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The Forum > General Discussion > The real reason for the NRL group sex 'scandal'

The real reason for the NRL group sex 'scandal'

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^5 Whistler and Master :)

Antiseptic: If there is a cause that requires funding then apply for a grant - make a case by showing the need or the expected gain.

In just one Google: funding for Dads in Distress ($210,780 and $274,560); Life Skills for Blokes - Toormina NSW ($78,957); Young Fathers' Program - Penrith NSW ($77,741); Men and Family Centre ($300,000) to deliver parenting and support programs aimed primarily at fathers in the Lismore region; Building Healthy Men Project - Wollongong ($57,220); Men's Shed "Great Mates" Project - Jervis Bay/Bay & Basin ($140,394); Fella's Family Project - Ballina ($146,300).

FAHCSIA has been providing community program funding specific to males for about 20 years I think (read somewhere).

SAAP services provide for homeless people regardless of sex, but many services are provided for families and children and are therefore non-sex specific. The Salvos, Uniting Church, Catholic Church, Anglicare, St. Vincent de Paul's, Relationships Australia; local neighbourhood centres and so on - all provide services to all citizens. Some social welfare funding specific to men includes that provided for men's support, education or activity groups like Mens Sheds and others tailored to various relationship and addiction issues.

All mainstream government services are accessible by anyone, while some are specific to mens needs, such as the Pitstop Program; Rural networks and drought counsellors and such. Many may be listed on Beyond Blue.

There are conditions that are experienced more by one sex or another -like brain injury - males use more of the allocated resource. For example about 3/4 (that would be about 300,000 I think) - of people using brain injury health services are male.

Funding is also provided to Mensline:

This site seems to have a positive approach:

This whole thing is too silly to go on about. Your interest is in promoting the Menz myths of victimization and finding extra information might upset your preferred belief mightn't it
Posted by Pynchme, Sunday, 12 July 2009 1:14:32 AM
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Oh and an afterthought.

Government funding is als provided to NRL and the like through one avenue or another such as the Dept. of Sport and Rec.

<" The timing of the binge drinking was particularly sensitive for embarrassed league heavies as they moved along the wooden corridors of Parliament House seeking up to $20 million - after already committing to a Federal Government campaign for responsible drinking. The new funds are being sought to build a central administration office for the game in Sydney, allowing the co-ordination of community initiatives such as the indigenous program, One Community and a partnership using the code to promote health messages in Papua New Guinea.">

NT Govt - 50,000:


<"After seven years campaigning, Mackay and District Rugby League Chairman, Greg Sutherland, is thrilled to have an eight million dollar grant from the 2008 Budget to upgrade Mackay's stadium facilities.

The grant will be used to enhance the present Junior League site into a facility capable of holding national events, such as away NRL games, as well as a variety of entertainment, social and cultural events.">

2007: <"The Government will also provide $9.6 million to the Cronulla Leagues Club for an upgrade of Toyota Park—the home ground of the National Rugby League team the Cronulla Sharks.">

Anyway just Google...

Now I wonder how funding for footy can be hammered into some sort of feminist conspiracy theory....
Posted by Pynchme, Sunday, 12 July 2009 1:46:06 AM
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Pynchme, the grants whose recipients I listed are purely for the promotion of women in leadership roles. They are not "special purpose" grants, such as the ones you mentioned. They are also in adition to the funding each of those organisations listed may receive to perform what they claim to be their core function.

Dads in Distress was forced to make all sorts of disclaimers of political activism in order to receive their operating grant, while the organisations I listed receive money specifically for that purpose. I have no knowledge of the other groups you mention, but having looked into the formation of a "men's shed" here in Brisbane, I know that there is no room for an activist role within the funding guidelines.

Please feel free to post your list of men's organisations that receive such funding.

At present, women outnumber men in professional roles, with 52.6% of all professionals being women, while almost all trades and semi-skilled positions are filled by men.
At present, there are in excess of 90,000 more women than men at Uni.
At present, 30% of all hospitalisations due to DV in NSW (and elsewhere, no doubt) are caused by female perpetrators.
At present, boys are being severely disadvantaged by an education system that favours girls and is dominated by women at every level, many of whom belong to AWE, an organisation listed above.
At present, almost all workplace fatalities involve a male victim.
At present, men are twice as likely as women to experience violence as a victim.
At present, if a man is discriminated against by an employer or any other organisation there is no mechanism for him to seek redress.
At present, there is a Minister devoted to the promotion of women's interests in every State and Federally.
At present, there is not one Minister charged with looking after men's interests.

Feminist doctrine has created a runaway train, with the accelerator pressed to the floor and no brake. There will be a crash.

Sock-puppet:"antiseptic antiseptic antiseptic dude(sic)"

Yes dear, so you said. Rejection is so hurtful isn't it?
Posted by Antiseptic, Sunday, 12 July 2009 8:02:38 AM
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Dear Antiseptic - you ARE a simpleton. You're like a chubb at a lifelong feast who bitches and moans that someone at a soup kitchen is getting free soup.

The groups you listed are not political activist groups - but even if they were so bloody what.

All groups have to meet certain funding guidelines.

If you have any evidence for your assertions put it out for consideration otherwise I'll consider the things you're stating as just more woman-hating waffle.
Posted by Pynchme, Sunday, 12 July 2009 8:48:16 AM
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<< Mini-tornado wreaks havoc at football game in South Australia.

A MINI-tornado has wreaked havoc on a suburban Aussie rules football ground in South Australia, pelting players with debris as it picked up cars and tore apart buildings >>,22606,25766348-5006301,00.html

Another feminist plot!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 12 July 2009 8:55:15 AM
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“Another feminist plot!”

Worse aye CJ, now they’ve upset God and she was probably already annoyed with them.

Those lists were interesting, I had no idea there were so many groups for women. Whistlers list of one pretty much said it all.

Anti, in what way are boys being disadvantaged at school? School teachers have often been predominantly women, like nurses – the more caring professions. But they usually become teachers because they like all kids not just girls.

I don’t want to see men disadvantaged but I cannot see why women supporting women and out numbering men at uni or in the workplace after hundreds of years is a concern
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 12 July 2009 9:34:53 AM
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