TIME..THE FULL NUMBERS/..GOT ATTENTION..recall how much..govt spends..just building the stadium;s...

think aT ELECTION TIME..THE FOOTY TEAM/THE HOCKEY TEAM..HANDING OUT HOW TO VOTE easy it is to get/their support..for your/support..of the millions of sports teams..raping the rest of us

it will be apparent..that more than a few will complain..about this topic even being raised...after all the image were sports is

recall the times of rome..rome was run by sports..destracting the people...while rome burnt

how could we have missed it..for so long..half the news is sports...and most of about giving sports get team lotalty/...

dont say you wernt told...look at how hard..the beer belly reacts...this is/his key power..his true power base..being exposed here...of course he will defend the rort..of course they will defend..the rort

REVEAL THE much fed/state...and council..funding goes to sport?...

its time some FACTS...NUMBERS.. were put on the table..they will no doudt speak for them selves

sports rorts indeed...these sporty types..are sending you broke...

where is the media...not asking the questions on this
how come half is spoprt?

yes nothing to do with
go read your paper..half of sport

they need SPORTY?/ distract you..while this latest Rome version..of organised sports rorts..does its rot...just like the days of yore/rome

those who dont recall histry..are doomed to repeat it!

the sports team..handing out how to vote/cards...for the two party..sports support/rort/ clever

get a sport/board position...

it seems a great tort/
defend your ground,...loll reveal the true numbers
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 December 2009 6:54:53 AM
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Your off ya head. You'd have us living like arabs or something worse.
There has got to be something else behind your non funding ambitions.
Churches, for example. Now i find that a real waste of money. There's $ for overseas, but you begrudge funding our own kind. You would have society collapse, this 2009 not 1830.
To read something sinister in sports funding is 'socialism by stealth' as someone else would say.
Posted by Desmond, Thursday, 24 December 2009 7:31:15 AM
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desmond..quote..<<There has got to be something else..behind your non funding ambitions.Churches, for example.>>>lol

i believe in god..full stop
i have no links to and church nor religious affiliation...just god

but this raises the interesting issue,...what links to funding groupos do you have?

i see how any group attracts govt monbey..[yes even churches...but its the same old numbers scam...SCAM...we got the numbers to help you get where is our grant

ITS A SYSTEMISED looting system
yes churches TOO

now present fact/numbers

<<Now i find that a real waste of money.>>>YES I AGREE
you got any numbers..aty all?

<<There's $ for overseas,>>>yes there is...they have politiclly advantagious numbers TOO
lets include ANYONE WITH NUMBERS...but lets get to the numbers,...that will reveal they collude top dcecieve..for a part of the cash pie/sceme

<<but you begrudge funding our own kind.>>>yes i begrudge govt supporting them with OUR CASH,,,who ever they may be at the public trough...bleeding us dry

<<You would have society collapse,..this 2009 not 1830.>>>and our states are BANKRUPT...i just want to know WHY?

i already figured out the who..[anyone getting huge govt grants]4


<<To read something sports funding is 'socialism by stealth' someone else would say>>>as i see my OPINION...socialism is some getting the lucre the rest getting the shaft...present the govt gifts..isnt socialism

the gigf is up
pay your own way...we been decieved by those colluding for personal gain long enough...present the numbers..

end the name calling...
govts are we know why...!

enough is your own way..
sink or your own

leave the public purse alone....

leave public assets...IN PUBLIC HANDS

mates serving not the role of govt
thats treason..present you numbers
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 December 2009 8:15:25 AM
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I agree, grants paid to racing clubs is just money down the drain.
Anything that comes back will no way cover the various costs.
I'll bet (sic) they don't pay rates on their land either.
What would the normal rates be for Randwick race course ?
The mind boggles !
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 24 December 2009 9:57:00 AM
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Come om Bazz you are brighter than that.
Clearly you commit the sin against your self of not reading others posts.
Launching in with comment without understanding.
The money, have no doubt, is not just a grant.
Australians Gamble, we always have and will.
Just as money made from lottery tickets will soon not all go to things like the Opera house, an intended beneficiary of one lottery.
Racing generates far more than is returned to it.
TAB once publicly owned was sold, like lotto, and other forms of gambling a percentage of money is always returned to government and in the case of racing a smaller part is returned, without that money none would be generated, racing would die.
This clearly, is a case of a tree producing much fruit, then being drip fed to keep it alive.
While insult OUG are your habit, you are as lost as any poster who ever came here, reality never shines its light on you.
But some who post often have got caught up in your fly paper.
This thread is a fraud, untrue, unseeing and nothing less.
I expect that from you but Bazz justify your post bloke.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 December 2009 5:24:44 PM
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from abs

$8.8 billion income..for Australia's..sports/and physical..recreation services

Sports and physical/$8.8 billion in income..during 2004-05,..according to figures..released today/by the Australian Bureau of Statistics..(ABS).

