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Selling the Country

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Actually Gibo, I'm probably in agreement with you on your concerns about Muslims. I think you noticed a very long comment by a contributer with a very long name about Muslims on another thread. Despite its length, it was well worth reading. Christianity is generally a tolerant religion, (although there a plenty of intolerant Christians, you yourself are often accused of being that), and our tolerance is contributing to the sell out of Australia.

I object to chain food outlets like McDonalds & KFC having a Halal menu. The food might not be any different to us non Muslims, but it means that only Muslims can work in the preparation of this food. If Muslims want Halal food in these places, they should have subsidary companies with the word "Halal" in the title. In Israel with its significant population of Jews there are two McDonalds chains existing side by side, one is the regular McDonalds and the other is Kosher for the Jewish population.

We must however acknowledge that there are many devout Muslims, that genually practice their religion and can do so without interferring with the rest of the population that do not wish to follow the Islamic faith.
Posted by Steel Mann, Monday, 29 September 2008 9:54:34 AM
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One company that is exploiting a gas find in Western Australia was
dopey enough to sign a very long term contract for CNG of something
like 25 years. The market price of CNG gas has increased by many times
since. It was obvious to the Chinese buyers that there was an energy
crunch coming but not to the sellers even though many were aware.
The result is we will subsidise Chinese energy use while we will in the
future be needing gas for our own transportation needs.
It really is a government responsibility to step in and prevent such
contracts being signed. As the horse has boltered don't expect Kevin Rudd
to move to cancel such contracts, despite how desperate we become.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 29 September 2008 10:54:09 AM
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All thats known about the known to the Christians.

We know it because the Holy Bible is the standard and we know what it says about demon powers and false religions.
We know that the Holy Bible is truth because The Holy Spirit convicts us of this.
We all know, in our own Christian world, about all of the in-behind the scenes behaviour of asian folks.
There are many publications like the "Voice of the Martyrs" (and a zillion websites) that speak about what the asian governments/military/intelligence people do in places like China and Indonesia to born again Christians.
Im only speaking truth about the asian folks...truth passed down by Christian believers and missionaries to Christians here and in the West.
I love the ordinary folks of asia...but have to withdraw support for their behaviour when they move over to ungodliness.
Satans rules in asia because many allow him to...too many.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 29 September 2008 12:55:36 PM
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Steel Mann
Im primarily concerned about the growing military might of asia.
I cant stop the asian folks from doing what they do in worship etc.
I can only pray about it.

Australia has to wake up regarding the threat.

We can all see whats happening in the world...nations are beginning to really, truly, aggro other nations.

I hate the Chinese spies (Chen Yonglin) being here because I dont think they are here to watch their own people.
They measure the land today for their secret plans... as has done Indonesia.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 29 September 2008 1:05:44 PM
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Gibo, one or more asian nations may have designs on Australia.

However, your method of arguing this is completely flawed. You say that asians live in poverty because they are not christian. How then do you explain (a) Hong Kong, and (b) poor christian countries in Africa and South America.

You deride asians for chasing riches, but fail to explain how the same logic applies to very christian USA (although it does look like they are going to be reaping the rewards of this).

Pick some arguements that have less holes than a colander, and you might find someone prepared to listen to you.
Posted by Country Gal, Tuesday, 30 September 2008 10:01:55 AM
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Country Gal
Most of the common peoples of asia do live in poverty or not far above it.
Hong Kong is one of the blessed cities because of the British influence which brought The Word of God with it (oh, the Christian missionaries who have gone into that small part of China). All with Hong Kong... has been to do with mostly the Brits.

The poor Christian countries of Africa and Sth America?

Well... despite the Holy Bible influence in those countries and the fact that many are "saved", a lot of the common folks still practice witchcraft and are open to demons powers.
There will be, to some degree, of a mix of Christianity and witchcraft in many who know Jesus in third world nations.
If a door is open anywhere through witchcraft...then satan gets authority to enter that door with sickness and deprivation.
It can be a struggle for Christians in the third world countries.
It has to be taught to Christian believers that Jesus and satan are not to be mixed in a Christians' life.
Ive known Christians even here who mix Light and darkness...some who refuse to let go of masonic connections and suffer the curses that go with freemasonry...e.g. illness in families and addictions. Christians have to be taught not to mix the two...the Light and the darkness. No star charts or old wives tales or Harry Potter-for-their kids.
Perhaps chasing riches is a bit different from the rape thats going on with the loss of forests and the animals and the sea creatures. Theres seems to bemostly no planning for a next generation with asia. Thats my opinion.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 30 September 2008 12:07:12 PM
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