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The Forum > General Discussion > How do we get people to accept themselves for who they are?

How do we get people to accept themselves for who they are?

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Dear Nathan,

Wanting to modify one's body is a phase within the process of self-discovery. As such it is not bad, so long of course as one is not stuck in that phase for too long. Yes, from a bird's-eye view we can tell that changing our bodies cannot change who we are, but this is not how the people at that phase see it, and we ought to respect where they are at and the sacred process they undergo.

Patience is the key: we do not "get" people to accept themselves for who they are, just like we do not pull on stalks to make plants grow faster. Everyone will progress positively and naturally anyway in their own time.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 10 April 2023 8:28:46 AM
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Amazing how those who profess to believe in individual freedoms, freedom of expression etc are the first to demand others conform to their norms and standards.

The question is; So, how do we get people to accept themselves for who they are, progress positively and naturally and move forward at the same time?

The Answer is; Why would you want to if they are doing you no harm.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 April 2023 10:44:55 AM
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The problem isn't necessarily about people accepting themselves for who they are any more than these weirdos expecting everyone else to accept them as normal.

I don't really care if some bloke wants to chop his bits off and take testosterone blockers and wear a dress but I'm not going to accept him as a real woman if he does.
- Or if a woman decides she's now a man like in Nashville.

For that they think the rest of us are the ones with the problem, not them, and then they go and shoot up a school, murdering Christians who wouldn't accept her sexuality.

The right exploits Nashville shooting to escalate anti-trans rhetoric

- And then the media says that trans were the victims, not the ones they murdered.

How Many Mass Shootings Have Been Carried Out by Transgender People?

"The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary.
The Denver shooter identified as trans.
The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans.
The Nashville shooter identified as trans.
One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 10 April 2023 11:01:53 AM
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Hello Yuyutsu,

<<Patience is the key: we do not "get" people to accept themselves for who they are, just like we do not pull on stalks to make plants grow faster. Everyone will progress positively and naturally anyway in their own time.>>

Patience is the key. At home, I have my own herb and vegetable garden. There are ways I can nurture the plants to ensure they grow to their fullest and survive during tough times. How I look after the soil is important, I need to water the plants during times when it is hot (I don't like being out in the heat btw), composting is vital and I need to spray (non-chemical) when needed to deter certain insects. I need to think of the plant health and the overall garden.

The end results are a healthy garden and the harvest during each season is wonderful to have.

So, I see myself as a role model to others in that context. That being it is important to maintain a healthy garden, despite the challenges and you can see the positive results at the end. This is also done through the volunteer work I undertake as a person. I rarely consider how I look and my focus is more about what I do and achieve, which also includes times where you don't do as well as you may want to.

I also see my body akin to a garden. If I treat my body or garden badly and with disrespect, my personal health will pay the price.

I certainly don't do things to impress others, but I do hope a flow on effect of anything I do, is that others will see something they can take on in a (non-material) sense for personal change which is important. This is different to those who avoid a (non-material) path of self discovery and go down a material one, which can be an easy way to go involving things you can buy and purchase.
Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 10 April 2023 2:13:08 PM
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Dear Nathan,

You are on the right path, others are behind and some are ahead too.
We shall all reach God, some sooner others later, everyone's needs are taken care of, varied as they may be, big or small, this is a cause for joy, not for anxiety.

Continue to do your best, but leave the results in God's hands, He will never fail you.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 10 April 2023 3:00:39 PM
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Something else we should keep in mind.
We all live at least two lives.
Broadly speaking, we have a private life and a public life.
When you arrive home, you might want to take off your footwear, and wear loose clothing at all.
Then lounge around comfortably with family who do the same.
You might even wear no clothing.
In private, that is your choice maybe.
But when you go out in public, yes, I expect all persons to conform to an accepted standard of dress.
This also applies to their behaviour.
So there are limits to what you should do in public places.
Some seem to think it doesn't matter.
That they should be free to behave in any way they want.
And to dress in any non-standard or outrageous way they please.
I say we should dress and behave in a way appropriate to our surroundings.
I would most certainly not go shopping in the city centre wearing nothing but bathing trunks.
I might enter a shop near the beach like that, but that would be appropriate to the area.
So there are limits on all behaviour and dress codes.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Monday, 10 April 2023 3:34:20 PM
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