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The Forum > General Discussion > A Culling Bloody Shame

A Culling Bloody Shame

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*If anyone who has raised just one of these animals from infancy and
received the love and response in return for his or her concern, can condone these irresponsible actions,.....*

Well that is what it comes down to. All that motherly and nurturing
love, versus the realities of nature and the the argument of sustainability, the two being quite conflicting. Emotion versus
reason is what it comes down to, which is a major conflict for
us humans. Fair enough.

Just because we close our eyes and wish it went away, does not
make it so. Easier said then done, I concede.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 22 May 2008 4:19:39 PM
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Mostly the brickbats doent bother me Belly.
I really came here to tell folk about the Bibles endtimes and to spread news of visions and prophecies from The Lord to committed christians all over Australia of an invader...Gods Allowance because of the sins of the people. Im really into last days and endtimes and how people react to me doenst bother me. If you the reader are doing nothing later, have a read of Luke chapter 21 or click on the signs that we are in the end times.
Better to be loaded up with knowledge than caught short and perplexed as to whats happening.
Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 22 May 2008 4:24:34 PM
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I suppose it would be seen as unkind to suggest the culling of a few of the roos that are loose in Gibo's top paddock :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 22 May 2008 8:07:47 PM
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Hi all

I'm wondering - as truly abhorrent as this cull is - why it is worse than what happens to the millions of sheep, cattle, pigs, chickens and others who are hauled off to slaughter daily.

Where this is wrong is that the Australian eco-systems were made for the native wildlife, not for livestock. Cloven-hooved, "exotic" animals have done untold damage to those ecosystems. That damage is done, and the kangaroos are being made to pay the price.

Belly, would you mind posting the story/poem about your dog here? I haven't been able to find it and I would love to see it.

Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 22 May 2008 8:48:47 PM
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I still don't understand why there isn't a comprehensive management plan in place, regarding these native animals.

Is it the profits to be made from the sale of their meat that finding
alternatives to solving this on-going problem are not being looked at?

Is culling them really the only solution available?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 May 2008 10:01:44 PM
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“Your first post in this thread was purely emotive, did not address the issue but tried to use pure propaganda .”

Please accept my apologies Belly. I rarely make claims without substantiation; however I stand corrected on the method I posted on the culling of joeys.

The recommendations for the new Draft Code now state that:

“orphaned joeys should be decapitated with a sharp blade; shot at close range; struck with a metal pipe; or "forcefully swung" against a solid metal object such as the tow bar of a vehicle.” You may access my “propaganda” - Section 6.1(i)of the code to verify this claim.

And while the draft Code states that all shooters ought to be "competent", there is no requirement for non-commercial shooters to pass a competency test (Section 4.1(1)). As a result of poor targeting, it is estimated that each year hundreds of thousands of kangaroos suffer prolonged and painful deaths when they are shot by hunters but not killed outright.

If you require links to additional "propaganda" I have spread, I can provide them but only after you've made a rational contribution to this thread. Your unwarranted and spiteful comments further mitigate your credibility.

Dr John Auty former deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Animal Health stated:
"The conventional wisdom amongst kangaroo killers and their epigones is that kangaroos were not numerous at the time of white settlement due to predation by Aborigines and dingo.

"The historical record in fact shows that kangaroos were abundant and that Aborigines and the dingo had little effect on the number which have been estimated in the hundreds of millions.

Posted by dickie, Thursday, 22 May 2008 10:42:34 PM
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