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religion in politics

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The need to mix religion with politics is an admittion that god does not exist. If a person seriously believed in god then gods agenda would not have to be taken out of gods hands.

With the impotence of god in regards to events such as bird flu and tsunamis it stands ironic that superstitious politicians and those mystics who refer to themselves as clergy throw more egg on gods face as well as their own.

I laughed so hard it hurt when I read the anglican archbishop has called to pray for a cooler earth. Churches have denied global warming for over a decade and suddenly because the media have decided to change horses we need the magic spells of prayer to save humanity. If prosperity cults like Hillsong who's Jesus is some form of Credit Card were to denounce their lust for megaconsumption, the carbon savings would be more than for a normal individual.

I fear for the bats for god has not saved the world and as prayer is apparently false magic no doubt some bishop will be calling for the boiling of bats wings and mouse tongues to evoke god to get off from his impotent backside and show those who are laughing it all wasnt just a silly game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Posted by West, Thursday, 27 December 2007 1:00:35 PM
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The term "Religion" to some merely represents mythology or superstition. Such a narrow definition does not represent the tenets of religion. Atheists have been brainwashed to believe religion only represents superstition. The term Religion bears a wide range of philosophical principles including national and social laws, and personal guidance principles.

Some atheists are smarting because we currently celebrate the birth of Christ and are given holidays [holy days] at this time. Our whole of life is oriented by a seven-day cycle - a principle of “God ceased from his work on the seventh day”. Our work practises, holidays, seasons are oriented around a religious Calender.

It must be distressing to atheists that they have so little power to change and control others thinking and our Calender. Happy 2008 - sorry you atheists - 2008 represents a period of time since the birth of Christ. What year is it for you? Sorry you will have to submit to our religious laws. You see we control your life, your work, and your weekly orientation.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 27 December 2007 9:18:42 PM
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Philo, I get the strong impression that you are clutching at straws. Is it because you feel threatened?

I hope not, because there is nothing in atheism per se to be afraid of. I for one find it quite understandable that a human being might be so overwhelmed by the scale and grandeur of the universe that they need to invent some external force in order to make sense of it.

I was particularly intrigued by this:

>>Atheists have been brainwashed to believe religion only represents superstition<<

Most atheists of my acquaintance quite understand that religious folk are sincere in their beliefs. And I have to say that in my own small way, I retain some superstitions from my youth - I will always put on my left sock before my right, for example - and quite understand that religion occupies a different space entirely.

But you have to admit, in your private moments Philo, that claiming that our "work practises [sic], holidays, seasons are oriented around a religious Calender [sic]" is just a little on the presumptuous side.

The seven-day week was recognized by Hindus and Babylonians, as well as in Roman times, before the Christian era.

The Christmas holiday was chosen to coincide with Saturnalia in order to persuade pagans that they could still celebrate - the "spin" that it was Jesus' birthday was pasted on to give it some pseudo-Christian significance.

>>It must be distressing to atheists that they have so little power to change and control others thinking<<

Not at all. No atheist that I know of even thinks that way - most have not the slightest interest in converting others to atheism, for example.

>>2008 represents a period of time since the birth of Christ. What year is it for you?<<

I'm happy with 2008 CE, thank you, even though it is inaccurate to say that 1 CE was the year of Jesus' birth. But it's just as good as 2757 AUC.

>>You see we control your life, your work, and your weekly orientation<<

Yeah right. Who are you, the Borg?
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 28 December 2007 9:04:32 AM
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So you acknowledge that religion reigns supreme in your everyday life after all your denial.

The seven day creation story is as old as civilised man and found in Chaldean records before 3000 BC. The Hebrews made Saturday [Roman name] of the seven day cycle their day of rest The Sabbath was written into their laws about 1300 BC as a sacred day after their release from Egyptian slavery.

It would appears you only answer Christianity as a religion, as in your answer you ignore the fact that the ancient texts you use were polytheistic. Ancient national laws were religious in principle see Hamurabbi laws they were guarded by the gods. Laws are still essentially religious in principle. The care of orphans and widows have always been primary requirements of religious laws. They still have not changed.
Posted by Philo, Friday, 28 December 2007 2:12:46 PM
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Philo, explain how this works:

>>Pericles, So you acknowledge that religion reigns supreme in your everyday life after all your denial.<<

If you choose to define religion as "anything to do with time, place and existence", and if you choose to call providing commonplace landmarks and reference points as "reigning supreme", and if you call choosing not to share in any of the multifarious belief systems that ooze from the pores of society "all my denial", then I guess you might be close.

But why the panic? I am not in a position to threaten your way of thinking, relying as it does on a belief in a deity. Why do you find it necessary to dissolve into a slanging frenzy every time you post?

Might I suggest that it is an outward manifestation of your inner insecurity? That certainly would explain why you never respond to direct questions. Here are just a couple from earlier this thread.

"I would nevertheless be interested to hear your Biblically-inspired version [of the death of the planet], so that we can compare [with the scientific model]."

" might care to explain how you reach the conclusion that my imagination has been "has been coloured by Christian escatology [sic]"

"Do you really believe they ["values" and "points of view"] are the same?"

"So Philo, maybe it's up to you: can you perhaps "mount a logical argument giving a true definition of what is 'a religion'"?

I'm sure you must get satisfaction out of this form of semi-intellectual bluster, Philo, but it totally escapes me. I have worked out that i) you are religious, and that ii) you want everybody else to be religious too, so iii) you invent a definition of religion that encompasses all human social activity, then iv) spend countless posts nagging atheists that they are in fact religious, and therefore had better start worshipping something, quick smart.

But no amount of weasel words will change base metal into gold, Philo. At the end of the day you will still be left with an argument closely resembling a lump of lead.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 28 December 2007 4:30:59 PM
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Where have I said? "and therefore atheists had better start worshipping something, quick smart." I assumed you already do!

Otherwise it must be a boring life to have no character traits or principles to admire, aspire too or to consider adoreable, or worthy of praise. How sad if one considers nothing is valuable and to have no feelling of guilt or sorrow when you have violated a better judgment and offended another. These are the basic things religion deals with.

There are several Biblical texts that indicate the Universe (milky way) will implode upon itself as a scroll rolling up. The apostle John in his vision of Revelation 21 identifies the Earth passing away by fire.
Posted by Philo, Friday, 28 December 2007 8:46:44 PM
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