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The Forum > General Discussion > Τhoughts for a stronger Union movement.

Τhoughts for a stronger Union movement.

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1 Trade Unions must win migrant’s hearts and minds if they want to write more migrants in the Union.
Migrants have less or more race discrimination problems, or at least more of them worry from this kind of problems. The Union must recognize that these problems exist and prove that it has fought against race discrimination. UNIONS CAN PROVE IT VERY EASY
2 The Union must win women’s hearts and minds if it wants to write more women, in the Union.
There are discriminations against women. Union must recognize that these discriminations exist and it must prove that it has fought against women’s discrimination. UNIONS CAN PROVE IT VERY EASY.
3 Union movement must improve its relations with our society, it must creates the necessary channels to come in conduct with labors not only in workplaces but also out of them. It must creates the channels to come in contact with children, it must creates the channels that will help it to promote that laborers are not as the employers show them, but that they are highly civilized, sensitive and mature. UNIONS CAN DO IT WITH MANY WAYS..
4 Union movement must improve its relations with the International Union movement, not in empty words, but they must find practical ways to support each other. We need their support and they need our support, We will lose the war with multinational companies, if the Unions from various countries do not learn to fight together against them. There are many ways to improve our relations and maximize the common benefits
5 Multinational companies are not only a threat for the Trade Unions but for the small to middle size industries, for the national economies. We (the friendly political parties) must put some restrictions threw the law on Multinational companies, as respect to human rights, free Union activities etc, in any part of the world, the right from their victims to claim their rights in any country of the world , etc. UNIONS MUST LEARN TO WORK IN THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT

Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 19 April 2008 11:32:29 PM
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I dont know how they are going to win the women A.Symeonakis.
My time with unions; and observing them, says to me that most male unionists have little respect for women...chauvinists.
That attitude comes from the old commies in the unions who for decades held the power.
They dont like women in their club...just like the Freemasons.
Those old commies by-the-way are not vanished.
Even now Labor crawls to China...Red China.
Posted by Gibo, Sunday, 20 April 2008 4:29:26 PM
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AS I have to say for 100 years unions world wide have tried to cover every one of your points.
I relation to women not yet as good as we can but do you understand who the leaders of the ACTU are? one is a woman.
I have seen you post links from international union campaigns I too take part every week in them.
I find your thoughts on migrant workers strange, for me at least they seem well represented in my union , even state heads of our great union are from that group.
While this very day I watched a story called lock out for at least the tenth time, historic mine lockout workers bashed and one murdered change has come.
Unions must confront the fact in good times like now we must follow the workers not blindly ask them to follow us.
new ways to serve them, new ideas and constant improvement are coming.
So I watch the thread with interest for ideas that workers want not what turns them away.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 20 April 2008 5:02:10 PM
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Workers do not trust Unions in some degree, migrants do not trust the Unions even more. We have to prove that we are with migrants, that we are not racists. How? In a country with more than 20 million people there are sure some core racists. Some extreme racist employers , who has discriminated repeatedly against migrants. If the Union had an office for migrants we could find many of them. If the Union choose one of the racists and fight against him/her, publicly with high noise the migrants will learn not from empty words but from facts that the Unions are with migrants. Then they will feel more safety to be members from the Union. THE UNION MOVEMENT MUST RESTORE ITS CREDIBILITY, MAINLY MIGRANTS AND WOMEN NEED THE UNION MOVEMENT, these two groups must be the top goal of the Union PLUS YOUNG LABORS! If the Union movement works for them with some noise very soon I believe many laborers from these groups will become member from the Union. Women have many problems if the Union find some employers who violate extremely women rights and fight noisy against them then I believe that many women will become member from the Union. As the Union creates more noise it would attract more labors. Not empty words but facts, evidents, acts. For example first we create an office for migrants problems, we inform the labors about it and ask for their support, we collect the maximum possible information, we find the worst racist employers, we collect extra informations, we have the evidents in our hands , we make extra checks, when we are sure for everything and we are ready for everything we create so much noise than even the deaf migrants could heard us. Not fight on papers, not fight on closed doors. We need huge public noise, every one to know what we are doing and why we are doing it. We will win the battles if we are prepared well, if we know what and how to do our job.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 20 April 2008 6:50:23 PM
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You have right about the women, many unionists even organizers do not understand women's problems very much. In ACTU Council we have 50% men 50% women, in some countries there is a very small number of women or none. While in the top level we have the right number of women in the lowest level of the Union officers, the Union organizers are mainly if not all men. This is very bad, women labors do not know how many women are in the ACTU Council, they know what happened with the Union organizers in their workplaces, who do not understand or promote women's problems enough. WE (union movement)NEEDS MORE WOMEN ORGANIZERS IF WE WANT MORE WOMEN MEMBERS. THIS GROUP IS THE MOST PROMISING GROUP.
Gibo you have right about women but the union movement does not have many choices!
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 20 April 2008 7:12:29 PM
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I need from you understanding and support.
1 my english in not good and may be I say different thinks I want to tell
2. the 150 words limits do not permit me to express my thoughts and I try to write many things in small text with bad English, try to guest what I mean
3. If I write something useful try to find it in new ideas or new ways. For example noisy, publicly, choice your target, well organized, control direct your steps to your goals, make the other to feel your battles, your power, your goals, make them to love or scare from you.
4. Leave me first to finish my simple thoughts, I am planing to write 5-6 texts suggestions and after write your comments when you will know better what I mean, BUT ANY TIME PUT MANY QUESTIONS! Generally you know from my character that I prefer hard, noisy, well organized, unpredictable moves with very clear goals, to win the hearts and minds of labors. WE KNOW WELL, NONE TACTIC WOULD LAST FOR LONG IF WE DO NOT SERVE HONESTLY LABOR'S INTERESTS.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 20 April 2008 7:37:19 PM
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