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The Forum > General Discussion > Τhoughts for a stronger Union movement.

Τhoughts for a stronger Union movement.

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1 Trade Unions must win migrant’s hearts and minds if they want to write more migrants in the Union.
Migrants have less or more race discrimination problems, or at least more of them worry from this kind of problems. The Union must recognize that these problems exist and prove that it has fought against race discrimination. UNIONS CAN PROVE IT VERY EASY
2 The Union must win women’s hearts and minds if it wants to write more women, in the Union.
There are discriminations against women. Union must recognize that these discriminations exist and it must prove that it has fought against women’s discrimination. UNIONS CAN PROVE IT VERY EASY.
3 Union movement must improve its relations with our society, it must creates the necessary channels to come in conduct with labors not only in workplaces but also out of them. It must creates the channels to come in contact with children, it must creates the channels that will help it to promote that laborers are not as the employers show them, but that they are highly civilized, sensitive and mature. UNIONS CAN DO IT WITH MANY WAYS..
4 Union movement must improve its relations with the International Union movement, not in empty words, but they must find practical ways to support each other. We need their support and they need our support, We will lose the war with multinational companies, if the Unions from various countries do not learn to fight together against them. There are many ways to improve our relations and maximize the common benefits
5 Multinational companies are not only a threat for the Trade Unions but for the small to middle size industries, for the national economies. We (the friendly political parties) must put some restrictions threw the law on Multinational companies, as respect to human rights, free Union activities etc, in any part of the world, the right from their victims to claim their rights in any country of the world , etc. UNIONS MUST LEARN TO WORK IN THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT

Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 19 April 2008 11:32:29 PM
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I dont know how they are going to win the women A.Symeonakis.
My time with unions; and observing them, says to me that most male unionists have little respect for women...chauvinists.
That attitude comes from the old commies in the unions who for decades held the power.
They dont like women in their club...just like the Freemasons.
Those old commies by-the-way are not vanished.
Even now Labor crawls to China...Red China.
Posted by Gibo, Sunday, 20 April 2008 4:29:26 PM
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AS I have to say for 100 years unions world wide have tried to cover every one of your points.
I relation to women not yet as good as we can but do you understand who the leaders of the ACTU are? one is a woman.
I have seen you post links from international union campaigns I too take part every week in them.
I find your thoughts on migrant workers strange, for me at least they seem well represented in my union , even state heads of our great union are from that group.
While this very day I watched a story called lock out for at least the tenth time, historic mine lockout workers bashed and one murdered change has come.
Unions must confront the fact in good times like now we must follow the workers not blindly ask them to follow us.
new ways to serve them, new ideas and constant improvement are coming.
So I watch the thread with interest for ideas that workers want not what turns them away.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 20 April 2008 5:02:10 PM
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Workers do not trust Unions in some degree, migrants do not trust the Unions even more. We have to prove that we are with migrants, that we are not racists. How? In a country with more than 20 million people there are sure some core racists. Some extreme racist employers , who has discriminated repeatedly against migrants. If the Union had an office for migrants we could find many of them. If the Union choose one of the racists and fight against him/her, publicly with high noise the migrants will learn not from empty words but from facts that the Unions are with migrants. Then they will feel more safety to be members from the Union. THE UNION MOVEMENT MUST RESTORE ITS CREDIBILITY, MAINLY MIGRANTS AND WOMEN NEED THE UNION MOVEMENT, these two groups must be the top goal of the Union PLUS YOUNG LABORS! If the Union movement works for them with some noise very soon I believe many laborers from these groups will become member from the Union. Women have many problems if the Union find some employers who violate extremely women rights and fight noisy against them then I believe that many women will become member from the Union. As the Union creates more noise it would attract more labors. Not empty words but facts, evidents, acts. For example first we create an office for migrants problems, we inform the labors about it and ask for their support, we collect the maximum possible information, we find the worst racist employers, we collect extra informations, we have the evidents in our hands , we make extra checks, when we are sure for everything and we are ready for everything we create so much noise than even the deaf migrants could heard us. Not fight on papers, not fight on closed doors. We need huge public noise, every one to know what we are doing and why we are doing it. We will win the battles if we are prepared well, if we know what and how to do our job.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 20 April 2008 6:50:23 PM
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You have right about the women, many unionists even organizers do not understand women's problems very much. In ACTU Council we have 50% men 50% women, in some countries there is a very small number of women or none. While in the top level we have the right number of women in the lowest level of the Union officers, the Union organizers are mainly if not all men. This is very bad, women labors do not know how many women are in the ACTU Council, they know what happened with the Union organizers in their workplaces, who do not understand or promote women's problems enough. WE (union movement)NEEDS MORE WOMEN ORGANIZERS IF WE WANT MORE WOMEN MEMBERS. THIS GROUP IS THE MOST PROMISING GROUP.
Gibo you have right about women but the union movement does not have many choices!
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 20 April 2008 7:12:29 PM
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I need from you understanding and support.
1 my english in not good and may be I say different thinks I want to tell
2. the 150 words limits do not permit me to express my thoughts and I try to write many things in small text with bad English, try to guest what I mean
3. If I write something useful try to find it in new ideas or new ways. For example noisy, publicly, choice your target, well organized, control direct your steps to your goals, make the other to feel your battles, your power, your goals, make them to love or scare from you.
4. Leave me first to finish my simple thoughts, I am planing to write 5-6 texts suggestions and after write your comments when you will know better what I mean, BUT ANY TIME PUT MANY QUESTIONS! Generally you know from my character that I prefer hard, noisy, well organized, unpredictable moves with very clear goals, to win the hearts and minds of labors. WE KNOW WELL, NONE TACTIC WOULD LAST FOR LONG IF WE DO NOT SERVE HONESTLY LABOR'S INTERESTS.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 20 April 2008 7:37:19 PM
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Now lets get to the cruch

