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Pittsburgh Goes Owellian.G20 Summit.

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Belly;Where is the union movement's voice on these most important issues? The Greens have finally made a move,but your guys are strangely silent.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 4 October 2009 2:48:45 PM
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Arjay - my comment didn't discredit any OLO user personally.

Rather, I pointed out that the USA has been engaged in this kind of reprehensible activity for a long time now. My further point was that Australia is not America - regardless of our reliance on their military alliance.

While I acknowledge that our governments and their police have on occasion behaved appallingly (and recently) towards protestors and demonstrators, I can't recall anything as extreme from a Western government as the US manifestation of suppression of dissent described in the OP. Like I said, we haven't experienced anything in recent generations as disgusting as the violence meted out to uni students in Ohio in the 1970s, nor even the milder and more recent State thuggery in Pittsburgh.

The State violence in Pittsburgh seems to me to be quite typical of current strategies of Western States in dealing with dissent in the streets. There's nothing particularly "Orwellian" about it - Orwell's 1984 dystopia relied on self-criticism and technological surveillance. The Pittsburgh State thuggery was far less subtle (nor effective, I suspect) than that.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 4 October 2009 8:32:26 PM
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CJ Morgan,you like many others suffer from beaker frog syndrome.You are not realising the subtle changes taking place both here and the USA.We here constantly have Govt intruding into our lives in every way from road cameras to idiotic bureaucratic regulation.

I find what's happening in Pittsburgh appalling.To you it is the subtle change of normalcy.The Police were threatening to use rubber bullets.Under Obama's new laws,anyone can be detained indefinitely without charge just on suspicion of being a terrorist.

I don't think you really understand the gravity of the situation.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 4 October 2009 9:25:06 PM
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arjay seems yet another of your delusions has surfaced.
Unionism surely is about members interest first.
Yes at times, in that interest we get involved in politics.
Should we?
Some times yes sometimes no.
Your obsession with Americas wrongs seems more than blind.
Who would you have as the good guy?
Are you even a little concerned about Chinas recent show of strength.
Seen anything like it in documentary's pre ww2?
And I may stand alone but will never bend for any one unions are not all the same.
I never will agree to a union acting other than in the interests of its share holders its members.
Is Iran's potential nuclear bomb a concern for you?
Or the fact they have help to get this far down the track to having it?
So know arjay while I have nothing against you, would have a beer or cup of coffee with you Any day, I left conspiracy theory's and fear of phantoms behind me years ago.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 5 October 2009 5:19:22 AM
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Yes Belly,She be right.Your Union members don't need true liberty,just the mushroom treatment our Govts dish out to us.Govts these days just manage their dysfunctional dilemmas by putting us into unnecessary debt.In the 1950's we could build great infrastructure projects and today have problems providing basic services and infrastructure.

We have de-mock-cracy,aided and abetted by apathy of too many invertabrates.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 5 October 2009 7:19:15 AM
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Arjay, I'm intrigued by your suggestion that we should...

>>contact John Bursill for Architects and Engineers for 911 truth.<<

...and presumably, also become bloggers.

We can then be part of a select band of special people.

Here's one...

"9/11 was an inside job. The world's Central Banks are MASSIVE criminal organisations, that own the World's Governments. The Criminal Elites, who own the World's Banks, Politicians and Governments, are 'Degenerate Blood Sucking Parasites', on the back of humanity." (wezthebikie - "senior member")

Hmmm. Sounds like we're right at home here.

And this sounds familiar.

"Praise God for giving us the KJAV 1611 Bible and for using this book to grant ALL HUMANITY the freedom and liberty of religion, conscience, press and government. Without this book there would be NO SUCH THING as Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden or The signing of the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, bringing to an end to the Black Popes Thirty Years' War and starting the Modern era and the era of sovereign nation-states. These nations BEGAN as Protestant nations endowing ALL men and women God given rights. Rights we should cherish. Whether you are Christian or not, you cannot remove the fact that the western nations where set up on the pretext of Biblical teaching. NOT ROMISH Christianity, but Biblical." (Unmovable 2 - "junior member")

Still only a "junior member", I notice. He would need to focus more, I suspect, before he graduates to "senior".

This guy puts it all in perspective.

"I was made aware of the 9/11 scam a 5-6 years ago, and has made a big difference to how i see this world of smoke and mirrors. I see 9/11 as just another example of how history is written.I make orgone generators and incase anyone here is unaware they some devices can be used to fight chemtrails and other such things" (Calvcoff - "junior member")

If only the whole world used orgone generators.

It has to be said. You keep fascinating company, Arjay.

Tell me, are you into orgone crystals too?

That could explain a great deal.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 5 October 2009 9:50:35 PM
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