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Should gay partnerships be recognised legally?

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You’re right, mjpb. I’ve misread your contribution to the prayer in parliament thread. You did not introduce the subject of homosexuality to that discussion. My apologies to you and to everyone else here for this misrepresentation.

However, a wider reading of your posts on OLO only confirms that you are a serial provocateur, an apologist for those who vilify homosexuals, and, yes, a peddler of ill will.

For example, if you had meant to say “Here we go again,” then you would have. Your mild-mannered camouflage slips every time you choose inflammatory over neutral language. Claims like "We wouldn't want too much more like that" sound very hollow, after your quip about what Jack _nearly_ called CJ.

"happy to call it a day"? I'd be delighted. Don't hold out much hope, though.

"Why don't we all just agree to disagree" Foxy, I've always felt that agreeing to disagree is permission for horrid people to go on being horrid. I appreciate when the air is thick with excrement, some of it lands on unintended targets. However as the intended target for most of it, I promise you I won't quietly allow the knuckle-draggers to go on vilifying me. Neither directly, nor indirectly.

So, if you don't mind, I'll pass on your suggestion. As a law-abiding adult member of this society, I have a right to equality, and protection from those who inhabit the stinky gutters of prejudice and hate. I will continue to insist on that right.
Posted by jpw2040, Wednesday, 5 December 2007 8:32:43 PM
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TRTL who’s backtracking? Countrygal was trying to rationalise being wrong about homos and I gave a quote that proved her wrong. When you hit 25 you’ll start using the right head and you’ll realize how silly it is to be conned by perverts. Maybe some day you’ll have kids and start wanting to protect kids.

No I don’t follow all the little details homos go on about and didn’t know of anything left that didn’t harm kids but I wasn’t asking for change so it obviously doesn’t bother me does it. I can’t wait till you hit puberty.

CE Morgan aka No1 Blizfart the most smut obsessed is your homo mate and his poor dog.

“ As for mjpb's folksy analysis - leave it for church fellowship. While your fantasies about others are sort of creepily interesting, you really are a precious and impertinent twerp, aren't you? Your presumption to know what I think is ludicrous.”

At least you got something right but you are wasting your breath because we know all Christians are like that. The only problem with your comment is your typo using what instead of that and only you would find the fantasies interesting. You probably find Jw2040s fantasies about his dog interesting sorry if you think I’m being repressed.

Jw2040 when you said

“You’re right, mjpb. I’ve misread your contribution to the prayer in parliament thread. You did not introduce the subject of homosexuality to that discussion.” you also wasted your breath because if you can’t get your orientation right how can you be expected to get anything right.

You dish out the thickest excretement and you so have the most hate. You get really nasty when you don’t get your own way aren’t you? Why don’t you and CJ go off and do what you do best? Or would you prefer mjpb the crush is obvious.
Posted by J Bennett, Thursday, 6 December 2007 8:07:29 AM
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J Bennett, you've been proven to be wrong.

Your irrelevant snide comments about puberty reveal the weakness of your argument.

You said in black and white that homosexuals already have civil unions, and that all they want is the ability to adopt.

I've challenged this. I've said that that comment is absolute rot, and I've provided comments from the leader of the opposition party who is pushing for same sex rights, well apart from adoption.

You've implied that he must be wrong, but quite frankly, it's a copout. You say that I'm saying the politicians comment is the final word.

No, I'm just saying that if you think same sex couples already have equal civil unions you're wrong, and I've proven it pretty conclusively. If Nelson's wrong, then prove it.

I know however, that you can't. There's nothing to back your assertion. It's just wrong.

You also can't answer me question, so you've proven me right insofar as you do think it's okay for the government to interfere in the sex lives of consenting adults.

Try harder J Bennett. Maybe if you actually focus on debate instead of puerile commentary you'll get somewhere, but as it stands, holes are appearing all throughout your already tottering argument.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 6 December 2007 9:26:13 AM
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J Bennett,

You didnt prove me wrong at all. Your link simply highlighted that some states give some level of recognition of same-sex couples. Others dont. Civil union (marriage) itself is not recognised in any state in this country.

Further, you would have found some interesting stats if you had continued reading the link you provided. 51% of gay couples with children were either divorced or still registered as married. That shows that all children of gay couples are their own children. I would suspect that these kids predominantly live with their mothers (some of whom would be custodial gay parents). There is no evidence to show that there is anything wrong with these kids. If there is, show us!

As for my parents, yes of course I miss my mother - she played a large role in my life up until her untimely death (as most mothers do). My main angst? Not having the chance to get to know her as a person (rather than just as a mother). Since growing-up, I've gotten to know my dad as a person and not just a parent, and its sad that I wont have that chance with my mother. If I'd had another dad instead, the same would apply - sad to not really get to know a parent for who they are as a person.
Posted by Country Gal, Thursday, 6 December 2007 9:55:13 AM
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Thinking about gay couples with kids though, and in particular men, there are possibly a few practicalities that could prove difficult issues, mostly where the children are girls. For example, its generally accepted that mothers can take their young sons into the ladies toilets with them. Do dads really want to take their young girls into the mens (arguably much dirtier, or so I am told by cleaners)? If not, can such men enter the ladies to take their girls? This is obviously a wider issue in that men take their daughters out in public more often these days anyway, straight or gay. But its a point. Another one is when said girl reaches puberty (first period!!) or needs to go shopping for first bra. Again, there are single dad's that deal with these issues everyday anyway (mine's approach to the first problem was to borrow a book from the library for me, then I got the job of telling my sister all about it).

Another thing though, if gay couples were to go out and seek to have children, I am sure that most will give long hard thought to the impacts on those children long-term. Most gay people after all have had to deal with a great degree of discrimination and stigma, and I would suggest that most would consider how their status might reflect on their children.
Posted by Country Gal, Thursday, 6 December 2007 10:02:32 AM
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Thanks. I suspect that if CJ’s wife read his posts she wouldn’t be his wife so I doubt that you needed to be concerned. Obviously I am a Christian and therefore attract CJ’s venom (hence biased) but I nevertheless believe that the only embarrassment was to CJ and it wasn’t fair to intervene in that way without also standing up to CJ.


The neanderthal wishes you had left it at this:

“You’re right, mjpb. I’ve misread your contribution to the prayer in parliament thread. You did not introduce the subject of homosexuality to that discussion. My apologies to you and to everyone else here for this misrepresentation.”

At least for a split second until I saw the “However” I thought it was a nice gesture.

You do seem to carry an unfortunate amount of hate even if you don’t recognize it in yourself but I figure that there is a lot of hurt behind it. Hopefully circumstances will change to avoid the causes of the hurt. This might need to start with your own understanding and acceptance of yourself. I would like to propose the Christian religion where you can know genuine love but I don’t think such a suggestion would be well received. If you ever develop tendencies in that direction I’d be happy to discuss it with you. Indeed I am still open to any friendly conversation on this or any other topic.

If you really do want to find a pattern in my posts I think you’ll find that I am happy to be aggressive if I need to defend myself. Just ask CJ. I feel perfectly capable of being offensive on my own behalf. I simply consider it inappropriate normally to be aggressive.

I am happy to call it a day and will refrain from correcting your latest barbs if that is what it takes and you don’t feel insulted.
Posted by mjpb, Thursday, 6 December 2007 1:03:33 PM
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