does the labor party pay the unions


is it the workers who pay the unions to represent them.

when you work out that question which is really easy, but then again even belly cannot work that out.

If you are paying someone to do a job for you and he doesnt do it are you still going to pay him.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Sunday, 20 April 2008 9:08:10 PM
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AS I must leave the thread TAPP will insult our movement now he has found it he has no different way.
I do not run away from you but surely you understand written English ? Gibo thinks unions are communist!
No one on this earth could be more opposed to them than me!
I except I can not talk to TAPP my pride in my movement will not let me .
My path in unionism is to see my movement except the challenges change brings .
but you can not bank on me to except your views this country is racist or our movement treats migrants bad , you give fuel to those who hate unions in such untrue statements.
I have about 40 women members in construction none are activists none want a bigger roll most have needed help more than once but not one will be a delegate.
Farewell to you in this thread if I leave others early it is to avoid feeding others who want only to insult.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 21 April 2008 6:26:00 AM
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Antonius I think you are right about needing stronger unions but I would add to that:

1. Stronger but free from corruption and political influence.
2. Foremost - the union has to represent the worker first. (As Tapp said, it is the worker who pays the fees and has a right to representation).
3. Unions are poorly administered at the ground level ie. membership administration (nightmare) and responsiveness.

Women, youth and those employed under 457 Visas need special attention because experience demonstrates that these groups are notoriously underpaid and underrepresented.

As someone who is pro-union, we need to get back to the very basic premise that a union exists to advocate on behalf of members. If we lose that then the union movement will die and all that will be left is a loosely organised and fragmented quasi political organisation.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 21 April 2008 8:45:09 AM
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On May 29, 2007, the Supreme Court (In USA)ruled that Lilly Ledbetter, a 19-year employee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, could not sue for wage discrimination because she had not filed a claim within 180 days of Goodyear’s decision to pay her unfairly.

This happened even though she only learned she was making less than her male counterparts many years after employer began discriminating against her. In her case, the unlawful pay disparities occurred in small amounts that built up slowly, but steadily over time. Her employer unlawfully paid her less and pocketed the money.

Don’t let this happen to you or others. Take action to restore remedies for workplace discrimination and to ensure that employers do not profit from years of discrimination simply because they can keep it secret from their employees for a few months
The U.S. House of Representatives passed "The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act" (H.R. 2831) to correct this problem, and to ensure employers do not profit from years of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and disability, simply because their employees were unaware of the discrimination for 180 days. The bill clarified this wage discrimination is not a one-time occurrence, but rather, that each discriminatory paycheck an employer issues represents an ongoing violation of the law.

The bill will be voted on by the U.S. Senate as early as Wednesday. The time has come for the Senate to correct this wrong and let American workers keep their hard-earned dollars.
(From ACLU)
In Australia we have exactly the same problem if you are a victim of ANY DISCRIMINATION you can claim your rights ONLY WITHIN 6 MONTHS!!
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 21 April 2008 5:00:25 PM
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Dear Antonios,

The laws governing unions have to change if unions are to have any power.

