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The Forum > General Discussion > Australian Asylum Seekers, Where to Go?

Australian Asylum Seekers, Where to Go?

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In other words Seano you're full of BS. You're questions are not in the least bit genuine.

That's why you were ridiculed. I had it right first time.

When you post BS such as you've done, you make it difficult for "genuine" people with mental issues who may have a "genuine" need to post.

Just for one second after one of your posts I thought you may be in distress. You're clearly a BS artist.

People should ignore you forthwith.
Posted by TZ52HX, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 6:05:22 PM
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Thank you.
I would prefer it if your kind ignored me in future.
Please keep your promises and that would be helpful.
Posted by Seano, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 6:33:51 PM
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Oh dear! dear! dear! ( he puts his hand over his eyes)
I’ll put this a delicately as I can TZ

Those NZlanders have a warped sense of humor –especially when it comes to loud, Ozzie know-alls.At that karva party when they put the blindfold over your eyes and said they would introduce you to some of NZs finest, um… they didn’t exactly mean the two legged kind.

That "woolly" hair you were feeling,
And as for them being a bit “sheepish”
Well, put the pieces together for yourself .

Think back …do you recall the lulling sound of barring in the background –that was contented sheep.

You’ve been given a bumsteer, no rather, you’ve been given a eweturn.
A bumsteer is probably next on your list of experiences.

And how do I know all this …well, I was part of a film crew of NZs Funniest Home Videos.The episode will be airing on NZTV 8pm Saturday –tell all your friends to catch your big moment
Posted by Horus, Thursday, 5 November 2009 4:59:18 AM
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You do not need to leave the country. You can be an IDP and set up a shanty town on the rich foreshores of Sydney Harbour. Bring all the disenfranchised with you, the ones not represented by Government. Could be rather nice.

Or re-ignite the long standing wish of the Far North to formally separate. Then as a victim of this civil war you can move to Australia as an asylum seeker, long discriminated against by the city folk who milk our resouces, took our red cedars for living room furniture, our gold for trinkets, our fish for dinner and then decided all to be national park because they were ruining it. The locals would never have done so much damage yet they get the punishment while they move on to other lands to exploit. No level playing field for work opportunity, raped of resource and opportunity.
Posted by TheMissus, Thursday, 5 November 2009 7:52:21 AM
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It's all sorts of advice from Aussie ex-pats
who've been successful in finding jobs and
places to live - overseas. Useful stuff that
will help anyone interested in leaving Oz.
leaving doesn't solve such a dilemma. the land is not the problem, neither are most people. the problem is minority groups of a non-practical left background enjoying the support from like mentalied (hey, new word ?) people in authority gaining from not giving a hoot about the country but constantly bleating & claiming the right (in every sense of the word) of mismanaging which in reality is the left's unassailable expertise.
Posted by individual, Friday, 6 November 2009 6:07:01 AM
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Dear Individual,

And here I thought it was the violently loud
alcoholic roughnecks whose idea of fun is to
throw up on your car that was the problem.
Silly me!

But you could be right blaming the "minority
groups." I found a clip from an old
newspaper that supports what you've written:

"The heritage of every Australian: the right to be
exactly the same as everybody else... It's not
easy to win this position in a community like
Hurstfield. From time to time, you feel like
speaking out about things, saying something that's
different for a change, until you realize - sensibly -
that it's a lot easier to make yourself like
something you really hate rather than say you hate it
and everybody go crooked on you."
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 6 November 2009 8:02:52 AM
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