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Is it ever the Parents fault?

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Foxy thanks and to each and every one who posts here, yes every one its been a pleasure spending time with you.
I truly wish each and every one a great Christmas and new year? even better.
The subject of this thread is like being in a black berries patch, it some times hurts but reality is, we all know it at some level, some deaths need never have happened.
At times I highlighted real life over the past few years, a family that had every problem you could think of including child rape.
The result I feared has come to pass that family fragmented, children have children.
Dad sits alone unable to see any one of his 7 kids again ,or his wife.
I have no doubt in this case parenting was poor to non existent.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 17 December 2008 4:10:46 AM
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Belly, yes alot of the time, it is in fact the parents fault!

Every time that my mother tries to give me a lecture about
my many alleged faults, I remind her that I was just a simple
little tadpole, swimming along innocently. If she got
kinky that day and created me, I had nothing to do with it :)

Just remember, parents have children to satisfy their own hormonal,
instinctive needs. If the kid does not turn out as they wish, it
is easy to blame the child, but at the end of the day it was their
decision, not the child's decision to be created.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 17 December 2008 9:49:13 PM
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Until people stop expecting the State and Federal Governments to run their lives more deaths will occur.
Right now they are spending millions fencing a creek because a day care centre failed in their duties to watch the kids.

Just like all those Mums and Dads who expect others to fence poolsetc simply because they are too slack to watch their own kids.

The point is even to put up a fence you have to have a licence.

Yet any idiot can have kids. Its got to be changed.

You have them-YOU raise them- Not us or the Government.

Its always the parents fault unless its an accident.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 18 December 2008 4:21:13 AM
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I tried to start a conversation about the increase but always with us deaths of little kids in swimming pools.
Or the death toll of children run over on their parents drive way.
The kids who wander next door or 3 houses down the road unnoticed and get savaged by a chained up dog.
I intended we talk about the pressures of parenting vs the social chatter that lets some take their eyes of the kids.
Yes that pedestrian crossing story, right now you can see it in real life any day.
Child watching is no easy job, but some do it far better than most.
Some mother over Christmas will turn her back for that fatal split second.
We can do better , if we try, if we understand, if we never again hear anyone say , we never thought it could happen to us,
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 18 December 2008 4:38:03 AM
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Belly have you noticed that you keep refering just to mothers. They still do the majority of care but dads have the same responsibilities and are taking on an increasing proportion of care.

We all neded to find that balance between letting our kids experience life and guiding and protecting them.

Never an easy answer, our own view of the world can cause the space our kids can live in to be really small or very large.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 18 December 2008 6:17:57 AM
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RObert you and I know that is true however we also know mums more often than dads have the kids at these times.
We could widen the topic to include children killed by step fathers.
Or go deeper into why some dads do not do their share of parenting.
My talking of mothers was not to suggest only they get it wrong.
But I can not retract my view many of the deaths need ever have happened.
We should educate both parents in parenting.
I think its a good idea, not however as some new age types are doing near here, dressing boys as girls with toy dolls to ? well I will not ever agree taking the maleness out of male children is doing them better.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 19 December 2008 6:37:46 PM
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