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The Forum > General Discussion > New Year's Resolutions ... What changes Would You make in 2009 ?

New Year's Resolutions ... What changes Would You make in 2009 ?

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As the end of the year draws near - it's a time
to reflect on what was, and more importantly
what lies ahead.

I'm interested in what changes people would
like to make in their lives for 2009.

And this can be realistic or simply wishful thinking ...

My top three would be:

1) Spend more time on doing things I actually enjoy doing.
2) Worry less about elderly family members.
3) Learn to say 'no' more often.

Your comments?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 December 2008 7:08:08 PM
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You can get good bargains at this time of year... but it comes to the buyer not to get conned into spending lots of hard earned money.

Everything I bought over the years wore out, or broke down, and looking back I didnt need most of the stuff I purchased.
Little remains of the 'non-permanents' of my life and really I wish I had put more into charities and saving lives.

From dust we come... and to dust we go.
Lets help those in need:)

A good cause is leaking women via Christian Blind Mission International
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 29 December 2008 7:52:57 PM
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Dear Gibo,

Your wish to help others is a good resolution
for the New Year.

It's made me think of a few changes that I'd
like to see in 2009:

1) I'd like to see world leaders decide that during 2009,
there would be no more military involvements. Instead
they would target the stamping out of world poverty.

2)I would like to see all religious leaders
teach compassion, tolerance, and inclusion.

3)I would like to see the
Liberals instead of constantly criticizing
come up with solutions.

4) I would like to see people give the current
Government of this country their full term in office
before criticizing them.

That will do for now.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 December 2008 10:36:42 PM
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cant really say that i make new year resolutions[havnt been to a new years party[but twice]once pre kids[one post kids]the pre kids was a great feast of kissing[by the time of the 2 de kissing somehow had disappeared]

what changes would i make,i guess i would turn back time,im not planning any changes[never the less things have changed dramaticly; yet i havnt made any[not that i notice]i have become more hard[so i could say i would become more soft[but i feel;flabby enough as it is]

i can only agree with much foxy posted[adding that i would wish that media did or was doing its job in educating people as to real meanings of things/words[not just mindlessly inform us of work choices or the latest starlet,fad or the police crime-report's[as news?]

i would ban cooking shows[and limit sports reporting to a decent hour[when the kids are asleep]i would demand that govt clarify what words mean[suss-tain-ability or define what is a terror-ism,to me banks are not only unsustainable,many fib-finantial instruments are pure fiction[terror needs to include that pub-lick,serveants/bankers and lawyers are doing to our collective rights]

anyhow foxy just wanted to give people a reminder to have a go at drunken promises made in the moment before strangers[that yet hold legal verbal contractual weight[and that new year was meant to be more about using our mouths and tongues to expesss love[not empty promises]

happy new year you all

[how about ending the celibrations early this year[say at the reasonable hour of midnight,remember those who are serving you have a life too[lets give the booze buses an early night,and give the ambulance drivers an easy night[and the emergency center workers no work at all]

anyhow im not making promises i cant keep[and certainly not kissing any strangers[anymore]so whats the use making promises before them

anyhow for those that do may god bless you and keep you
and you athiests[well you dont know what your rejecting;is possably the only real loving thing there is,i can understand rejecting a judge[but to reject the lover that god really is,well you must really be drunk][blind drunk]
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 7:18:41 AM
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hahah...:) I'd put Foxy into a blender.. then place the blended result into a large syringe and inject CJ and PERICLES :) with some mellowness.

I'd add the following features to OLO.

An option where 'email user' can be done.. those who don't wish to be contacted can decline to register their email for that.

I'd add BOLD and ITALIC and BOLD ITALIC features to enable more clear expression of emotion and emphasis.

Other than that.. hmm the world goes on...

I would seek to personalize more the words of Paul

<<Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.>> (Phil 4:12ff)
Posted by Polycarp, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 7:44:33 AM
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I would like to help the blind to see

The deaf to hear

The lame to walk

And those who traditionally vote socialists think and vote with a moral conscience, instead of with their hand out for a tax-sub or the feeble belief that government help actually helps anyone or comes without a price.

But I am realist to know I am likely to see those goals achieved in the order I have written them.

As for myself

I am prepared to commit to paying more tax but only because I will be earning more.
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 8:45:11 AM
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