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NSW a Basket case

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“Once, well now in my dreams and hopes it was/is my life raft, in my mind the conservatives truly do not care for workers WORK CHOICES was just evidence of a lifelong understanding .”

So their policies would help workers. What is “Work choices” when said like that?

“Wealth in their view is only for some.”

I think most people do believe that. Except in Russia awhile ago.

“Do you know a former leader of the National party said money had found its way into the wrong hands after miners won big wage increases in WA ?”

What a prick.

“You have to live my life to know why my party is my life.”

Yes well of course.

“But never at any cost never no matter what, right now my mob plan a blood letting but its of workers not useless public servants.”

Belly I think I have missed exactly what is happening that has upset you. Is it the privatization or is it one particular one?
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 26 July 2009 6:04:46 PM
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"workers want Rudd" Of cause! When they learned that Rudd's wife pressed her employees to sign personal agreements with worst conditions that the awards they feeled very proud for Rudd's family! From one they was against the workchoice from the other they grabed the opportunity from the workchoice to limit their enployees rights! Of cause workers love Rudd! Let's give Rudd the award of Jumpion in hypocricy!
Are you joking my friend? Rudd is the super hypocrite in the ALP and labour government. He has nothing to do with labours and the union movement. He is a milionaire and if you are ungry with NSW government I do not know how you will feel when Rudd shows us who realy he is. Wait my friend, wait do not be busy with Rudd.
Can you tell me why Rudd for so many years married, how with so much fight against the workchoice and he did not convinced his wife that workchoice is unfair? Rudd is extremely pasionate person for labours rights and NEVER spoke to his wife about them!
My friend you are Union officer and you know the bad conditions from the Australian Union movement. Can you tell me how many million dollars gave the Union movement to ALP? Can you tell me why the Union Movement gave all this money to ALP instead to use them for the Union members, for more organizers etc?
I am member of the Union but I am not supporter from ALP, there are many members of the Union but not supporters from the ALP. Can you tell me why part of our fees went to ALP when we are against it?
If the Australian Movement wants to become strong then it must care for its members and not for the ALP.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by AnSymeonakis, Sunday, 26 July 2009 7:12:18 PM
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Dear Belly,

Cheer up Dear Friend. All is not lost.
In politics the only constant is change.

In NSW the Party's been in for 14 years,
which is a long time by anyone's standard.
There's been three Premiers,
each with their own agendas and
policies, Bob Carr, Morris Iemma, Nathan Rees.

I think even if the Party had performed perfectly
people would still want a change eventually.
That's the nature of politics.

As you pointed out earlier, the Party needs to
re-focus. It will, you'll see.

However, NSW is ready for a change after 14 years.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 July 2009 8:15:00 PM
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Foxy as usual you are quite right, but change for change sake need not be the only way.
We are going to have an earth quake change in NSW.
From your list I regard only Carr as a leader.
And pied piper, well my dismay at this mob, my mob goes back a bit.
The dreadful crime of Woolongong, the power sell out, I could write one hundred pages.
But yes, privatization drives me too.
IT IS BETRAYAL! it is blindness, policy's say government wants to create a stable group of say road builders and other contractors , to eventually see full privatization .
Believe me its true, at briefings they told me , we know it may cost more in the short run.
But the end justifies the means.
And they help it , contractors in sand shoes turn up and half do the job, get paid more to do less.
Surveillance is blind not interested in work out comes.
Public service? it is not a wanted outcome,, stop at road side toilet, not good at any time, but the one done by contract is third world, and at luxury cost.
Once we created jobs now we sell workers out and put badly treated casual laborers in the job, high profits for grub employers, dreadful hopeless work life for some .
Our best hope?
New leadership and yes a change of government, my party has failed its grass roots forgotten its birth place.
And the foxes in the ALP chook house are NSW public servants who in all probability ever ever vote Labor in any case.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 27 July 2009 5:31:24 AM
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Politics has mostly been a dirty business, but most people today do not really understand why the British Monarch survived from 1215, until today, with only a brief eleven year Republic between 1649 and 1660. They got a republic between 1649 and 1660, because they had an idiot Roman Catholic King, who believed he was anointed by Almighty God, and even though the Parliament had told him in 1640 to back off, he more ofr less refused and they cut his head off and installed a violent vindictive Protestant as Lord Protector.

Since 1970, the Liberals have considered themselves the anointed by Almighty God Party, and that their leader had the same divine right as the King who lost his head. With the large influx of Europeans after World War II most of them came from Republics where the President had succeeded to the concept of a Divine Right of a President, and see nothing wrong with a Republic.

I see someone attacking Kevin Rudd. Kevin Rudd won because he was able to prise the rusted on Christian vote, away from the Liberal Party. He did this by pointing out the Christians stand for justice. He did this by telling anyone who would listen that the great Labor Leaders, who got the best working conditions for workers, were all Christians, and convincing a majority of Christians that it was alright to vote Labor. Labor federally was not a monster.

What is wrong with New South Wales today is the idea that the Premier is Almighty God or as near to him as it gets. The idea that in politics control of the Parliament is the same as being Almighty God. This is what happens when a man or woman gets half an education. I say half an education because if they got a complete education they would understand why it is that the United Kingdom still has a monarch. Its because until some time after World War II they had universal jury trials, and it was constitutionally guaranteed just like it is in the Good Ole United States of America
Posted by Peter the Believer, Monday, 27 July 2009 6:19:30 AM
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Since we are on the Divine Right of Kings, way back in Queensland, between 1950 and 1960, in Primary School, the basics of politics was taught to every child. Half way between 1950 and 1960, about 1952, we had a new Queen crowned, and the Liberal Party started to make Prime Ministers and Premiers into the Divine Kings, that they craved to establish what they thought was to be a benevolent dictatorship.

Queensland had forty years of Labor Governments with a short three year break, while an idiot Liberal Premier ruled, between 1917 and 1957. They lost government when a faction in the Labor Party so alienated the Christian vote, that a splinter group was formed, mostly from Roman Catholics that kept Labor out of power until 1989. By 1989, the Liberal/National Party had almost succeeded in taking over the State and had become so corrupted since 1984, that they were by now almost completely unaccountable, to the electorate between elections.

Joh Bjellke was a benevolent dictator, but he knew his limitations. He listened to some imbeciles whose craving for power knew no bounds, and was on the slopes by 1984, when to stifle criticism, the Parliament of Queensland enacted the Vexatious Litigant legislation. Joh understood that the Divine Right of Kings, was subject to the right of everyone to take a proceeding in a Political Forum, at any time and call the Government to account. That Political Forum was a court. It could be called together in any of the provincial cities, and could and did judicially review the government at any time.

Please note the politically correct absence of a capital letter on the two words court and judicially, because these are the way that these words are written in both the Holy Bible where the word court is used, and in the Australian Constitution where judges is used in Ch III Constitution. To understand what I am talking about, could you have a look at this link, where Lionel Murphy has a quote.

You will find materials there no longer used or taught in Universities
Posted by Peter the Believer, Monday, 27 July 2009 6:44:53 AM
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