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Some newspaper editors quite careless

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It's all been said Gibo. You have some funny ideas about free speech if you think it only valid for your own point of view. Homosexuality has been around for centuries - when will the Churches stop lobbying to prevent the human rights of gay people.

Funny you mention condoms, why does the Catholic Church continue to promote large families, particularly in the poorest of countries, despite growing concern over finite resources and ability to produce enough food.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 16 April 2008 3:39:24 PM
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C'mon people. Let's face up to it: we've all been conned. The person writing as "Gibo" is actually a dreadlocked tree-hugger who sits at the computer toking and giggling as we all fall for the ploy and run around with our knickers so far in a knot it cuts off the blood supply to our brains.

Read that initial post carefully. Isn't it just text-book perfect? If you were having to write a fictitious ironic dialogue for a character in a movie isn't that how it'd go? (Like that The Streets song with the dialogue between the El Biffo character and the weenerish students).

Nah...I bet "Gibbo" splutters into his/her spliff with laughter every time we get all earnest in our repudiation of these posts.

ps alternatively the person behind the name is a cross-dressing academic of spotless probity at a "secular humanist" University - who is writing a paper on human gullibility.
Posted by Romany, Wednesday, 16 April 2008 5:45:35 PM
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Actually Romany, I suggested something very similar a little while back (that Gibo is actually a stoned-out uni student, as I recall), and his was response was that he has been "blessed" to have not attended a university.

I'm not convinced, but who cares - he's always good for a laugh.

While I've got Romany's attention, I'd also like to read your blog. You can email me at :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 16 April 2008 7:25:14 PM
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Dear Vanilla Ginx and others.

No, Christians are not obsessed with homosexuality or sex, what we are concerned about is the POWER which is emerging along side those versions of reality.

-Children being taught that 2 daddy's or 2 mummy's are ok/normal.
-The danger of Christians being jailed for preaching on Romans 1 (has occurred in Sweden) (back 2 the EVIL RRTA/HATE SPEECH thing!)

I won't list more, but there IS a big list. I suggest the 'obession' is on the other foot. If gays are so non obsessed, why are they always seeking to re-shape the whole of society in their image? i.e. having something which is clearly deviant..and not normal being accepted and even TAUGHT as 'normal'.

Being not normal is not evil in itself.. there are people born with dual gender equipment.. they are by no means normal, but nor are they immoral, they are medically/biologically different from 'normal' people.
In the case of homosexual behavior. That's where the problem comes.
Its not about 'medical/biological' difference it's about SEX. homoSEXuality. The ONLY thing which defines a gay persons "difference" is their desire to have SEXual relations with the same gender.

Now.. the origin of this difference is the subject of considerable speculation, including genetic. Even if it WAS gentically based, it still cannot be considered any more normal or acceptable than a person who claims to be born with a preference for sex with children.

The only difference between that mob and the gay lobby is to be blunt "power" and organization.

CJ.. please refrain from calling people certifiable fruitloops, I'm sure you will agree that to speak thus is defamatory?
Express your intense disagreement by all means, but leave the questions about sanity for those qualified to made them :
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 17 April 2008 9:14:56 AM
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Do you EVER stop to think before you post?

You make it a part of your persona on this forum to deliberately slur others with whom you disagree; you have called Foxy 'fuzzy', yours truly 'fractured', you deliberately misspell people's monikers just to belittle them. You defame gays all the time with you constant linking to NAMBLA.

You are a complete disgrace to the religion you claim to follow.

Now, on your last post:

There is nothing wrong with 2 mums or 2 dads, what matters is the love.

Yes, people are born with dual genitalia so why do you condemn those who are born with a sexual preference for the same sex? You didn't CHOOSE to be straight now did you?

As for your claim that:

"...hat we are concerned about is the POWER which is emerging along side those versions of reality"

WHAT POWER? Gays make up barely 10% of the population, always have always will. All they want is equal rights - just like the rest of us.

It is you who want POWER, you who want to dictate to everyone how they should live, have sex, who they should worship.

If there is a hell, I have no doubt that there is a special place for HYPOCRITES. You and Gibo and all other religious fundamentalists from any and all religions will be joining each other there.

Just think Boaz, spending eternity with Bin Laden. Truly a union made in hell.
Posted by Fractelle, Thursday, 17 April 2008 9:49:53 AM
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Fractelle, "If there is a hell, I have no doubt that there is a special place for HYPOCRITES. You and Gibo and all other religious fundamentalists from any and all religions will be joining each other there."

Beautifully put. The hatred and lies/distortions that so mark many of our resident fundies posts show that they have no part of any god of truth or love. Their god supposedly said some stuff about bearing false witness that this crowd just don't get.

At least they serve to remind the rest of us what that the supposed renewing of the mind that comes from their faith really is.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 17 April 2008 10:30:23 AM
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