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The Forum > General Discussion > The Barbeque mob speak, again.

The Barbeque mob speak, again.

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Thank you for that explanation. I did understand the perspective expressed but my point was to point out that:
- This spray didn't differentiate or even show any apparent consideration there of. It is this short myopic focus that help propagate unjustified prejudice against others. Sadly many tend to shoot off at the computer without due care/thought for those who may also get sprayed unjustly.

- I reject the notion that everyone should get the same in everything is (that is communistic in notion).

I work hard for what I have arguable harder than some with more. By those standards I am disadvantaged in some way.
By any reasoned standard that attitude is green eyed, to bitch about declaring that I'm hardly done by it is raw prawning.

To me if the govt deems to spend more on the less well off ....each to their NEEDS NOT WANTS. Provided I have enough to eat etc. a little for discretionary spending I see no need to covert what others have...but that's me. Of course I want more but by my own efforts and choice not because someone else has/gets more than me.

The post been could have said that some public housing renters appear to get unjustified benefits in which case. With qualifications I probably would have agreed. The question THEN begs what to reasonably do about it? Both by encouraging others to try harder and bureaucratically reduce the level of abuse.

I can only respond to the words and apparent meanings and their logical consequences.
People go me when I'm ambiguous or get it wrong (as it should be).

NB I am contemptuous of the attitude in the post not the individuals involved, how can I be I don't know them.
Posted by examinator, Wednesday, 7 October 2009 12:27:40 PM
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rechtub how did you get the idea I think 20% is the norm?
I never claimed to think that.
In fact this very much ALP voter thinks every pay rise should be halved, so half goes into superannuation, half in the pay packet.
Remember super is not government cash, it is ours.
The world will always have poor and needy, I have no problems with paying for them.
Extra tax's no worries.
I have been single for many years, the cash I once used to bring up kids is mine.
I want no hand outs am trying to pay for my own retirement, if I live to stop work.
20% is not easy but Worth while.
Again do you get any exercise other than jumping to conclusions?
Bet my views on pensions are not much different than yours.
We all [those who work and earn] pay our own via super, tax breaks for super should increase but it must be used to live not wasted then pensions for all.
However rechtub try living on a pension aged 20 with an acquired disability, you could end up IN an old mens home, for life.
Those from my side of the fence who refuse to See the value in paying our pensions in advance our selves so we can help such as those live in fantasy land.
Hope the wedding went or gos well for our English gentle man.
May the loverly lady be strong enough to live with your liver ailment.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 7 October 2009 5:35:05 PM
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Can we get the bar b q mob together this morning?
Tell you what rechtub I will throw 60 bucks in for the meat, if I can watch.
Love a laugh.
Bronwyn can sing while Julie dances on the grave of real party talent rejected in QLD.
Ten maybe 15 will be mumbling under paper bags they have over their heads to me media and themselves.
National party members will be crashing in snatching sangs from Liberals and calling it victory.
But when we get down to the lettuce sandwich's in the conservatives rooms in a few weeks?
Unity, well sort of.
The needless in fighting the dance with the death adder of both house elections.
Who would lead if not Turnbull
Hang on Bronny is singing Hockey is our jockey.
As a punter I an unimpressed his horse has only got one leg.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 8 October 2009 4:45:17 AM
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Belly, you turn every thread into a labor celebration and while you may see our political situation 'as a bit of a laugh', believe me, it is actually no laughing matter.

Here we have a situation whereby the libs gained power back in the mid 90's, with record debt, record unemployment and high interest rates.

Notwithstanding the fact that they inherited some of the most damaging IR laws, which they battled with for several years, It took some of the toughest decisions ever before made in Australia's political history, by the howard government and almost 12 years to right the wrongs, even to a point whereby they had 'money in the bank', albeit, at the peril of telstra.

To now have a government, that in less than two years has plunged us into a state of financial dismay is one thing, but to have someone like you 'crow about them' in the knowledge that your kids kids and their kids will pay for this for the rest of their lives is truly amazing to say the least.

Just remember your actions when your extended family grow up to find that, they can’t see a doctor, (that's assuming they don't die in an ambulance waiting) can’t afford an education and try living day to day, in a ‘dog eat dog’ work environment all because your beloved labor government had another ‘brainstorming attempt’ at running the country we once referred to as ‘the lucky country’ because all of these were what was considered by many as 'a way of life' until now.

Almost the makings of a good novel hey!. It's a pity it's 'not fictional'!

Enjoy your laugh mate!
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 8 October 2009 7:12:16 PM
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No intent to hurt you but you do right some rubbish rechtub.
In fact time and again here in print you win my argument for me.
Inherited what IR system?
Are you aware, do you know labor first took to the IR laws bringing in big changes under hawk and Keiting?
Or that the GFC has taken place? this time the classic conservative blindness, can not go unchallenged.
That elephant in the room is a heard of them trumpeting and urinating on the rug but you fail to even see it.
Rudd coped it for high interest rates then low interest rates, now for being a success.
For being the worlds first economy to Begin the climb back.
The IR system your bloke put in place took away holidays overtime fair wages , and rechtub it swept away your party.
For a generation, facts butch the best help Rudd has ,the worst enemy conservatives have, is conservatives who think like you.
You must give events time to unfold, let me assure you your mob will cave in, not much after or before the Melbourne cup this lost man will get his way, it will look like it at least.
He will never win an election, always be a victim of some in his party.
Will be replaced one day, but it is 20 members of his party that should go let talent enter the house, have to be very safe seats how ever, see rechtub fewer each day share your views.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 9 October 2009 4:50:25 AM
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Apart from being wrong, you are misguided and pointless…

I really wonder why an irrelevant, non-contributory tic, like you, even bothers to post… unless you view self-aggrandizement and pomposity as there own reward.'

Col, I have a rotten hangover, and you have made my day! Just when I had become bored with pointing out the self-aggrandisement of pontificator (aka the worlds most altruistic counsellor), you have expressed my opinions so eloquently. You are a true treasure of OLO.

In fact things are so quiet around OLO, with no 'gender war' storms for me to chase, and no Piper, that I fear you are carrying the whole site on your broad shoulders. Bravo!
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 9 October 2009 10:54:49 AM
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