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The Forum > General Discussion > How do we get people to accept themselves for who they are?

How do we get people to accept themselves for who they are?

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I make a point of observing people & what I found is that an encouraging number of young have or at least radiate far more sense than their parents & grandparents.
I found that those growing up before the 2000's are the culprits in uselessness, lack of common sense & decency in general.
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 7:02:40 AM
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"Sense" comes only with experience,something which young people obviously don't have. Look back at your own lives and think about the silly things you thought when you were young; worse, how you thought that you were right and your elders were wrong.

On the topic itself. : "we" don't get people to accept themselves or to do anything at all. Each individual is responsible for himself. Those people who think otherwise are just busybodies who are most likely not all that good at living their own lives - let alone someone else's. Whatever people do is their own responsibility, and they have to live with the consequences - some of which they will be happy with others not so much.

Mind your own business.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 9:14:33 AM
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Why is it that, on average, the children of a bricklayer seems to be more well adjusted socially that the children of a psychologist?
Why is it that a child of a migrant family has more respect for it's parents than the home grown variety?
Why is it that children in a family of 4 living in a small house tend to be more considerate than the children of a family of 4 living in a house twice the size?
Do you think it might be the time parents have for their children?
Plant a cabbage you get a cabbage
Posted by Special Delivery, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 10:20:36 AM
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Special Delivery,
Unfortunately, the Rights mentality is readily adopted but not the responsibility mentality !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 11:26:22 AM
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Special Delivery has the right angle on parenting responsibilities. Unfortunately these days strangers have more influence on the kids' upbringing than parents do - from day care while Mum works to secondary schools where the teachers won't tell the parents that Johnny really wants to be Joeline.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 2:51:02 PM
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Hi AC,

There have been 146 mass shootings in US so far this year, thanks for pointing out those 4 carried out by crazies who also have sexual identity hangups as well. If the other 142 were straights, then US would be safer with lots more sex devos running around with guns!

BTW; Watch out for our local nutter in Brisbane, he's got an AK-47 and he's straight! Well only bent slightly, no doubt a well adjusted young lad. To be sure, to be sure.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 8:56:25 PM
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