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The Forum > General Discussion > Haredi Jews and other Isrealis forced into the military. Yes or no?

Haredi Jews and other Isrealis forced into the military. Yes or no?

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For very long time periods Haredi Jews have been allowed to continue Torah study and not face the prospect of conscription, but a proposal from the Israeli government could force these people to serve in the military against their will.

At the same time we see young people in Israel object to mandated military service in terms of the government there. Those engaging in such a practice are labelled 'refusenicks' and are being shunned by people in communities and by family members.

Are their objections valid or should they be made take part in military action as part of a bigger picture and ridding the area of Hamas?
Posted by NathanJ, Sunday, 31 March 2024 9:12:11 PM
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Thank you Nathan for introducing this topic.

I am having harsh discussions about it with my family in Israel, where it is a very hot and sensitive issue.

My position is absolutely clear: No one under any circumstances whatsoever ought to be conscripted.

Kidnapping children for the army, whose only "crime" was to be born and reach the age of 18 in relative health, is just not on, it is the utmost cruelty and is akin to slavery as well as to the kidnapping and locking up of innocent hostages in Gaza or by Boko-Haram in Africa, or of sending innocent Uyghurs in China to concentration camps.

If not enough citizens can be convinced to enlist amicably, then this could mean that their country does not deserve to exist.

That said, I agree that Israel should not continue to subsidise financially those young Haredim who would not enlist, while meanwhile provide more financial incentives to those who do.

Israel's army needs many more soldiers, especially due to the high number of soldiers killed and wounded in the present war, but one way it could easily recover its numbers is by pulling out its many brigades from the West Bank, as well as by having a moratorium on senseless parades and similar displays of pride and arrogance.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 1 April 2024 11:35:20 AM
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One in, all in. Knowing human nature, some people will use all the excuses they can muster to avoid conscription.

I'm not generally in favour of conscription, but when your own country is in danger, all citizens should be required to do whatever they are capable of to protect the country.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 1 April 2024 12:16:46 PM
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Hi Nathan,

The politically powerful Haredim make up roughly 13% of
Israeli society according to the Times of Israel. and they
have traditionally received exemptions from the military if
they are studying full time in a yeshiva or religious
seminary. The exemptions and the government stipend
many yeshiva students receive through age 26 has infuriated
the wider general public.

Cries for change echo through Israel. However, the leadership
of Haredim is unwilling to make any changes thus far. If there
are elections - and a weakened Haredim - then maybe change will

We shall have to wait and see.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 April 2024 1:06:48 PM
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Dear Foxy,

«If there are elections - and a weakened Haredim - then maybe change will happen.»

I do hope for Israeli elections to be held sooner rather than later.

And I do expect the Haredim to negotiate and eventually join the potential winners in order to protect their most vital interests, even if they fail to receive as good a deal as they enjoy in the present government, thus a change could happen but unlikely a big one.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 1 April 2024 1:29:22 PM
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I don't think elections will held in the middle of a war!

It seems that some Israelis want Netanyahu gone - after the war. They blame him for the security breach that saw Hamas, UNRWA and "innocent" Gazans slaughtering and debasing Israeli civilians, but the know Netanyahu is the only one to save them.

I wonder who these chicken-livered Left-wing nutters think will save them when terrorists inevitably attack Israel again, and again, and again as is inevitable.

The limp-Left in that benighted country are just like their sort in other democratic countries - all peace and love, and thinking that their pathetic wokeness is going to protect them from future Islamic terrorists.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 1 April 2024 10:14:19 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

Elections in Israel are likely to be held in January 2025.
The present war should be over by then.

Of course there will be another war there and another and another, of course new Islamic terrorists will rise again whether or not Hamas is completely defeated in Gaza in this round, but when Israel is united and strong from within, when Israelis are convinced that they are on the side of good, nobody can defeat them.

The biggest danger that Israel is facing is from within. Among the reasons that shatter Israel from within are 1967's occupation, Netanyahu's corruption, his subsequent alliance with Israel's Nazi party, his party's attempt to destroy Israel's democracy by undermining and emptying out the authority of Israel's high court and the extreme antagonism between secular and orthodox Jews.

Israelis need more than just the means to survive, which they more or less have - people also need a good motive to survive for.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 2 April 2024 8:13:03 AM
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"Are their objections valid or should they be made take part in military action as part of a bigger picture and ridding the area of Hamas?"

Their objections may be valid.

Its up to the Israeli people to decide who governs them, and makes their laws.

What they do is nobody elses business unless they as a state start externally harming others.

Then 'others' have evry right to have an opinion or to try to prevent harm.

If the harm is internal to its own people, then what would you suggest?

Maybe they are in the 49% which in a democracy means their feelings and opinions dont matter and they should just shut up?

Why should the consciencious objectors get out of it?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 5 April 2024 7:29:54 PM
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Dear Critic,

I am in pains when Israel does wrong things.

I am in great pains when conscientious objectors in Israel are thrown in jail.

I would like to see Israel reform and fix those things that need to be repaired in its behaviour, so it becomes a respectable and fully worthy member of the international community.

But you do not seem to care.

Is this because you rather see Israel disappear altogether from the map than for it to become a good and decent world citizen?

Now suppose even that Israel finds an alternate spot on this globe to move into, somewhere where it does not interfere with a Muslim region, would that be acceptable to you, or would you rather have all Israelis become homeless refugees and/or find eternal rest on the bed of the Mediterranean sea?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 6 April 2024 9:57:08 PM
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I don't know why any of you think that Israel, its government or its people give a damn about what you think.

One of the things I admire about Israel is that it doesn't give a damn about international pressure or opinions or the corrupt and absurdly useless United Nations. You are really up yourselves.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 April 2024 10:44:46 PM
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'Now suppose even that Israel finds an alternate spot on this globe to move into'

Bring them all to Australia, we've got the the space and plenty of desert to convert.
Posted by Special Delivery, Sunday, 7 April 2024 9:14:33 AM
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