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The real reason for the NRL group sex 'scandal'

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sancho:"After all, I'm sure men never "make determinations (estimates) immediately, without calculations or notes"."

For the less dimwitted, the situation the Rusty Catheter describes is institutionalised within the CSA. I got a letter from the Regional Registrar, who was the top CSA officer in Qld, telling me that no notes need be kept, since "the officer makes the decision on the spot". She also told me that was why I couldn't make a complaint against that person for misconduct - since she kept no notes, no evidence was available. Does anyone think that's reasonable? On what grounds?

For the record, that Regional Registrar (Angela Tillmanns) was demoted from her position not long after I registered an official complaint about that letter and about the process that had lead to it. She is now no longer with the CSA and I have never been pursued by the CSA for the amount I dispute, despite inviting them to prosecute on at least 4 occasions.

As Rusty also said, the CSA tried to force the owners of the DOTA website to remove material i posted in regard to that matter, but desisted when I posted an open invitation for them and the people I named as either incompetent or corrupt to pursue me personally for defamation. They have never tried to do so, since truth is a defence. One of those people, Nigel Harden, is a male, sancho will be pleased to note.

The CSA is one of the most egregious examples of a Feminist doctrinal creation having gone wrong. It has been the same failure in every country that has tried it, so why do we continue with it? Of course, the answer is that it gives women an enormously powerful weapon to use against men during a divorce. It is much harder to pursue a legal matter if the CSA has garnished your bank account or your wages to the point of bare subsistence, while legal aid funding is denied because your gross wages are too high.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 13 July 2009 7:52:55 AM
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While the issue of parental support of estranged children is a serious one and no one, as far as I know, has seriously tried to argue that children should not be supported by both parents, the problem is that at a time when a situation is in flux - immediately post-separation - the CSA intervening can only act to exacerbate a fraught situation.

While the Howard Govt changes to the CS Acts and the FL Act did help to improve matters by allowing a recently separated parent to claim the costs of reestablishment away from the former family home and there have been significant reforms within the CSA, it remains a deeply flawed organisation. One of the principal reasons is that staff bonuses are linked to collections from paying parents, creating an obvious conflict of interest for those staff.

Pynchme, Michael Flood is hardly an authoritative source. He has derived his income entirely from professing "Feminism" for years and as such, anything he writes is entirely self-serving and hence irrelevant. It is also factually inaccurate and presents little but straw-men for Flood to tear down, thus demonstrating wht a good Feminist he is. I look forward to his marriage breaking down to show how deeply he holds his oft-expressed apologetics.

As for misinformation, I invite you to demonstrate what "misinformation" I have posted. The reason you and the rest of the conga-line dislike antiseptic so much is that I point out each time you "tell lies for women" and that means you have to think, which, let's face it, you're not much good at.

All I get in return is a constant stream of "antiseptic's divorced so he hates women", thus proving you don't need brains to post online.

pynchme:"The article that was mentioned referred to an increase in DV by women from under 1,000 to about 2,000 or something."

That was hospitalisations due to DV, not assaults and the total is only about 6000, meaning women commit about a third of serious DV. They also commit nearly 50% of assaults on children.

Glad to have ckleared that up.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 13 July 2009 10:23:37 AM
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pynchme:"I haven't read all the posts but of what I have read, I've never seen any fellows on that site acknowledge that they had anything to do with why their former partners wanted to leave."

And why should they? No-fault divorce has been a feature of Australian Family Law for 30 years. It's intersting that you should make that criticism, though, since if you genuinely believe it, you must also believe that "victims" in DV situations have to bear some responsiblility for contributing to that violence. At last it seems we're getting somewhere...

The DOTA site is for fathers who are having trouble getting access to their children. It is not about the divorce process, nor is it about former partners except insofar as they interfere with the rights of fathers to see their children. There is a lot of advice on how to proceed in custody matters and of course, DVOS, which are part and parcel of a disputed custody matter. There is much about the excesses of the CSA. There are some men who go to vent about their matters and there are some nutters, just as there are nutters everywhere. Under the intolerable strain of fighting the State for what should be a basic right - that of having a role in the life of your offspring - some men crack, adding to the already vastly greater number of male suicides. DOTA and DIDs and some of the other organisations you mentioned have undoubtedly saved some who might hve gone that way. I'm proud of that.

BTW, which of the organisations I listed as beneficiaries of funds for feminist activism do you belong to? A little disclosure of your interests would seem to be in order...
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 13 July 2009 10:35:27 AM
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I had to go look up what the CSA was and clicked that I should have known. Personally never had a payment from them, they wouldn’t pursue what was owed by my ex and neither would Child Support in NZ.

Anti can you tell me if it is the amount or the process that you are against?

I don’t like to interfere too much with peoples chosen faith but you believe females are out to get all males, young and old? Then what?

I do see clearly that while all you grownups bicker the children are again forgotten. Like any case of DV, neither party have made the children a priority, maybe they lack the clarity through whatever reason to do so.

The victims are the children.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Monday, 13 July 2009 11:23:45 AM
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4. the Offices of Governor and Governor-General
are men's organisations in receipt of government funding.

the origins of monarchy
lie with the supression of women's business.
women reign and represent monarchs
when monarchs act largely
on the advice of men's legislatures.

Pynchme, i had to pinch myself
when you mentioned Xy!
i've scrambled to my files
and found a wad of hard copies of the Xy Magazine
from when i was a subscriber in the early 1990's.
it's great to read
such a distinguished and disciplined academic
as Dr Michael Flood again!

isn't it marvelous how men's legislatures
can set up a men's organisation
like the Child Support Agency
which drives some men to distraction.
bit like the army ... or perhaps the Foreign Legion
to exercise discipline and restore normality
to men with a control-freak complex
manifested as a broken heart.
Posted by whistler, Monday, 13 July 2009 11:29:00 AM
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TPP:"you believe females are out to get all males, young and old?"

Nope. I have never said that and I don't believe it. It's entirely an attempt by a couple of the less intellectually-gifted posters to "poison the well" in respect of my views.

I have said, quite clearly and quite often that I believe that Feminism has been corrupted by a few self-servers into a means of giving themselves a protected earning source and that they use their constant claims of "victimisation" and "discrimination" to try to stop any questioning of their motives. After all, they're "doing it for the kids" or "helping battered women" or "couselling rape victims" - they're never "featherbedding" or "empire-building"...

In the world-view of those people men are always perpetrators; man-as-victim-of-woman is not to be discussed. That view has lead to such horrid debasements of due process as the Duluth model of DV intervention that mandates removal of the male, regardless of the facts of a situation, as well as the ridiculous level of government funding support for Feminist activism I pointed out earlier.

It is responsible for a rush of sociologists producing "research" that "confirms" the dominant feminist paradigm by ignoring anything anomalous. It has lead to a situation in which men's organisations can only receive funding by agreeing to uphold Feminist doctrine.

It is a pernicious doctrine that has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with getting a free ride.

I still don't hate women...

TPP:"I do see clearly that while all you grownups bicker the children are again forgotten"

Rubbish. If you read the DOTA site and the DIDs forum you'll see that the biggest source of anger and frustration among fathers is being deprived of time with their kids because the mother wants to remain entitled to government handouts. After my own matter was resolved, my ex suddenly got herself a job, because she was no longer entitled to as much from the State. Up to then, she'd steadfastly managed to avoid paid work in favour of going to uni for the extra pension money she got.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 13 July 2009 12:13:11 PM
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