In 1996, the newly elected Howard government virtually abolished compulsory unionism nationwide and made it more difficult for unions to recruit or strike.

How can a union function effectively - without any power?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 21 April 2008 8:08:04 PM
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1. I am against the compulsory unionism because in this case the Unions could ignore labors rights without any cost for them. I want the Unions to believe, care and fight for labors rights. I am member in the Union but really I do not know what they want, I am not sure. I do not care if they can help us, it depends from many factors,BUT IF THEY WANT TO HELP US, IF THEY ARE INTERESTED FOR US. In the past I asked for very simple things but the organizer was laughing or did not do nothing. I want strong unions but I do not know how they can restore their credibility.
Foxy, In many countries the Unions are enough strong, about 80% in Scandinavian countries, here we are very weak.
For me two are the main reasons 1. the Anglo Saxon way of Unionism, stand mainly on labor aristocracy and 2. the migrants, race discrimination. Why migrants, the lowest paid and under the worst conditions employees do not become member of the Union? The Union must improve its relations with migrants, with non Anglo Saxon labors. THERE IS A HUGE PROBLEM WITH MIGRANTS.
Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 5:51:39 AM
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If I, who comes from a foreign Union movement do not trust the Australian Unionists do you expect the other migrants to trust them? NO! The Union must create the channels to contact migrants, to contact ethnic minorities. The Union movement must improve its relations with ethnic minorities, with religious minorities, with women organizations.
Muslims labors have huge problems. Did the Union contact Muslim Associations? Did the Union contact Asian Associations? (we have many new Asian migrants) The Union must appoint a union officer to improve the relations with ethnic and religious minorities.(In federal and state level) The Union sent a letter to minorities' organizations expressing its deep interest for labors rights from any origin and ask for an appointment with their committees. Before they go in the meeting they care to find a person from the community, Muslim, Asian etc and go together. Very soon the Union will find how easy is to establish good and productive relations with minorities. Do not underestimate them. The labors from these groups have many reasons to become member of the Union.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 6:41:08 AM
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Dear Antonios,

I don't know enough about the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).

Or what they do or don't do for migrants.

I would have thought that they would have rather strong migrant representation.

Have you actually contacted the ACTU or its local branch about some of the matters that seem to be of concern to you?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 11:47:41 AM
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About 8 months I was in the State Council of Printing division,of AMWU. My time was and is limit and I wanted when I went there to do something very specif and to be productive. I want to create something, not to west my time. My top interest is Migrants rights, I was ready to work hard and productive for it but I thought that it was not on their priorities or I was ready to work for the creation of Union camps for children, in Europe many Unions or even city councils have camps and they are very good to start promote the unionism from the childhood. In Cyprus we started from zero and they was in the District I was secretary and they was under my supervision. We can create many of them in Australia, it is easy, helpful and increase the ...assets from the Union. For some reasons I did not find any interest about it. When I went there I went ONLY for work, I am ready to work for the Union for free of cause but only under a very specif plan, very specif goal. No discussions for discussions. If it is possible to undertake a responsibility to create something and leave me alone to do my job! If I have to waste my time there I prefer to do something from my home on the internet etc.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 5:10:17 PM
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AS I come back to the thread because it is clear you care but can you understand your wish here is so hard?
Australian children do not in numbers go to such camps.
I think you must understand we are different than your place of birth.
If you came to my union we would be concerned about the safety of the children and you must not be offended by that it is part of modern life.
Our annual children's picnic is bogged down by costs and insurance.
You will find much unions should do, but please remember it has always been the few true unionists like you who carry the load, I hope I too do so for the movement not myself.
Being a good union official is being a good Friend, being honest and just being there 24/7.
It is answering the phone always, and hearing every word spoken to you.
It is knowing and understanding people like you are few most want only workplace insurance to receive but not give.
I shudder each time some one says unions let down members because some do, and it hurts.
But for every true story of union failure ten lies exist from some who can not stay out of trouble and will not except accountability for the actions than constantly get them in trouble.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 9:01:38 PM
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Dear Belly,

Beautifully put.

I've been a union member all of my working life.

I don't know what I'd have done without them.

They supported me through thick and thin - and were always there for me. Even the credit union came to my aid when I needed it.

