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ABC television star called out for 'moonlighting'

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One of the ABC’s biggest stars - Tony Armstrong – who has just departed from breakfast television at the ABC – has been called out for "moonlighting" for a major insurance company while working at the ABC at the same time.

The claims made by television program Media Watch have lead to a mixed response with some totally opposed to Tony's actions, stating people should not have multiple jobs whilst working for the ABC in a key role or you should at least make the ABC senior staff aware of any other jobs you have.

Others however have said the matter is nothing overly serious and laughed it off whilst some have raised racism as an issue in terms of a broader culture of racism at the ABC in terms of the debate.

Personally, I don't want people taking on other jobs in private whilst working in any type of public service role. They should focus on their main job - and not be influenced by outside parties, businesses or other money. On the other hand, Tony here was just reading some material for an advertisement, is it really that bad?
Posted by NathanJ, Sunday, 6 October 2024 10:12:59 PM
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A “mixed response”, eh? I would be surprised if 20% of the population were aware of it, let bothered with a response. The only Tony Armstrong I've heard of is Tony Armstrong-Jones, Princess Margaret's ex.

If this was the worst thing that the ABC's scribblers and yappers did, things wouldn't be as bad with the taxpayer sink-hole as they are.

This won't even raise a gasp among the twin-set and pearls ladles
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 7 October 2024 8:22:39 AM
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I guess the first issue is whatever is stipulated in his employment contract.
If it states he can't take outside work without approval, then it's breach of contract.
- Nothing to do with any of us, it's between the ABC and his lawyers.

Me personally though, I have a problem with this idea that 'If you rent someones time' (employee) then you own that person'.
For me, you're just renting their time, and you have no right to say ANYTHING about what they do during the hours you're not paying them.

You can rent their time, or choose not to rent their time, but you don't get to dictate what they do outside work.

If they openly support Donald J. Trump on social media for example and the employer doesn't like it too bad.
The employer don't even have the right to bring it up.
It's none of their business.

This also includes expectations to turn up to work early and start work prior to your starting time, even if it's just 5 or 10 minutes.
The employer has no say whatsoever in what the employee does outside of work hours.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 7 October 2024 9:33:05 AM
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I grew up in the time when if you were employed by one
organization - you did not work for or give your time
to any other. It was part of your job contract. Your
loyalty was to your employer. Unless of course you did
charitable, voluntary community work - that was
considered different.

I suspect that in the case of Tony Armstrong - he'
wasn't too concerned about all this. He did not physically
appear in the ads - only his voice did. And he knew he was
leaving the ABC anyway - so he didn't think this mattered.

I does depend whether he breached his employment contract
or not. And what it said.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 7 October 2024 9:42:03 AM
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Armstrong was one of the few genuine, sincere voices on the ABC.

So of course he was always going to leave. Such people can't live forever in the confines of Australia's Pravda.

So of course the ABC was going to go after him once he decided to go.... You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.

Isn't it funny how its impossible to criticise an Aboriginal voice on the ABC... except when they step off the range.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 7 October 2024 11:21:29 AM
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I'm sure that Stan Grant and many others will agree.

It appears quite common as Adam Goodes, and Antoinette
Lattouf can tell us.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 7 October 2024 12:16:56 PM
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Both AC and Foxy are right on this. Like many before him the ABC gave Tony Armstrong his big break into television. He started off doing "Sports" then was on the ABC Morning Show, where he acquitted himself well. Interesting how the ABC can report on itself, even negative stories, wont get that from the commercial media.

The regular band of far right ABC haters, they hate the independence and impartiality of the publicly owned broadcaster. Give them power and the ABC would become nothing more than a mouthpiece for their extreme propaganda.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 8 October 2024 4:14:53 AM
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Looks like a new political party starting up ! I predict, it'll be plagued with the standard incompetence so peculiar to Uni indoctrination academic logic !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 8 October 2024 7:21:45 AM
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Quite the dilemma. An aboriginal criticised by the ABC.

Which to support? The Australian Pravda or the member of the 'first nations'.

