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Jihad: Just a matter of time?

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FrankGol: "BOAZ is either a fanatic or a charlatan"

Now I really must complain about Frank's deployment of a false dichotomy. Boazy is clearly both a fanatic and a charlatan, and what's more has identified Frank as a "charleton".

Is Frank the same Charleton as the author of the saying "Happiness to a dog is what lies on the other side of a door"?

In which case, Pericles and I are in good company, since the canine dispositions bestowed upon us by Boazy are impervious to his incessant dog-whistling efforts. I rather like being on the side of Bozo's door - the air is clearer out here, the company is good and both the silence and the retrievers are golden :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 13 December 2007 9:52:17 AM
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1) “Our media has painted Muslims as hell bent on dominating the world” –Wrong!
Islam’s own media has declared it to be hell bent on dominating the world.
You can contend that it wont happened –but that’s a different argument.

2) “The horror of the Bali bombings, September 11th, the UK bombings and so on”
Such attacks are not new- they are only new to us few in the west. Many non-Muslim minorities have been subjected to such for generations.

3) “Few Moslems these days see it as some mass uprising in which the whole world is converted to Islam by force”
Perhaps this should read “few Muslims in prosperous western societies espouse mass uprisings”

David Boaz an a few others cop a lot of flack –much of it unfair.
Oft times because they dare to raise issues that polite multicultural society chooses not to see.

It’s a strange world .If one raises the issue of poor starving Africans, ones a campaigner for justice etc.If one raises the issue non-Muslim minorities in West Iran, Sulawesi/Ambon, Southern Thailand, Pakistan, ones ‘a fanatic and a charlatan’
Posted by Horus, Saturday, 15 December 2007 6:24:13 AM
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Pericles, I would dispute that your claim that 'Australia does not have a "Muslim problem"'. However the problem is almost entirely with the non-Muslims who are unable to accept that occasional regretable examples of criminal or distasteful behaviour by a handful of Muslims make Muslims as a whole no worse than the rest of us.

It's also not unreasonable to see examples of Muslim extremists and especially terrorists causing real problems in other countries and to be concerned about the same occurring here. However it's almost certainly exactly the wrong response to start treating all Muslims differently (including not allowing them into the country) purely on this basis.
Posted by wizofaus, Saturday, 15 December 2007 11:07:04 AM
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You say: "If one raises the issue of poor starving Africans, ones a campaigner for justice etc.If one raises the issue non-Muslim minorities in West Iran, Sulawesi/Ambon, Southern Thailand, Pakistan, ones ‘a fanatic and a charlatan’."

Not so Horus. Not so at all. It's not just a matter of raising these issues. That's a superficial issue. It's a matter of how you raise them and the quality of what you say that counts.

Campaigners for justice can be trite and ill-informed too. Fanatics, on the other hand, are invariably ill-informed - and often dangerous because they whip up hatred where none existed before or where differences co-exist peacefully.

Charlatans, by contrast, pretend to know something of holy importance when they are wholly ignorant.
Posted by FrankGol, Saturday, 15 December 2007 1:00:07 PM
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Jihad is holy war against non-Muslims. Period.

Quote: O Prophet! Jahidi (do jihad) against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh to them; and their abode is hell, an evil destination (Quran9.73)

If you want to learn about Islam and jihad, please read

Have you ever heard of the ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech? Here is the story:

In 1968, an unorthodox and very independent English politician and intellectual named Enoch Powell made a very controversial speech in which he warned the country of the consequences of continued unchecked immigration. Because of its allusion to Virgil's saying in ancient Roman literature that the Tiber river would foam with blood, Powell's warning was dubbed the "Rivers of Blood speech" by the press. The next day he was sacked from his cabinet position and never held another senior political post. Powell received almost 120,000 (predominantly positive) letters and a Gallup poll at the end of April showed that 74% of those asked agreed with what Powell had said in his speech. Even so, he was slandered in the press, academia, and even by popular artists. Even the Beatles inserted derogatory allusions to him in their music. He was also shunned by the "liberal intelligentsia" which denounced him as a racist and a bigot. British leaders and intellectuals said no such thing would ever happen.

Fast forward 40 years. We are in trouble. Tens of millions of Muslims are living in Western nations because our nations have allowed tens of millions of Muslims to enter - people with which we share nothing in common. Their values are not our values. They do not understand our freedoms and do not respect our institutions. They follow a religion of hate and anger. They love a man who - according to their own sacred writings - attacked, plundered, enslaved, tortured, raped and murdered to conquer and dominate. The worse thing is they are not honest; they cannot be honest. They want to live in the West, but not be part of the West.

Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 15 December 2007 3:16:23 PM
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Muslims want our liberties and prosperity, but do not accept the essential elements that generate that prosperity and guarantee that liberty. They lie about their religion and their attitudes. They tell us they believe in freedom and equality then say "Praise be unto him" after the name of a man that murdered his critics and enslaved his opponents. There is no soul searching and no questioning as to why this happens. There is no need to; it is always the infidel's fault.

In the words of John Derbyshire, we - the West - "we have executed policies of staggering idiocy." We have taken 800 years of enlightenment and learning - the Magna Carta, renaissance, the reformation, the counter-reformation, the French and American revolutions, the bill of rights, the industrial revolution, ideals of equality, the fight against slavery, the emancipation of women, and the struggle for human rights, and in one generation we have sacrificed all of these on an altar of political correctness that says that these ideals are no better than a poisonous ideology the teaches hate, destruction, oppression and death.

Under the doctrine of multiculturalism we have let people fleeing from the injustice and oppression of Islamic societies come to our countries. They have come and they have brought their hate and violence with them -- and then our leaders we tell them their ways are as good as ours, or perhaps even better. Our officials and intellectuals tell us we should respect them but do not require that they respect us, our customs or even our laws. These same institutions also tell us, when conflict occurs, it is our fault because we are not doing enough to make them happy. No demands are made on them. We are racists and bigots; they are just innocent victims.

"For if there is a sickness in the soul of Islam, there is a corresponding sickness in the soul of the West. As the darkness, cruelty, and obscurantism of jihadist Islam descend on our lands, our souls rise joyfully to greet them."


PS: Immigration is jihad in slow motion.
Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 15 December 2007 3:19:42 PM
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