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The Forum > General Discussion > Τhoughts for a stronger Union movement.

Τhoughts for a stronger Union movement.

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AS I see a lot of anger in your posts and I see a different country than the one I grew up in.
As a very young teenager I talked my way into a city construction team, the only Australian on that whole site.
In those 2 years I learned so very much from people from many country's, including yours.
To eat well just one , to ignore young men from your birth place just 17 or 18 telling me my country's women are, well leave that, do you share that understanding?
Have you looked to see who leads unions in say Victoria?
No member of any sex color or nationality will ever be able to say I let them down.
I too love the union movement, but do not want the minds of my members or even their hearts.
Their trust is a jewel beyond value.
I want constant change constant improvement but know it must come from true commitment of too few.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 6:29:36 AM
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Dear Antonios,

Discrimination exists everywhere and in every country and in every job. It's a human trait.

But for every bad person, there's heaps of good people. And, its the good people that you deal with, and ignore the others if you can. Let them be the ones with the problem, not you.

It's never easy for any migrant to any country. My parents did not expect anything from anybody. They worked hard, minded their own business, and achieved what they did. It's all a question of having the right attitude - and being willing in many cases to "live and let live." It wasn't easy. But then they did not expect it to be.

Things are easier for migrants nowdays. The precedents have been set by the ones (like my parents) who came before - so many years ago, from Norhtern Europe. These days - there are organisations that help a great deal. It's not really a fair comparison to compare the past with the present. The present is by far a rosier picture.

Anyway, nobody owes anybody anything. The opportunities are here - as they have always been. It's up to the individual - what they make of them.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 11:53:07 AM
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Belly you wrote
"I think you must understand we are different than your place of birth. "
I do not speak only for my Country but FOR THE WHOLE WORLD!

For an entire century, holiday camps have offered children from all walks of life and social backgrounds a breath of fresh air by giving them the chance to go to the seaside or the mountains, to play sports and be part of a team, and to learn how to live with others and be responsible. Health, well-being and education were the original objectives. Every year, over one million French children still set off for a summer holiday camp. FRANCE

This 6 day camp focuses on issues relevant to young people. It addresses challenges facing young people including social justice and equality issues. The SFL Summer Camp combines learning with cooperative recreation activities and lots of guaranteed fun!
Young people between the ages of 13-16 who are daughters and sons of union members are eligible to attend. CANADA

ECOSY Summer Camp is the most exciting week in a year of political activism. More than 2000 young socialists and social democrats from over 70 organizations will gather to enjoy together 7 day filled with fascinating debates, inspiring trainings and cool leisure time activities. Visionary politics, enthusiasm and international friendship - this is the most brief summary of what this unforgettable adventure is about!

The camp will be situated in the field neighbouring the Tolpuddle Martyrs' Museum and Cottages in the small village of Tolpuddle in Dorset. Participants are expected to provide their own tents. UK.

Union Summer Camp Program: CLC Community Services facilitates summer camp opportunities for over 400 children of union members each year through their local union contributions."On Camp Herrlich's 156 acres we offerprograms that are designed to encourage self confidence and respect for others throughstructured activities combined with freedom of choice. At summer camp there is time forreflection, growth, competition, education, campfires and song, fun and friendship."

Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 5:16:54 PM
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Foxy you wrote that
"There are organisations that help a great deal" If you mean migrant's organizations they are very weak, their leaders are tired and I am not sure if they know why they are there and what to do.
Foxy if the Union is in decline is because the Australian Union officers are tired and have forgotten how to fight. There are one million ways to improve union's relations with Australian society. when I suggest something usually I take the answer that Australia is different. In an other post I wrote for the Union camps in the world. Why European, Britain, Scandinavian, American Unions and Political organizations etc use the camps?
Sure now the conditions are better but still there are problems in many places and sure the consequences from old problems continue to BURN.
About the very personal, I was sole parent and my top priority was my children, my daughter was dean student in University, my son wit many awards/distinctions AND NOW I AM FREE AND I OPENED MY WINGS TO FLY IN MANY DIRECTIONS AND LEVELS SIMULTANEOUSLY. Why did I not speak when I had the problem and I start to speak now? If there is a problem I will solve it!
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 6:21:07 PM
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Dear Antonios,

My children also went away to camp here in Australia every year - for many, many, years.

They joined the Scouts.

They took part in many International Jamborees.

There are many Youth Clubs, Sports Clubs, apart from the Scouts and Girl Guides that provide all sorts of activities for young people.

Anyone can join.

Holiday camps are part and parcel of some of these organisations. It's a matter of finding one that the children will like.

Also the various Community Groups have their own activities for their
young people - which include holiday camps through either their Scouts or their Students' Organisationa.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 6:28:45 PM
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Do you see? My children went in three different camps in Australia too. Usually unionists are brave and honest persons. I am afraid the ALP controls and blocks the Unionists from their job. May be some of the Union leaders have nothing to do with the Unionism, may be they work in the ALP offices and call their self Unionist. I think they are the persons who create the biggest problems in the Unions.
The job of Union organizers, of the real Unionists is very difficult but the worst of all, there are many limits, many restrictions from the party. All unionists have problems with the party, in any part of the world. The honest, fair, hard unionists have big problems with the party , If I am in Australia is partly of cause this kind of problems, some times I ignored them, some times partly I follow them and always I was ready to resign, to protect my integrity. It is not an easy job, at the end the Unionists brake and lie the members and their self or take the way to an other country!
Yesterday I send an open letter to the president of Socialist International George Papandreou (and president of PASOK, socialist party of Greece) and I asked in the next meeting in Athens for a decision to put some basic rules on Multinational companies and big corporations with branches overseas. I suggested the creation of laws which will make compulsory for any company the respect of human rights, basic workers rights in any part of the world they have activities and the right for their victims to claim their rights in part of the world, the companies have branches, activities. If we do not put some restrictions on them at the end they would control fully our planet.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 10:12:06 PM
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