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The Forum > General Discussion > 1 in 10 'racial supremacists' in Australia

1 in 10 'racial supremacists' in Australia

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I usually ignore you for the silly sausage you are; but your supreme naivety about “The majority of boat people were found to be genuine asylum seekers.” Is just too much.

These unidentifiable people are coached into learning 3 different stories – depending on how many illegals have recently used one story or another. (Yes I do have first- hand knowledge of this). Immigration officers are told to follow a set routine, and whether or not they are being lied to doesn’t come into as far as scared-of-offending anyone public servants and politicians go.

And, anyone who comes to Australia in the way they do is an illegal, whether you like the sound of that or not.


Calling you ‘some sort of activist’ is not a promotion. I never said that I do not trust ethnics, but I confess that I do not trust you anymore than anyone else who thinks like you, and I do not wish to be your friend; nor do I wish to be your enemy. I don’t want to be anything to you.

I do not like it suggested that I’m not a “good” Australian either because I don’t like what you say.

I have no problems with immigrants who do not try to demand that their host culture change things just for them.

As for you obsession with ‘racism’, you are going to make yourself ill; nothing you say will make any difference to what people think.

Having said that I accept most immigrants, I will never “open my heart to muslims” (your words). Islam is a threat to the Western world and always will be because they are not allowed to interpret the Koran in any way but the original meanings. Not all Muslim individuals are violent Islamists, of course, but we just don’t know which are which, and the risk of Muslim immigration is too high, as will be proved.
Posted by Leigh, Sunday, 28 June 2009 5:24:28 PM
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Foxy, your statement read, 'It was a badge of honour among the emotionally and intellectually beleaguered (and challenged) conservatives in the middle class to oppose anything the Whitlam government instituted'. How does that equate with opposing 'things that practically all decent, thinking Australians opposed at the time'? Or does the rule only apply to one party?

You wrote that if one was to 'oppose everything simply on Party lines, and against the National Interest, then perhaps your intellectual capability should be questioned ' - see first sentence here - same thing, eh?

Didn't clear things up for me.
Posted by Austin Powerless, Sunday, 28 June 2009 6:05:37 PM
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Dear AustinP,

Firstly - the statement was not mine, but that of
Bruce Haigh who wrote the article in the website
I cited, entitled,
'Racism in Australia.'
I merely responded to the questions you asked.

However, if this did not clear things up for you -
then may I humbly suggest that you visit the
website I gave - read the entire article for
yourself - and make your own assumptions about
what Haigh was saying.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 June 2009 6:35:02 PM
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"A Frienship Organisation between Lebanese/Middle Eastern Australians and others is a good idea" THANK YOU!

"Efforts have to be made on both sides of the divide on this issue or it won't work." You have right, this is very important, I try to build bridges, to open doors, to improve my relations with nationalists and other people who worry from muslims, and especialy from Lebanese Muslims, I think 56% of Sydney people are not very friendly to them! I hope you have some good ideas how to improve our relations with both sides. Be sure the hardliners will not support any idea for friendchip with Lebanese but I think the mass majority of australians will agree.

"Perhaps a multi-cultural frienship organisation"
pelican, THIS IS THE BEST! with this way we will have the chance to involve with many other important issues related with migrants, ethnic and religious minorities.

Do you live in Sydney or Melbourne? If yes we have the president or Secretary of this association.
I would like to be member from its committee! I want to work for it.

Let's start the work for a multi-cultural frienship organisation.

In my next post I will write some ideas about this organization.
Posted by AnSymeonakis, Sunday, 28 June 2009 6:35:06 PM
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Dear Antonios,

There already exists an organisation called -
"Australians Against Racism," founded by
Dr Eva Sallis - who lives in Adelaide,
South Australia. She visits the Middle-East
regularly, and has the support of many
Middle-Eastern communities.

You can visit her website on:

And click onto "Background," to get the entire
history of the organisation.

You may also find it interesting to click onto -
"Projects," and

It will give you a good summary of what they have
already achieved.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 June 2009 6:57:46 PM
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"Australian multi-cultural frienship organisation"

Few thoughts about it.

1, to promote the cultures of all australian ethnic and religious groups.
2, To promote the understandind and cooperation between all australian ethnic and religious groups.
3. To support any desadvantaged ethnic or religious group.
4. To promote the basic human rights and democratic values

1. OPEN for memberchip to any friend of MULTICULTURARISMUS,withouht any kind of discrimination.
2. fully democratic in all its levels and depth, local, state or national, local base, state or national committees.
3. intependant the organization WILL NOT allowed to become member of any political party or any other organization which is controled directly or indirectly from any political party or political organization.

1. cooperation with federal, state and local governments.
2. cooperation with Ethnic or religious groups in national, state or local level,
3. cooperation with community organizations or Trade Unions in national, state or local level
4. cooperations with mass media in federal, state and local level.
5. On the internet with web pages or in forums like the, etc.

National level
a)National Central Council the highest body of the organization, which will consist from 18 members, from them 7 will be the state-teritory presidents, the rest members will be elected from state elections according to the number of members for each state.
b) The council will be for three years and ie will meet at least one time per year.

2. a)The National exucative committee will consist from 7-9 members, from which at least 4 members will be presidents of state committees.
b) Will be elected for three years from the national central council.
c) Will have meating at least every three months or when more often if they decide it.

1. state council consist from 18 members who are elected from the general meating of the state members.
2. will last three years
3. will electe the state exucative committee
4 will have meatings at least one per year.

Anual member fees NO MORE THAN $20 PER YEAR
Posted by AnSymeonakis, Sunday, 28 June 2009 7:35:14 PM
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