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The Forum > General Discussion > The Media and Christianity-the image problem.

The Media and Christianity-the image problem.

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Boazy started this thread with the question "Does this kind of repeated message have an impact on how people who speak about Jesus are pereceived? I think so."

I think it's the kind of repeated message that we hear ad nauseum from Boazy and a few other Christian frootloops that gives rise to the common literary trope of the deranged 'Christian' psychopath. It's certainly not normal Christians like CG or Foxy who are the model for this kind of character.

Boazy objects to my description of the outlandish practices of the lunatic fringe of Christianity upon whom the literary figure is based. I find it odd that he asked the question, but doesn't seem to want to know about the answer.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 12 November 2007 2:30:12 PM
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The hate of Christ and what He stands for is nothing new. It is obvious from these posts that several of the posters create a god in their own image. Much of the media and especially Hollywood have been anti Christ for a long time. They are happy to blaspheme Him on a daily basis and yet to gutless to reproduce a cartoon featuring Mohammed. They ignore the biblical revealed Jesus and make up their own new age type character who tolerates the intolerable. Often it is those practicing the intolerable who rail so hard against Jesus words. Jesus Himself did not leave us the option to include Him with equal standing with other religous identities. Many are happy to have Him as some great peace philosopher but not acknowledge Him as the Coming Judge. There is no other name under heaven where man can be saved (from God's wrath) than the wonderful name of Jesus.
Posted by runner, Monday, 12 November 2007 2:53:13 PM
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no runner, it's more that your 'fire and brimstone' Jesus doesn't sound at all like the guy in the bible.
I like that guy.

Unlike the modern rigid christians, he was happy to sit down and have a yarn with folk like prostitutes and lepers.
That's not some namby, pampy new-age interpretation either.

Though, perhaps we can all see a reflection of ourselves in how we interpret what jesus was like.

runner, may I ask, when was the last time you had a nice, down to earth discussion with a prostitute?

Funnily enough, I doubt you'd be capable of doing it without casting judgement or aspersions. Your posts indicate that you're quite good at that.

And boaz - I find it interesting that you can say that god values those who who do good, but you can't prioritise whether it's more important to be a good person or a christian.

All too often, they're not the same. Attitudes that favour judging people from the pulpit instead of reaching out to help people don't help either...
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 12 November 2007 3:59:29 PM
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I have not sat down and had a conversation with a prostitute although I have had many conversations with people caught up in any number of vices. You implying I have no compassion for these guys is totally wrong. I realize that I need the mercy of God as much as any prostitute or druggie. Thankfully that mercy was provided for by my Savior and is provided to anyone else who makes Jesus their Saviour also. Jesus made it clear that the prostitutes were entering the kingdom ahead of the self righteous because they knew their need of a Saviour unlike many of the self righteous ones who think they will get to heaven by their good works or by comparing themselves with others. Peoples judgement will be based on the fact that the Light (Jesus came) but men loved their darkness more than the Light lest their deeds be exposed. You would probably be surprised at some of the friendships I have. It does not mean I condone all behaviour.
Posted by runner, Monday, 12 November 2007 4:35:27 PM
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Religious doctrines if followed blindly and without regard to other teachings, are written in blood. History has left little emotional padding between and among the major religions. It doesn't take much to lead groups of people with extreme views to believe that their faith is under attack and that their duty is to defend it by every available means.

I find it troublesome that some people construct a dogma out of a few quotations - that's misleading. As I wrote in another post - A reader trolling the scriptures for language sanctifying intolerance (and war) will find it whether the texts are sacred to Christians, Muslims, or Jews.

However, to be understood fairly, each of the holy books must be read and studied both comprehensively and in the context of its place and time.

That is why generations of scholars have laboured to highlight core passages, explain contradictions, clear away discrepancies, correct mistranslations, and detect the significance of obscure phrasings.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 November 2007 7:10:37 PM
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No CJ... I don't object to you describing a lunatic fringe of so called Christians.. what I struggle a tad with is you identifying ME (and runner) with that lunatic fringe.

TRTL yes, Jesus did encounter prostitutes and Tax collectors and publicans and all manner of people in his ministry.

Taking the example of the woman at the well. It's quite instructive.

1/ He showed her 'acceptance' (not for her sin, but for humanity)

7When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?"

Just be "speaking" to her.... he showed something wonderful...and she knew it:

9The Samaritan woman said to him, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.[a])

2/ He showed her HOPE.

10Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

3/ 'Source of Hope'
He then dialogues with her.. and she realizes.. she wants the 'living' water Jesus mentioned.

"I want this water so I don't thirst"

4/ Barriers to Faith.
Jesus was a master at unravelling peoples condition. "Go find your husband".........OOOPS... she doesn't HAVE one... she is living with a man...just the current one of a line of blokes.

He could have said "You are living in SINNNNN" but he didn't... he let her know her condition with a simple question.


Jesus said to her, "You are right when you say you have no husband. 18The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true."

At this point...she is probably looking this way and that.. red faced, thinking "Oh.... my.....God".....

She realizes this bloke is very special.. and is reminded in her mind about the Messiah....

6/ The Encounter with Truth.

26Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he."

Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 13 November 2007 5:11:37 AM
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