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The Forum > General Discussion > A Cashless Society Will Cost Us - Bigtime

A Cashless Society Will Cost Us - Bigtime

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"With both the worst government ever, and the worst opposition ever, there is not much hope for Australians, who have probably left it to late to start noticing what is happening - even if, by some miracle, they ever will."

It's not altogether the Australian peoples fault.
All our western nations are essentially under the assault of rich elites and globalists - multinational businesses and bankers etc.
With no allegiance to country.
- All geared and in cahoots to siphon off the wealth of the masses unto themselves, and to maintain their own wealth, power and privilege.

They will send us all to die in wars if that's what it takes to maintain their position, taking entire nations with them.
And if the wars are lost, well wars and national debts are good for business, they won't have to fight them, and they will find a way to capitalise off the conflicts, and they can always bug out to some foreign country... like their own island in the Bahamas or something.

Or buy some other small country somewhere.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 May 2024 10:34:29 AM
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Democracy is just a tool to control the masses and steal from them.
And make foreign wars for wealth and power, under the cover of 'humanitarianism'.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 May 2024 10:37:32 AM
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Here's a story of todays events that will get your blood goin ttbn,
Ex-gf rings me up a short while ago, she's pretty livid, needs to vent.

Says she just picked her 9 year old daughter up from school,
Kid was forced to participate in an 'I'm Sorry competition'.
- All the kids had to write an 'I'm sorry to the indigenous' essay;
And the best essay wins, I'm not sure what the prize was, I'll ask.

Also says the kids are forced to take part in a 'Welcome to Country' event of sorts every morning, paying respects to the traditional people of the land...

I guess they probably do the same kind of thing to promote the climate agenda too.
'Essay on Climate Change' competitions.
Learning becomes indoctrination, no room for the kids to question.
- They risk getting in trouble if they do question,
And top marks for the most woke, great education system
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 May 2024 3:29:27 PM
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Sorry, all I see is a bunch of old fogeys whining about the new technology.

The Spinning Jenny wouldn't have stood a chance around Luddites like this lot.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 27 May 2024 3:34:07 PM
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So, you are OK paying extra - i.e contributing to the already $964 million to banks - on top of the price of whatever you buy - for zilch?

I sometimes use a Visa card when it's convenient. I'm not dead against the idea. I just don't like the surcharge - certainly not one that increases with the amount spent. Europe and the US think the same way.

I didn't have you down as one of the brain-dead Australians who accept anthing the ruling class lobs on them.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 May 2024 4:05:42 PM
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dearest beloved mhaze,

I agree with you for a change, the Clampetts one and all, and it was Granny Clampett who started this thread! One of em' said he searched all over town, and there's not a general store selling spats and straw hats anymore, and he was will'n to pay 10 shillings for dem! AND he refuses to ride around in one of those newfangled horseless carriages, he said; "Give me the good old grey mare any day" and they refused to let him ride into town with dem der city folks and der... auto--mo--beals!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 May 2024 4:12:01 PM
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