'Not for profit'..organisations..generated over half the income, earning $4.6 billion,..while..'for profit'..businesses generated $2.7 billion.

Sports membership and competition fees..($1.3 billion),..sponsorship and fundraising..($0.8 billion), industry and TAB distributions* ($0.7 billion)..and admissions..($0.6 billion)..were the key items of income for non-government organisations.


Expenses incurred for the same period were..$8.4 billion,..of which the main items were labour costs..($2.5 billion) and grants, distributions and affiliation fees..$0.9 billion).

At the end of June 2005,..there were 9,256 sports and physical recreation businesses/organisations.SUCKING AT THE TEAT

Over half..(54%)..of these were..'for profit',..39% were..'not for profit',..and 6%..were government organisations.

The Sports and Physical/Recreation Services..Survey also found that during 2004-05:Horse and dog racing/activities generated income of $1.6 billion.

The main source of income..for these activities..was net industry and TAB distributions ..$0.7 billion),..which represented..44% of the $1.6 billion.

Health and fitness centres and gyms..generated income of $0.7 billion...Other sports and physical recreation venues,..grounds and facilities generated income of $1.1 billion.

There were 181,832..volunteers in sports and physical recreation services during the month of June 2005.

There were 111,519 people employed in sports and physical recreation services at the end of June 2005.

XXXX..Government organisations..employed 11,051 people and spent $1.5 relation to the provision..of sports and physical recreation services.

Further details..are in Sports..and Physical Recreation Services, Australia,2004-05..(

Media Note:*Industry distributions..are paid by the TAB to the racing authorities/boards,,in each State and Territory.

In turn,..the racing authorities/boards pay most of these the racing clubs in their respective state.
Betfair's flawed,..says Racing NSW... What's more,'s the section of..the Australian Constitution that...

In NSW alone,..the TAB attracted $3 bets on thoroughbreds last year.

Under the race fields legislation,..which came into effect in September 2008,..Racing NSW collects 1.5..per/cent..of any wager and says it used that fund an industry..The third round of the legal stoush..about betting and racing..promised something that was missing..from the first two instalments..figures showing where the gambling dollars were going..and how Betfair did business.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 December 2009 8:45:58 PM
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Nice of you one under God to highlight that my posts are right.
Rather sneaky to widen your first thoughts into ALL sports.
Both you, until now, and I spoke about racing, and your so called grants.
Governments, ALL of them like to take credit for others acts, this was no grant.
And the debate about sports, gold medals and the costs, are in no way related to your thread.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 December 2009 3:59:45 AM
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beer/belly quote..<<..sneaky to widen/into ALL sports>>>to highlight/..for you..Survey/..found that during 2004-05:Horse and dog racing/activities generated income of..$1.6 billion....NOTING..its a small part of..$8.8 billion income..for Australia's..sports/and physical..recreation services

The main source of income..for these/Horse and dog racing/activities..was net industry and TAB distributions ..$0.7 billion),..which represented..44% of the $1.6 billion.

YOU..HAVNT READ THE/LINKS..but here is more..for you to ignore

"Beyond./.the Winning Post'

The Impact..of the Racing Industry..on the Economy..of the ACT" ACIL/ 1992..and examines..the contribution/of the ACT economy...

The report shows..that the racing-industry./..contribution..$25 million..per the Gross/Domestic..Product..of the ACT,..up from..$17 million/in 1992,..with around..148..full-time equivalent..(FTE) the activities..of the racing..industry.

The report..will be the racing-clubs..for future-planning..and in/their dealings..with the ACT-Government..on future development..of racing/in the ACT...Media Releases (PDF/format 281KB)

straight/from..the horses mouth

A major study..of racing’s/economic impact..commissioned...The landmark..1992 ACIL/

see above[..the..only one found]..[ie/..for act]..

