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The Forum > General Discussion > The Bomb that failed to detonate

The Bomb that failed to detonate

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Oh bloody hell. We sailed through did we?

So no acknowledgement of the Chinese highly restrictive one child policy, nor mass forced sterilisations in India, nor the huge effort in raising education levels of women?

It was always going to happen apparently.

It's the models wot got it wrong sir!

What a goose.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 11:22:18 PM
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More than 800 million people or 10% of the worlds population are affected by famine, mostly women and children. Yemen is in its 6th year of drought, affecting 18 million people, internal conflict is adding to the crises, with 18,000 expected to die from starvation in the next 6 months, a totally unnecessary state of affairs.

BTW,, we have hunger in this country, just on Wednesday had a homeless bloke ask if we could give him something to feed his dog, the dog was very hungry. Asked for nothing for himself, I suspected he was hungry as well, so they both got some short term relief.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 30 March 2023 7:40:46 AM
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If 1405 is to believed, he is always running into people even more peculiar than himself: hard up, down and outs who have really made a mess of life. He seems to live in a world of misery.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 March 2023 7:52:28 AM
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No, ttbn, these days my wife and I help out at a local 'foodbank" type charity a few hours a week. There we meet all kinds of people, who without judgement the charity tries to give short term assistance to. I'm often on the door, so I meet people first hand, and while they wait and I'm filling out a short questionnaire for them, which is used to determine their requirements, there you get to hear peoples stories, like the old bloke with the dog. I hope you or I are never in their situation, unfortunately from most of what you post here I don't think you have a kindness for others, maybe I'm wrong.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 30 March 2023 8:55:53 AM
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Wow that's quite an insight there, SR.

There are reasons why the population bomb didn't detonate, says SR. Wow, stop the presses. The thing that didn't happen didn't happen for a reason....who'da thunk it.

Of course the reasons SR offers are rubbish, but well....SR. Despite the Chinese one child policy China's population continued to increase at the same rate it did before the policy. Indeed depending on who you believe (the CCP or reality) the population only started to fall last year or 5 years ago, long after the CCP had panicked and withdrawn the policy. Equally, although there were forced sterilisations in India they barely had any effect and India's population continues to grow.

What stopped the population bomb from detonating was (1) the green revolution and (2) economic advancement which always (ALWAYS) leads to lower birth rates.

This is a revelation to the likes of SR and the progressive left in general who see the failure of yet another scary hysteria as mere happenstance that no one could have foreseen. They are trying very hard to not know that there were plenty who did foresee it and were ridiculed for their foresight.

We can be absolutely certain that when the apocalyptic climate change hysteria falls apart, there'll be 'reasons' for that and some dill will race to provide these faux reasons.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 30 March 2023 11:42:48 AM
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The China one child policy. That's gone. They can have two now. But, according to the ethnic Chinese editor of Epoch Times, young Chinese are no longer keen on having any children because of the cost of living and the lack of jobs for the tertiary educated; they are only interested in getting by and not exerting themselves for lack of reason to. Why bother, they are saying.

China is not living up to CCP propaganda.

As for the PLO that's going to wipe everyone out: that's said to be hopeless, with young Chinese joining up because there is nowhere else to go. They don't want to be in the military and wouldn't be if they had a choice. The drop in population growth could soon have the PLO looking like Dad's Army, with lots of weapons, but not enough people - or not enough people with the ability - to use them.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 March 2023 12:35:30 PM
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