I've got no cause to complain.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 9:31:40 PM
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probably you was working in an office or in an environment with educated and civilized people. In my workplace the word equal opportunities or respect to human integrity was unknown. I saw many migrants crying or with big problems Italian, German, Jews, Norwegian, me etc. When I say I AM INTERESTED MAINLY FOR MIGRANTS I MEAN IT, BECAUSE I CAN NOT FORGET WHAT HAPPENED THERE, BECAUSE I CAN NOT FORGET THE 30-40 YEARS OLD CRYING MIGRANTS. Your experiences Foxy in Australia is very different from my experience and from the experiences of many, other migrants. I will never forget the race discrimination and always I will be ready to fight against racists. OF CAUSE I KNOW THAT THIS IS AN INTERNATIONAL PROBLEM, THAT AUSTRALIA COMPARING WITH OTHER COUNTRIES IS NOT VERY BAD.

Fighting has erupted in Southern Greece between strawberry farmers and migrant workers striking for higher pay.
According to a Greek trades union support the migrants, about 400 were attacked by farmers and what were described as "hired thugs". By Malcolm Brabant
BBC News, Athens, 20 April 2008
Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 11:29:55 PM
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AS I see a lot of anger in your posts and I see a different country than the one I grew up in.
As a very young teenager I talked my way into a city construction team, the only Australian on that whole site.
In those 2 years I learned so very much from people from many country's, including yours.
To eat well just one , to ignore young men from your birth place just 17 or 18 telling me my country's women are, well leave that, do you share that understanding?
Have you looked to see who leads unions in say Victoria?
No member of any sex color or nationality will ever be able to say I let them down.
I too love the union movement, but do not want the minds of my members or even their hearts.
Their trust is a jewel beyond value.
I want constant change constant improvement but know it must come from true commitment of too few.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 6:29:36 AM
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Dear Antonios,

Discrimination exists everywhere and in every country and in every job. It's a human trait.

But for every bad person, there's heaps of good people. And, its the good people that you deal with, and ignore the others if you can. Let them be the ones with the problem, not you.

It's never easy for any migrant to any country. My parents did not expect anything from anybody. They worked hard, minded their own business, and achieved what they did. It's all a question of having the right attitude - and being willing in many cases to "live and let live." It wasn't easy. But then they did not expect it to be.

Things are easier for migrants nowdays. The precedents have been set by the ones (like my parents) who came before - so many years ago, from Norhtern Europe. These days - there are organisations that help a great deal. It's not really a fair comparison to compare the past with the present. The present is by far a rosier picture.

Anyway, nobody owes anybody anything. The opportunities are here - as they have always been. It's up to the individual - what they make of them.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 11:53:07 AM
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Belly you wrote
"I think you must understand we are different than your place of birth. "
I do not speak only for my Country but FOR THE WHOLE WORLD!

For an entire century, holiday camps have offered children from all walks of life and social backgrounds a breath of fresh air by giving them the chance to go to the seaside or the mountains, to play sports and be part of a team, and to learn how to live with others and be responsible. Health, well-being and education were the original objectives. Every year, over one million French children still set off for a summer holiday camp. FRANCE

This 6 day camp focuses on issues relevant to young people. It addresses challenges facing young people including social justice and equality issues. The SFL Summer Camp combines learning with cooperative recreation activities and lots of guaranteed fun!
Young people between the ages of 13-16 who are daughters and sons of union members are eligible to attend. CANADA

ECOSY Summer Camp is the most exciting week in a year of political activism. More than 2000 young socialists and social democrats from over 70 organizations will gather to enjoy together 7 day filled with fascinating debates, inspiring trainings and cool leisure time activities. Visionary politics, enthusiasm and international friendship - this is the most brief summary of what this unforgettable adventure is about!

The camp will be situated in the field neighbouring the Tolpuddle Martyrs' Museum and Cottages in the small village of Tolpuddle in Dorset. Participants are expected to provide their own tents. UK.

Union Summer Camp Program: CLC Community Services facilitates summer camp opportunities for over 400 children of union members each year through their local union contributions."On Camp Herrlich's 156 acres we offerprograms that are designed to encourage self confidence and respect for others throughstructured activities combined with freedom of choice. At summer camp there is time forreflection, growth, competition, education, campfires and song, fun and friendship."

Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 5:16:54 PM
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Foxy you wrote that
"There are organisations that help a great deal" If you mean migrant's organizations they are very weak, their leaders are tired and I am not sure if they know why they are there and what to do.
Foxy if the Union is in decline is because the Australian Union officers are tired and have forgotten how to fight. There are one million ways to improve union's relations with Australian society. when I suggest something usually I take the answer that Australia is different. In an other post I wrote for the Union camps in the world. Why European, Britain, Scandinavian, American Unions and Political organizations etc use the camps?
Sure now the conditions are better but still there are problems in many places and sure the consequences from old problems continue to BURN.
About the very personal, I was sole parent and my top priority was my children, my daughter was dean student in University, my son wit many awards/distinctions AND NOW I AM FREE AND I OPENED MY WINGS TO FLY IN MANY DIRECTIONS AND LEVELS SIMULTANEOUSLY. Why did I not speak when I had the problem and I start to speak now? If there is a problem I will solve it!
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 6:21:07 PM
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Dear Antonios,

My children also went away to camp here in Australia every year - for many, many, years.

They joined the Scouts.

They took part in many International Jamborees.

There are many Youth Clubs, Sports Clubs, apart from the Scouts and Girl Guides that provide all sorts of activities for young people.

Anyone can join.

Holiday camps are part and parcel of some of these organisations. It's a matter of finding one that the children will like.

Also the various Community Groups have their own activities for their
young people - which include holiday camps through either their Scouts or their Students' Organisationa.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 6:28:45 PM
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Do you see? My children went in three different camps in Australia too. Usually unionists are brave and honest persons. I am afraid the ALP controls and blocks the Unionists from their job. May be some of the Union leaders have nothing to do with the Unionism, may be they work in the ALP offices and call their self Unionist. I think they are the persons who create the biggest problems in the Unions.
The job of Union organizers, of the real Unionists is very difficult but the worst of all, there are many limits, many restrictions from the party. All unionists have problems with the party, in any part of the world. The honest, fair, hard unionists have big problems with the party , If I am in Australia is partly of cause this kind of problems, some times I ignored them, some times partly I follow them and always I was ready to resign, to protect my integrity. It is not an easy job, at the end the Unionists brake and lie the members and their self or take the way to an other country!
Yesterday I send an open letter to the president of Socialist International George Papandreou (and president of PASOK, socialist party of Greece) and I asked in the next meeting in Athens for a decision to put some basic rules on Multinational companies and big corporations with branches overseas. I suggested the creation of laws which will make compulsory for any company the respect of human rights, basic workers rights in any part of the world they have activities and the right for their victims to claim their rights in part of the world, the companies have branches, activities. If we do not put some restrictions on them at the end they would control fully our planet.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 10:12:06 PM
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Dear Antonios,

I wish you success.

I don't envy the task you've got ahead of you.

Still, you never know. They say that drop by drop water can erode a mountain.

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

The slogan "Press On" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 10:49:15 PM
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AS ok you have got me! eldest surviving son of 16 children son of a union delegate grandson of one of this country's first unionists.
You are right! some unions got lost!
But mate understand while this generation and the last dropped the ball, did not teach our kids the reason we have unions, I will never support thought control for kids.
This ALP federal government may well be the best of my life, I think it is.
Unions can learn much from it and its election.
Can you understand unions can NEVER grow back to what they once had been?
That members voted for Howard?
That Social justice can only survive if unions do?
But that unions must evolve hurting like you do because they are not taking your path will change nothing.
You can not plant spuds then complain because you are not harvesting tomato's.
put every lefties voter in one place true leftist , get every one in a union, and you have less than the 21% we have now.
I hope one day unions may understand the power they hold is property of each and every member.
And barter with both sides of politics for the best outcome for them before voting.
Union do not fight? find one of my members just one who thinks I do not fight.
on my shirt pocket, in words with every membership card I take, written on my heart.
These words I will never let you down
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 April 2008 6:56:08 AM
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I am afraid in the future we will need strong, very strong Unions, The power of multinational companies of big corporations is enormous and the changes, many, various changes will create big problems to labors. The good days past and we must start repairing for the bad one. WE WILL NEED VERY STRONG UNIONS
Posted by ASymeonakis, Thursday, 24 April 2008 7:09:05 AM
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Dear Antonios,

And you will have strong unions because of people like yourself,
like Belly, and others that will follow in your footsteps.

As Belly said, without unions, there is no social justice.