Australian racing..generated $2.4 GDP..The Queensland’s..Gross../State Product...exceeded $400 million.

The Queensland/Principal Club..initiated the industry’s..first..strategic-plan,..'Form Guide/to the Future', 1998....

NOTE<<<Your search..The Queensland/Principal Club.."Form-Guide/to the Future/1998"..did/not match..any documents.>>>

..Studies conducted by..KPMG..found Queensland racing..(including the thoroughbred,..harness/and greyhound-codes) contributed $700 the State economy..[ie not govt]..and generated...full-time,..part-time..and..casual jobs..for..almost..24,000 Queenslanders...

The State/Government..received..almost..$100 revenue..from the..[3]..industry.[s]

With/privatisation..of the TAB, known/as UNiTAB, 1999,..the racing-industry..became master..of its new.arrangements..meant..the industry’s revenue..was directly its..ability to generate..betting-turnover...The industry..would..succeed or fail..on its

To address..the new/commercial-realities,,,,lol,,a skills-based/board..was appointed/to head..Queensland-Racing in 2002...The board..focussed on..rationalising Queensland’ maximise..betting-turnover..on Queensland races.

In 2003,..Queensland-Racing..relocated to a modern,..purpose-built/ Deagon-training/centre...

The Queensland/Racing Industry/Training.Centre..was established in meet..the training needs..of the three codes..of the Queensland-Racing-Industry...In July 2000,..Deagon-racetrack/and/the training centre..was industry..and Queensland-Race-Training..(QRT)..was formed...In July 2004..Queensland Racing/ responsibility..for the delivery the thoroughbred/code..and became..a Registered-Training-Organisation..(RTO).

The industry..also began reaping/the benefits..of reform,..with increased/revenue..and lower/costs..translating..into big/prizemoney increases...

Wagering/betting-operators..will pay..either..1.5..percent of turnover,..or the greater/of..20..percent..of gross revenue..or..0.2 percent/..of turnover,”..he said.

Betfair/is the middle/of a court-action..against Racing NewSouthWales..over a similar/levy...The head/of Betfair’s Australian operations,..Andrew Twaits,..has argued that..the colluding/..with Betfair’s..local rival/ trying/to force..his company..out of the state,20797,25237583-5003415,00.html
QUEENSLAND Racing..has secured..the $30 million..Wadham-Park-complex..near Canungra..for development/..and..industry-training-centre..for 800 horses.

lots more/racing/info
Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 December 2009 6:09:38 AM
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belicose belly..beligerantly..berates me..yet/is no fainthearted innocent..babe-in-the-woods..being a unionist/he protect the party-line..he knows..politricks/is a numbers-game..that;..facts need/to be hiden..that the two-party/systematicly..serves..the same masters

clearly/knows stuff..yet puts evidence..clearly seeing/union the hush up/any opposition...but also as clearly;..there is something this tort/of sport..

well the cleansing affect..of laundering money/at the parties have a 100 percent windfall/return

we have no opposition/exposing the rorts./..because both-parties need the man//the booths//..and their a nice cushy grant..or board-position..or..a radio/ broadcast race/tab..results..or a training-track here..or a grant there..its all/part-of-the-game..where one hand/washes the other..clean

note the name changes...that/one a new open/to the public-teat..all getting..'their'..govt-lucre..

note..the tax/return of..[.2..]percent...a great/mates-rate;tax/ it not...

there is something/ these..sports-rorts..but media/has more sports reporters/than politico reporters..prefering ops..and the reporting/or even watching the-political/machinations..of the two-parties..serving the public/servants..and their fellow/fallow/elite's...peers

i have googled..for hours..trying to get/info..but criminals/dont put the evidence-of-their-crimes..on the web...

also of the deletion/of the govt archives..cleaned out by soon as/they..gained office

its clever..that a belicose/ yelling at me..for pushing some expose/..their rorts..they will be so hiding/the info..that would..expose their treasons...

i have tried/to shine a light..on the issue...but all..we get is darkness/..reflected figure it out..your self..but know/you cant-change-anything...either

they..own the media..and/the you/got no voice...

