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Australia...the toothless nation

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Leigh, rates of $1900 per annum are not outrageous at all- we pay about the same or even a little more just because of the latest real estate boom.

I think Leigh would prefer you to move into a cave without electricity or gas and a rat as a pet so you can afford a blob of amalgam.
Either that, or go back in time to home dentistry where you tie your tooth to the doorknob to be able to pull it out.

Unfortunately, some people in Australia actually have to resort to these practices because of the disgraceful dental care system thanks to the government's priorities.

Not a bad idea! The GST on lollies can help pay for dental care services. Will have to think about that idea some more.

I’m not sure, but is part of tobacco excise being allocated to cancer research or health care?
I once read that somewhere in the USA that a whole cancer institute has been financed just from the excise on tobacco.

I don’t know much about GST allocations and wonder if others know whether some of it ends up in health?
Posted by Celivia, Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:03:14 AM
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If I told you something was black, you would argue that it's white. You used so many words to do this that you were not able to explain to me why you are living here and not in the Netherlands. Never mind. As I said to Steel who pinched a quote from you (never original, poor old Steel) there is a limit to how long I'm prepared to bang my head against the wall. I'll leave you in peace to live in your own little world.

If you really want to know my position on aboriginal people (you did ask that, although you couldn't make room to answer my question) I have posted my opinion several times. In fact, there is one today if you would like to tell me again what a terrible fellow I am.

As for your "cheap generalisation" shot, hell's bells, I even admit that I'm pigheaded myself, but that's not good enough for you.

Please convey my commiserations to your husband. There's another "cheap shot" for you.
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:45:39 AM
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Given your lack of knowledge about Council Rates I assume you are a renter. $1900 is in fact on the low side compared to other areas near where I live, regional Qld.

Even if I wanted to move how can I. It would cost $30,000 in stamp duty and agents fees. I would have to pay someone to pack and move my belongings.

If I do not own a car how would I get to my weekly doctor appointments? Taxi? Ambulance? How could I shop for myself? Hitchhike with my disabled parking sticker on my forehead?

Sorry my dog is “family” and is not negotiable.

Your comments show you have very little comprehension of the people struggling on welfare or those “working poor” who have similarly small amounts of disposable income.

As I stated before it is only a question of about $100 million a year to restore the Commonwealth dental program.

Compare it to this:

"The Government will provide $494.6 million over four years to develop and implement the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs' Systems for People IT programme in order to address the significant shortfalls in the department's existing information systems identified in the Palmer and Comrie Reports."

They can find nearly half a billion dollars for computers but won't pay for people to get their teeth fixed.

Do you consider this OK?
Posted by Steve Madden, Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:03:56 PM
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Another wrong assumption. I am not a renter, nor have I ever been. I live in SA where my wife and I have always paid council rates and now have a small, villa-type residence, which is ample for our retirement. We have owned and occupied 3 different properties over the last 40 years. We pay about half what you pay. Perhaps you could move to SA?

Your second assumption is also wrong. I am now retired, but I always worked for a boss, and never came anywhere near the so-called average wage. Now, as then, I live within my means and according to my priorities. And, as I have said, my mother is a pensioner.

If your priorities are different from mine, that is entirely your business. I still maintain that private health insurance is possible if you change your priorities. You cannot expect other people to help you out.

When I say “you”, I’m talking about people in general who bemoan the fact that they cannot squeeze more out the government, and that’s what you, I believe, have been talking about.

I have not taken your particular illness into account. That is another subject, and only open for discussion if you wish it.

Best wishes.
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:35:18 PM
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Leigh, sunshine,

"If I told you something was black, you would argue that it's white."
No I wouldn't!
Couldn't resist; just having a little fun with ya, Leigh.

I can't take you seriously- nobody in their right mind would argue that pensioners or people on welfare would be able to afford Private Health Insurance in Australia.

My mum, who's a pensioner, receives more than twice the amount Australian pensioners get. She can have a reasonably nice life and go on holiday sometimes; 70+ get taxis at less than public transport rates- this is what our elderly deserve for working and paying taxes all their lives and looking after us!

Why do you think it's OK for your mother to live in poverty- why don't you stand up to the government and tell them your mum deserves better?
Why would Steve and others have to live in a cave with a rat to please the rich?
Greed, greed, greed!

Look at the provisions the government ministers have made for them selves: payrises when it suits them while others starve, and they'll live in wealth for the rest of their lives. I don't think they deserve this special treatment.

The reason I came to Australia was for my husband's business, mainly. I don't really want to go into detail about it because it's irrelevant and personal.

And Leigh, even though I have a lot of things against the government, it's not against Australia or Australians, generally. There are heaps of great things about Australia as well. We don't know yet whether we'll be going back to Holland to live, so I want to keep my Dutch nationality. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

Australians are lovely, Australia is anice country, I just think we need a change of government and won't hesitate to express my opinion and have the right to do so because we're part of the society and communities.

Australia's government is not the only one that fails; other Western countries including Holland have or have had crappy governments as well, which I would criticise if I lived there.
Posted by Celivia, Tuesday, 12 December 2006 1:00:57 PM
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What I am talking about is treating teeth the same as any other part of the body.

If people break a little finger they get it fixed, if they break a tooth they do not.

If they get an abscess on thier bum they get treatment, gum no.

Plus it is about restoring something that used to be there not squeezing the govt.

Plus it is not much money in the scheme of things.

My illness, leukeamia, does complicate things as I need prophylactic antibiotics each time I go to my Dental hygienist. Which I do every 3 months (One of the many reasons I need a car).
Posted by Steve Madden, Tuesday, 12 December 2006 4:32:38 PM
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