Take care.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 24 April 2008 12:01:58 PM
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Union. creating connections with our society. Extending Union's base.
Labors have various interests, hobbies. If we can find a way to be supportive on their interests, hobbies then we can create a strong connection with them, much stronger and genuine than in workplaces. Let's name some hobbies biking, writing, drawing, singing, theater, sports, etc. The UNION HAVE MANY MEMBERS, MANY FRIENDS! do not underestimate the power of the Union. It is an other story if it do not use with the right way or at all its power. In my district we had a group of amateur actors who played in various places, also we had our own blood bank, blood donors. In other places music groups, chess or artists, sports. It is very easy to create this kind groups, Appoint a person responsible for these groups in federal or state level and put a permanent notice on the various editions from the Union. Put at the begin some basic rules, directions, find one- two persons who could play the leading role and leave them alone. Very soon these groups could stand on their feet and extend their size and performance. Phone the leading person to learn where they stand and start promoting their work with various ways. These groups will promote the Union in the society and will create an other image, side of the Union movement. There are thousands of people who want to create something on their free time, thousands of people who wants to have fun in a friendly environment. Many of them are mature, responsible, very good creators and leaders in their fields. WHAT REALLY THE UNION NEEDS TO DO IS TO BRING THESE PEOPLE TOGETHER AND PUT THE BASIC RULES, PROMOTION OF THE GROUP. But these groups will extent the base of the Union movement and improve its imaze.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Thursday, 24 April 2008 7:34:36 PM
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I AS live for my union, I am writing a book about my union and the need for change in unions.
I think our strength has been miss used at times and yes that we need to constantly improve.
To move with the times.
My life has seen me move from a youthful left wing activist to todays center unity faction of the NSW ALP.
Home at last with most who are unionists mainstream.
Unions need to get smarter then strength will come.
While no choice but Labor was given to us at the last election we must remind the ALP not to take us for granted.
Unions should not man the booths at the next NSW election.
Not door knock not help our child the ALP insult the union movement.
Just maybe AS an incoming conservative government can be a better result than being betrayed by your own family.
Unions will survive but they will change too our numbers at state conference should be used in the best interests of our members not our leaders.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 April 2008 6:13:36 AM
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You misunderstood me, I am not against the ALP, I voted ALP for parliament, I am against restrictions and presses on the UNIONS from the ALP, This problem is not only in Australia but worldwide, The socialist, social democrat, labor parties have some problems with their directions, IDs and the Unions are the victims of their confusion. Simple I say that the Union's role is different from ALP, and both must understand and respect these roles AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER. But the main reason for the weakness of the Union is because they brake their ties with Australian Society, the mass migration created problems on the Unions with many ways. I press you on this issue and I blame you but I know and I understand the problems and difficulties from discrimination, it is not an easy issue and we can not expect its solution from one day to an other.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Friday, 25 April 2008 9:21:01 AM
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At least Belly is fair an Honest about things. I spoke to the head of the transport union and two others last week. Then Julias advisor etc etc. Tell me Tony did you see the protest in Melbourne for taxi drivers?
If you did would you please share your thoughts and feelings about that demostration. I dont mean the fact it was for better protection because for years we attended rallies in support of just that. I mean the structure and the behavoiur of these people which now the union deny having any part of.
That is what I mean.
Of course it was a transport workers union organised and run demonstration.
Hilarious- Now they say they were not union members simply other taxi drivers who joined in,. Well it was all done in the mean of the transport workers union.
So what are your comments regarding that.

Do you approve of unions encouraging that type of stupid bullying rude behavoiur of ripping shirts off and carrying on.

I recall attending many with well dressed well behaved quitley spoken people who did not break the law.

They seemed to manage to make their feeling know without the dreadful sight we all saw last week.

Hard to comprehend it was in Australia.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 3 May 2008 2:09:43 PM
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People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming
Was their claims and goals fair, right, logical?
Did their behave supports their rights, claims, goals?
If yes and if taxpayers will not pay for their shirts then NO PROBLEM! Many others do worst things. Try to understand them! they found a way to promote their rights, to attract people's support. For me this kind of activities are expected in a democratic country.
It is seemed the Unions did not do their job good enough and the drivers used their own way to promote their rights!
If they succeeded then we could expect more strange things from many others!.
Do not worry, they are part from the game, a democratic game which protect us from much bigger problems!
People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming
Open your heart this world is more complex than we thing and a little bit more crazy!! Do not worry, this is our world!
be happy!
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 3 May 2008 11:32:22 PM
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