Paul made his choice... ABC uber alles. Aboriginals run a distant second to the need to believe everything the ABC spouts.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 8 October 2024 11:34:05 AM
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<<Armstrong was one of the few genuine, sincere voices on the ABC.>>

Yes, he's a great guy and really nice in terms of television, but that's not what this issue is about. Nor should race be brought into the debate.

I want standards upheld at the ABC and don't want people taking deals, payments or money on the sidelines whilst they are working there.

We now know of Annabel Crabb speaking at various events where she has been paid and you can't maintain your independence whilst taking money from other businesses and organisations and work at the ABC at the same time.

Don't forget the "cash for comment" scandal involving people like Alan Jones and John Laws for example. Paid money to make positive comments about certain businesses and they told no one about it.

I think the only reason you're supporting Tony here is because he's gone against some basic principles at the ABC and shook the system up a bit. I'm not opposed to people shaking up the system or going against the status quo, but we still need standards at the ABC and I think they're being lazy not taking this matter more seriously.

Look I think it's only some read overs for an ad here at the end of the day, but couldn't the NRMA find someone else to do that if that's all it really is and I take the view that it is. I don't think you need Tony Armstrong to do that at all. I think mhaze, Foxy or ttbn would all be fine for that type of job.
Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 8 October 2024 4:01:49 PM
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The ABC agreed he wasn't in breach of any rules or contractual obligations. They just thought what he did was unsavoury, perhaps unprofessional.

But it doesn't rise to the level of corruption where he was taking money from people who might influence his reporting. If he was being paid by some footy team while commenting on footy that's be a totally different thing. He wasn't.

The point here is that he was protected by his ethnicity UNTIL he decided to leave the ABC, whereupon they turned on him with alacrity and all the venom a slighted left can muster.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 8 October 2024 4:41:13 PM
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The biggest joke about the ABC is that - gasp - it is riddled with racism. The accusation, surprisingly of course, came from non-white, underprivileged NEPs who were hired as tokens of how lovely the boys and girls at the ABC are.

The short piece on the matter died without a trace.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 5:08:40 AM
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"The regular band of far right ABC haters, they hate the independence and impartiality of the publicly owned broadcaster."

Hi Paul,

I look at the different treatment of stories. Compare the reporting of Albanese's attendance of an October 7 memorial with Melbourne's Jewish community by various media outlets, and an ABC report I just watched on his use of Tourette syndrome to ridicule in parliament sounded like a statement from his defence barrister. If Dutton had used disability to mock on the floor of parliament there would have been frequent discussion on the ABC for at least six months about Dutton's insensitivity to the disabled, the impact of his remarks, and his complete unsuitability for political office.

No wonder Albo wants to gag social media and leave political reporting to the ABC.
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 7:06:06 AM
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I think it's wrong that Labor has a public funded media machine to the tune of a Billion Dollars & the Coalition gets nothing but abuse even when the Coalition is right !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 7:17:11 AM
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Hi Indyvidual,

The ABC's commentary on Albo's Tourette jibe reminds me of those adds about the abuse of women where you hear a series of comments like "He has been under a lot of stress", "He didn't mean it", "He had a tough upbringing". The only thing missing was the final line from the narrator saying there is no excuse for abuse.

The announcer on ABC radio this morning announced a text message complaining about the very brief coverage of Albo's comment. The reply was something like "Yes, yes, terrible comment, but the PM apologised so lets move on.". Had Dutton said something half as stupid I am sure that the ABC would have devoted much of the day to discussing the matter, replete with interviews with every disability organisation in the country and numerous victim impact statements.

