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The Forum > General Discussion > The Barbeque mob speak, again.

The Barbeque mob speak, again.

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Pelican, I see you rush to trot out that emotive word, vulnerable, to cover these pensioner public housing tenants. There could be no more incorrect use of the word. These are the most privileged pensioners in the country. No other pensioners have such secure, or such low cost housing, so quit the emotive stuff, please.

If you want a label to apply to them, try lucky. If you want to be less kind, think imprudent, or irresponsible, of those who have not provided their own accommodation.

None of those I know, providing for themselves, could even dream of having $200 a week left after paying for their accomodation. In the words of the song, "wouldn't it be lovely".

If you have some sympathy to throw around, try someone like Mary, a pensioner near me.

She is paying off a $2200 loan, she had to take out, to pay for repairs, when her septic system died.

At 3Km from the corner shop, & 20km fron a supermarket, & no public transport, she needs a car.

Her 15 year old car's service is now 7000Km overdue, but she has no money, after paying her loan.

She is frightened the car will die, & leave her in a bigger mess.

Her old place would not buy her a place in town, & pay for a professional move, so she's stuck, as there is no way she could do it herself.

She'd happily give her place away, if she could get into public housing, in town, but has been told, she has no chance, unless she suffers a major injury, or a heart attack. What a prospect to be wishing for.

So Pelican, Swanny, & Julia, I think your sympathy may be misplaced.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 5 October 2009 11:38:25 AM
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Those Bar B q ,s of hasbeen seem to attract an unhappy mob.
Just like those who find reason to support his views in OLO.
Some learning difficulty's are in plain sight.
A refusal to see voters disagree, that not every pensioner is a bludgers, and that most conservatives would not agree with them.
Poor old Col, truly bloke you are an offensive beggar no other way to describe you.
But joy oh true joy, you will have to live under us ALP people for many years to come.
Tell me are soarer grapes on the menu?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 5 October 2009 12:03:58 PM
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You obviously did not read my post in any detail jumping immediately into the defensive mode to protect your position that aged pensioners in public housing are the Lucky People. I am sorry but this is just not true.

Yes, they are luckier than pensioners (and others) who are on ridiculously long waiting lists or the homeless but they are not lucky.

Your friend Mary is one of the vulnerable people too - can you not see that from the meaning in my previous post. If you can't, then I am not sure how differently I can word it.

Vulnerable is an emotive word because it is valid. An aged pensioner is vulnerable purely on the basis that they have no opportunities or power at their age to change their circumstances. Especially as most of today's aged pensioners worked hard in the knowledge their governments would look after them - there was no Superannuation. In fact they paid extra tax during their working life to ensure that security.

Yes I will stick by my world vulnerable without apology.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 5 October 2009 2:02:52 PM
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Yes Pelican, I read your post, but it is meaningless to say, all pensioners should get a better deal, if you don't say what should be cut to give it to them.

If you want to get rid of half the public servants, I'll go with you, as that is the biggest area of waste, today, but there are many other areas of need to use any savings.

As a single pensioner, myself, I don't think we are too badly done by. Nothing like the ridiculously high super, paid to ex public servants, but better than at any time in the past.

For those of us who can still potter around, & do many of our own repairs, we are OK, & now we know of Mary's problems, she'll be OK too.

If some of our social workers got into it, they could have self help groups going every where. There are 1200 people in my area, many younger ones, working their guts out, just to survive. However, there must be 10% pensioners, many who would not push into others lives, unless invited. Those I have got to know, since I retired, are hapy to help out. Organising programs to facilitate this would be really worth while, & cost stuff all.

I don't like going onto my roof, to clean out the gutters alone, I'm not that athletic these days. I feel much happier when a neighbour dropes in, & chats to me, from the ground. That's where the barbeque group comes in. We can watch some old fool up a ladder, or on a roof, & solve the problems of the world, at the same time.

However, we will never approve of extra welfare for one lot, at the cost of the others, & that's what Swanny, & Julia are pushing for.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 5 October 2009 4:00:27 PM
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Oops I posted this response on the Julia Gillard thread in error so have pasted it here if Graham allows.

Hasbeen you don't seem to be following your own rules - I am just following your lead. You are complaining about government housing pensioners versus the plight of other pensioners but what are you offering in the way of meaningful suggestions.

We are in agreeance that both groups need help but don't take the decisions of politicians out on other pensioners.

It is a bit like comparing poverty in one nation with poverty in another country. They are both poverty even if one of them does not suffer in quite the same way as the other.

I am not sure why you started this topic just to have a go at one lot of pensioners over another lot of pensioners.

In terms of government waste I agree and have always been in favour of curbing waste just not in the essential services area or in staff who actually do serve the public.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 5 October 2009 5:43:15 PM
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Given the country party flavour to his horribly twitter and bistered comment. One is inclined to predict the main course ..... Green eyed, Raw Prawns.
He He He :-)

Hasbeen and All
I haven't seen such a load of stereotyping rubbish since I tried typing on two typewriters at the same time at the age of 3.

Sure They're lucky compared to some but this monocular, myopic misanthropic collection of generalisations, half truths in their spray is offensive as it is inaccurate.

Pity they don't read something other than the daily Murdock and Fairfax drivel and actually have real facts .

In any group there are good and bad.
This 'baby and bath water' attitude does none of the people any credit, if reported correctly.
I'm almost willing to bet that if some of these private renters could get a public property they would .
- change their minds
- continue to bitch that the property wasn't good enough (up to their standards) given they had blah blah all their lives.

PS Has any of this lot heard of Home Assist, Service clubs, VIP, council assistance groups?
All these help seniors with maintenance. (all available to seniors in Qld SE). Then again there are butchers in The gold coast that sell direct from farm meat, eggs, milk cheap AND they offer Cheap Tuesdays pensioner savings. Well at least they did 3 weeks ago (last time I was in Qld). Mum (85yo) told me they were on the TV again last week.
Posted by examinator, Monday, 5 October 2009 6:58:42 PM
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