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Ahmadinejad - Geneva - Israel

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Ostensibly I agree with Spindoc's conclusions but by the same token I bristle at the various version of spin and historic inaccuracies that make up many of Israel's national myths.
Any potted history of the area would be remiss if it allowed the idea that the Palestinians/Arabs didn't have their own ambitions for independence before,during WW1 (against the Turks see The Broken promises made by the Brits of independence made through T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) and the period of Mandate.
Likewise it is a gross understatement to suggest that Both the French (Syria and Lebanon) and the Brits for Jordan and Palestine were anything but brutal in their suppression of the nationalistic ideas.
During this period the Zionists ran their own brand of terrorism including the bombing of the King David Hotel and the systematic terrorist clearing of Arab villages.
During the WW2 the elements of the Jewish community helped 'control' the Arabs.
Today Israeli Arabs and other religions are treated as 2nd class citizens.

My point of highlighting this is simply to put historic perspective on some of the more outrageous/egregious omissions and lies put out by the pro Israeli PR Machine.
Seen in context this speech from Iran is not surprising in its rhetoric. To suggest that Israel is some how better is pure spin. Neither do I support the Palestinians V Israel.
Evidence suggest that the US's overt interference for its own perceived interests have caused the Arabs to indeed fight their grievances out in proxy wars. Much Like the US support for the rebels V Taliban in USSR dominated Afghanistan. Strangely the US hasn't learned from its wars Vietnam onward that might can't beat an ideal with force.
Meanwhile the average citizen are pawns on both sides captives of entrenched power structures that will destroy rather than let peace take over lest THEY lose face (power).
Posted by examinator, Thursday, 23 April 2009 3:05:28 PM
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Reminds me of One (San) Antonio Summer Ranch.

Don't mind me - carry on.
Posted by RobP, Thursday, 23 April 2009 3:13:57 PM
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Examinator, you’re absolutely right that there were many organizations trying to establish national identity with an equally diverse set of affiliates and sponsors.

What I wished to query are your comments << The Jews gained the territory by the same means international PR, chicanery, Bullying and cowardly terrorism techniques applied against them in WW2>>.

Looking at the partition of Palestine 1920 to May 14, 1948, the area’s assigned to Jews and Palestinians were a mixed up jumble with small areas of one community within area’s assigned to others, a recipe for trouble under any circumstances..

There were some three dozen major conflicts, including against the British, between 1922 and 1948, culminating in the 1948/49 war. However, I question your claim that “Jews gained territory (by implication, I think) that they gained Israel by these methods.

The day after the end of the British Mandate, May 14, 1948, the ALA, fronted by Jordan and King Abdullah, launched attacks on the Palestinian territory of the West Bank and Jerusalem, displacing some 10,000 Jews. The rest of the Arab armies attacked every other border. The Jews meanwhile tried to defend all borders and, to remove the enemy within, the Jews decimated the Palestinian enclaves partitioned within what is now Israel. Some 75,000 Palestinian were displaced by the Jews and the State of Israel was declared.

Since the 15th century, the occupying forces, Ottomans and British insisted on the right of access for all denominations, to the holy places in Jerusalem. The Ottomans through “Firmans” agreed with the Imams and through Major General Allenby’s declarations.

After Jordan occupied the West Bank, King Abdullah refused, for 19 years, to abide by Article VIII of the armistice agreement to continue multi-denominational access to Jerusalem.

Whilst I don’t condone the tactics from either party, the Arab States provoked both the formation of the State of Israel and the 1966 war. And they continue to provoke both directly and indirectly. We tend to focus upon the recent (Post PLO) history as it is presented by the “commentariat” and sometimes forget, or never knew what really happened
Posted by spindoc, Thursday, 23 April 2009 4:37:12 PM
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1.The boycot of the human rights conference in Geneva by USA, Australia etc WAS A HUGE MISTAKE, A BIG MOVE TO THE WRONG DIRECTION, A signal that President Obama is not ready to listen, is not ready to compromise, is not ready for STRONG INTERNATIONAL BODIES. Few more moves like this and USA will lose all the international friendship they won from Obama's election.
2. "Like it or Not, Demographics Eventually Will Change Israel From a Jewish State into a Democratic State" Washington report on Middle East Affairs.