Unlike you I value the ABC despite its lack of balance, but I do believe in having the right to free speech so I might voice my concern.
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 2:06:14 PM
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60% of Liberal voters think the ABC is bias to the left, 60% of Labor voters think the ABC is biased to the right, to paraphrase; You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but YOU will never please those crusty old conservatives from down at The Shady Pines Rest Home For Old Farts.... and remember the 'Shady Pines' motto: "NO Chicks Allowed!"
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 4:32:52 PM
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Exactly Paul, and I am sure that there are many examples of journalism which one would find balanced and another might think heavily biased. I feel that this makes a complete mockery of JD's assertion that determining truth and falsehood is simple almost to the point of being a mechanical exercise.
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 6:21:17 PM
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60% of Labor voters think the ABC is biased to the right,
Considering how silly some Labor voters are you could be right but that still doesn't alter the fact that the ABC is Labor's taxpayer funded propaganda machine.
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 8:35:30 PM
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100% of silly old farts think the ABC is run by the Communists....that's got you covered Indy.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 10 October 2024 4:34:48 AM
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Our generation gives the Communists more credit for integrity than the average ABC/SBS Femmocrat Journo !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 10 October 2024 6:17:40 PM
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G'day Indy,

Not much chance of you "MOONLIGHTING" is there, you've gotta have a job in the first place to moonlight at a second one. I know the thought of honest work has always horrified you, considering your chronic bad back and all. Then again you could be like Cousin Eddy and holding out for a managerial position. At least you are seeking "medicinal help" dosing yourself daily with plenty of schooners down at 'Gods Waiting Room'.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 11 October 2024 5:27:10 AM
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You're getting worse. Has Fatima Payman's party knocked you back ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 11 October 2024 6:33:43 AM
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I'm forming my own political party The Fatman Payme Party, I'm considering making you Party Commissar up your way, are you up for it? BTW, that medication you are on is it XXXX or VB? I've been down to Gods Waiting Room, and I've sat upon (sacrilegious of me) 'The Indy Memorial Bar Stool'. I'm still waiting for your answer about my fantastic idea of a Seniors National Service. I'm sure you'll be up for a little light work, such as pot hole filling, how about that as a potential career? Start off with small pot holes and graduate to filling those bloody big ones around my joint! Seems the council can't do it!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 11 October 2024 7:08:11 AM
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By the sounds of it you've never experienced work. I could give you some hints but you being a bureaudroid they'd be wasted on you !
I looked this up for you, see if it sinks in but I doubt it;

integrity | &#618;n&#712;t&#603;&#609;r&#618;ti |
noun [mass noun]
1 the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles: a gentleman of complete integrity.
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 11 October 2024 9:01:46 AM
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The Coalition had almost a decade to deal with the ABC: to defund it, when they actually increased the funding; to make it a subscription service; to offer it up for sale.

They did bugger-all.

The ongoing existence of the ABC draws attention to the fact that Australia is virtually a one-party state.

We are are supposed to be a capitalist, free market country, with only essential services funded by the government (taxpayers). The ABC is not an essential service.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 October 2024 9:19:20 AM
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<<The ABC agreed he wasn't in breach of any rules or contractual obligations. They just thought what he did was unsavoury, perhaps unprofessional.>>

It wasn't really the ABC, it was Media Watch a program on the ABC. Not really the same thing and that's where standards (or lack of them) are an issue.

<<But it doesn't rise to the level of corruption where he was taking money from people who might influence his reporting.>>

You can't really claim that, as you don't know if that was happening or not.

<<The point here is that he was protected by his ethnicity UNTIL he decided to leave the ABC, whereupon they turned on him with alacrity and all the venom a slighted left can muster.>>

I'm still not sure what race has to do with this issue. Media Watch also called Annabel Crabb, and I believe she still works at the ABC, so it's all a question of calling out the issue more than anything else.

I think the standards at the ABC need a complete review.
Posted by NathanJ, Friday, 11 October 2024 12:55:47 PM
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The Coalition had almost a decade to deal with the ABC: to defund it,

Let's hope they've grown some gonads & the sense to go with it by now ! I'd say put a freeze on funding the ABC/SBS for at least five years would be an acceptable start. In time, make a 12 months NMNS a prerequisite for a cadetship with the ABC/SBS.
For a supposedly unbiased National Broadcaster any exposure to a non-academic environment is a must !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 12 October 2024 4:36:15 PM
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