they bought out/off..any organised--group..that/could their malfeasance..and give/the required/ election-time, assist the dole out their minions/masters

no opposition..will demand/the numbers..because they too/owe their those good-sports..playing you all..for fools...

we think lawyers..making laws/ just fine.,..YOU/who/love paying double--for services..while their/your silver gets looted...

no love the spin/ get from your lue of/due vigelance/diligence..or god forbid..real news..

and you lot..get your sport..while rome burns..[again]..realise we get/..the leaders..we de-serve..they do as they do..because/you lot dont care..

while those who do..go run...the/their..sports-rorttorts's..or get on the board... im bored too.. beer belli-cose..i have had..all i can stom-ache..
your pathetic mate..

you know..yet defend/the undefensable..its pathetic
may god have..mercy on your sure got more than 1
Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 December 2009 7:10:07 AM
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If one under God you had no one at Christmas true You could have eaten here, true.
The gift of giving brings more happiness to me than receiving, but bloke not one of us here has ever insulted you in the same manner you return serve.
Racing generates fees at the turnstile,in food sales hiring out its venues a great deal, it puts money into the public purse not takes it out.
A great deal of income from racing is spent away from it.
This very day, on sky racing a former head of racing in Hong Kong , said 14% of total revenue in that great city comes from the race club.
Now for your insult, it would take less than 5 minutes to download a spell check, less than a minute to put your posts to the test.
But you sneer at well meaning advice.
And you bloke put some true rubbish into print,this claim ,this thread, is just one,
Have a good Christmas just maybe if you laid off the medication vegetation you so proudly tell us about you could save a few bob for next year.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 December 2009 2:32:03 PM
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yes merry you too belly...its a chose/to make presumptions...i dont drink ...and rarely/smoke weed..tea and caffeen are enough for me..that booze rots/ well known...

but i wont continue..this suggesting/, have consumed more mind-altering/substance..than lets talk of the fact's facts..all..are taken from web sites..[with their links provided...

as to..your the hong/ i they race stunted/horses...

its not/real what..if it brings in 14 percent..repeat...SO WHAT...

how does that validate..the deceptions going on/exposed here?...

that race-track..mentioned earlier..value..30..million.[details in the relivant/links]..

correct/my rebuttal links..if you can..

but see..that is simply..a symptum/my facts arnt wrong..
and can prove/ is cant

i know/you are..a generous person...and i have many times..but not of late..there is no do/some good are being this case...big/time..bluey

you quote<<<''DO NOT AGREE..WITH..[my]..FIGURES>>>YET FAIL TO..PRESENT YOUR sure..your a good/ be shoked at the been decieved...

at the beginning..i was only upset..about the latest..100-MILLION have been forced/ look into..the matter...more discusted

and/ look..into the/full extent..
if you too..will be angry...

then seeing as how..its deliberated/TWO PARTY policy..i hope..we can join see justice/is be done

this latest gift...100 the total/racing-income/returned,....gifted one lump..

how much in those archived papers..hidden from public eyes?>

..mate/ only the tip/of..a huge quango

you say<<it..puts money..into..the/public-purse..not..takes it out..WELL BLOKE...prove it...

put..your posts/ the

you<< well.meaning..advice.>>yet fail to/provide your own

Have..a good.Christ-mass...but,..try to give/some authoritive facts...naming sources..

[noting the-drug-law/income..from fines..[in 1999..was 65 million...[from kids..more than a few/unionists..[got that..from peter/beatie's..private writing]

i think thats..3 times/the income..from speed-camera's..this year..

im very angry..that/all that pain...should support..gam-bling..
its colluded..excess..[so bloke..its personal..[for me]...

give me/your correct numbers...
give links..say..what link/says what...

you just might..get a the extent/of the issue...[rort/tort..treason's]..your defending
Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 December 2009 5:25:00 PM
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In another thread One Under Gods habit of changing the subject, even switching sides is highlighted.
I see that in his last post in this thread.
Remember it was said a government grant had been GIVEN to the racing industry.
Not much good at posting links but I goggled the NSW TAB got details of its sale by the government.
While huge amounts went to middle men it shows $888.000.000 at least made by the government in that sale.
And the massive gambling industry, all of it, continues to generate income that makes me shudder.
It has to be underlined in forums such as this not every thing that is put in print is true.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 5:26:15 AM
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