Accoprding to Joseph Chamie YaleGlobal, Yale University in 2050 the population of Israel will be 21 milions, 50% Jews, 50% Palestinians.

According to a United Nations report By the year 2050, the Palestinian population will exceed 11.8 million and the Israeli 10.1 million due to natural population growth.
That means Palestinians soon can take under their own control the whole Israel, with democratic elections.

It is profound who is and must be very busy for a solution of the jews palestinian conflict.
If palestinians are smart enouph they will not sign any solytion and after 40-50 years they can elect a palestinian president and prime minister of Israel.
As you can see the risk for jews to become a small minority in the Israel is EXTREMELY BIG, even if we have the creation of two states, Israel and Palestinian states BECAUSE the arabs in Israel in 2050 will be 30% of the Israel population and not many years later they will be majority in the Israel!
Antonis Symeonakis
Posted by AnSymeonakis, Thursday, 23 April 2009 5:50:00 PM
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I've read several books from different perspectives including those my Jewish daughter gave me to read at the time when she was a believer.

I've read the 'Arab' interpretation and to be frank they could have been discussing different dimensions in time and space. You're right to point out its a convoluted mess that takes a more dedicated history buff than me to get the ultimate facts. (if ever) However I favour the book cited (if you were close handy I'd lend it to you)in the history part because it's the most objective I've read.

It isn't so hot on current issues but that is like trying to pick up mercury with tweezers.
I say this because objectively I may be influenced by this book.

In context it starts with the changes in the Russian attitude towards Jewish tolerance self determination. Through to the machinations of the Zionist movements it's factions etc.
This included the politics behind the Balfour declaration and alternative home lands etc.
It also detail each wave of immigration the politics their practices on how that the latter one actively discriminated against the local population etc. The market crash the external supporters the world's fair stand its politics etc.
You would need to read the early chapters to see how the Zionists behaved their chicanery there activities etc.
Again it also talks about the Palestinian leader who lived in Berlin during WW 2 as a collaborator and also their background politics
The truth is that the mandate nations were less than honourable in their deceptions and heavy handed treatment .
I can't by nature of the beast and space give a detailed response I highly recommend this book it was a real eye opener.
Sorry mate
Posted by examinator, Thursday, 23 April 2009 8:23:30 PM
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some more info re pigs[swine whine]

Previous Swine Flu Outbreak Originated At Fort Dix

Given the reports of the possibility of a swine flu epidemic, is interesting to note that last time there was a significant outbreak of a new form of swine flu in the U.S. it was traced back to the army base at Fort Dix, New Jersey.

WHO: Swine Flu Could Trigger Global Pandemic
The World Health Organization has warned that a new form of influenza that may have spread from Mexico into the U.S. could develop into a pandemic-type virus.

Mexico Shuts Schools Amid Deadly Flu Outbreak
Mexican officials, scrambling to control a swine flu outbreak that has killed at least 16 people and possibly dozens more in recent weeks, shuttered schools from kindergarten to university for millions of young people in and around the capital on Friday and urged people with flu symptoms to stay home from work.

US ‘very concerned’ about swine flu outbreak
US medical authorities expressed strong concern Friday about an unprecedented multi-strain swine flu outbreak that has killed at least 60 people in Mexico and infected seven people in the United States.

Top Democrats Complicit In Torture Cover-Up
We now know why top Democrats are protecting Bush administration officials from facing an inquiry into the illegal torture program - because several of them were actually complicit in giving their approval for such methods to be used.... just as the people of the pig will be revealed to be complicite in releasing this swine flue, so the war on iran comes off seamlessly
read the signs [links]on the links
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 25 April 2009 6:48:50 AM
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