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What does it mean to be transgender?
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 February 2023 5:24:45 PM
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Futhermore, I'm not saying that everyone who follows a religion does the examples I used. I know Christians who aren't vaccinated (as well as some that are) I know some Jewish people who aren't wealthy and don't want to 'ride on the backs of goyim' I've watched video of Muslims who preach peace and don't want to 'kill all the infidels'. I'm not necessarily talking about people, but about beliefs associated with religions. - From what I can see all of them are flawed in their own ways. I'm sorry if you don't like the criticism, but I have every right to voice my opinion on things, and to stand up for what I think is right. Ultimately, it's about respect, decency and dignity. If Jews want Moshiach to come back so they can rule over 70 nations from Israel, like it's everyone else's destiny to be their slaves, then that's a crap worldview. If Christians want to believe everyone else is a sinner, and use fear of a lake of fire to frighten people into believing but hold themselves in high moral regard when they themselves are often just as much sinners themselves, with a condescending attitude towards others as many do, then that's a crap worldview. If Islam has political and military doctrine, to make peace when they are weak, and then disregard it when they are strong; and to use women as vessels for birth to outbreed everyone else and impose Islam on everyone then that's a crap worldview too. When I said 'right to religion' I was talking about our nations laws. None of these things are about respect, decency or dignity or of treating others the way one would like to be treated. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 February 2023 5:50:18 PM
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Hi Paul1405,
"That Leviticus quote I gave, I distinctly recall you used something of that nature to justify the Proud Boys violence in Washington January 6th. Have you had a change of mind on that since?" I don't remember using anything religious to defend January 6. I may however have used the US Constitution, 2nd Amendment to defend it, and maybe even Jefferson's quote as well. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." So, as for the US way of thinking, the specific reason why there is a second amendment is for the purpose of removing a tyrannical government, which actually goes back to when the British ruled America in it's early days if I recall correctly. And so, if the American people feel that their government has become tyrannical and is not respecting the Bill of rights or Constitution, and is acting tyrannical then they have every right to remove it by force. Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." The ruling political class in America have been acting like Gods unto themselves. Furthermore, the House of Congress BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE, and if it belongs to them, then what laws were broken? It's perfectly fine for America to conduct coup d'etats on everyone else, (that makes them tyrannical in my opinion just as others were towards them when it was written; and that's before all the other amendments in the Constitution which have been stepped on) Heaven forbid their own people lose faith in government and want them out themselves. Look at this stupid war in Ukraine. The US political or military elite have been talking about causing a political crisis in Russia that would lead to a coup and Putin's ousting, but it's as though they forget it was their own sponsored and paid for coup in Ukraine in 2014 that lead to the mess we have today and the 500,000+ dead and wounded. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 February 2023 6:18:38 PM
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As for transgenders, I couldn't care less what goes in in their bedrooms, if they want to dress like the opposite sex and cut all their bits off I don't care, but for one I don't have to celebrate it and furthermore I most certainly draw the line when they start messing with the minds of impressionable kids.
As for the religious stuff and Jewish religion, I could go further on that topic... We could talk about how America cares more about Israel than it's own citizens. The eye of providence on their money certainly isn't there for nothing. Novus Ordo Seclorum 'New Order for the Ages' (New World Order) Jewish money started the Federal Reserve against the original Greenback, money used to kill the Russian royal family after he abdicated, as well as Alexander II before him (I guess they didn't like being locked into the Pale of Settlement in Prussia - but it's ok to treat Palestinians that way today) Money used to fund Hitler in WWII, Jews got America involved in WWI which cost Germany the war, which lead to Hitler. Price paid for helping Britain prevail was the Balfour declaration. Every nation on the planet now funded by debt to their system. Could talk about Freemasons and their Jewish-oriented affiliation. 33rd degree motto is 'Ordo ab Chao' (Order out of Chaos) - Which is exactly what we're seeing today. Could talk about Albert Pike and his predictions of 3 World Wars. Could talk about Noahide laws, and the laws for Non-Jews Could talk about the Neoconservatives (people starting all these wars) and their alignment with Israel and Zionism. - But you know, I'm supposed to keep this stuff to myself or else be accused of being racist. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 February 2023 7:15:47 PM
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- It doesn't mean I haven't at some point in my life looked into it.
But hey, since Dutton was screaming 'Dob in a conspiracy theorist' I'd better keep my mouth shut, right? And since Jews won't speak of it except to rubbish it or accuse others of being anti-simetic, what's the point? Which video do you want? Do you want the Rebbe singing 'We want Moshiach' Or do you want the Unholy Trinity of Rothschild, Frank and Weishaupt? - Here, may as well have both. Niggun "We Want Moshiach Now" The Unholy Trinity of Frank, Weishaupt, and Rothschild Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 February 2023 7:16:34 PM
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Dear Critic,
Your criticism is well placed, but is not a criticism of the Hindu religion, it is criticism of certain traits in Indian society, terrible traits indeed. Hindu scriptures do mention the different "varna"s, which poorly translates into English as "castes". However, these scriptures are DESCRIPTIVE, not PRESCRIPTIVE. These scriptures just explain how people are different in nature from each other and thus are best at different occupations - that's social science for you, the scriptures do not preclude people's ability to change and upgrade their nature and situation, nor say that children must be of the same nature as their parents. While it is true that children are statistically more likely to resemble their parents, there is no automatic assumption that they will. Very sadly, sections of Indian society abuse their scriptures by turning them around to excuse their injustice. The sages of old would describe such immoral behaviour as the sign of an outcast! Mahatma Gandhi did his best to uproot that abuse. Apparently his success was only partial. «Futhermore, I'm not saying that everyone who follows a religion does the examples I used.» Thank you for clarifying! Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 9 February 2023 7:27:55 PM
Your taking things out of context.
I know you're Hindu, and once followed the Jewish religion as well.
Let's go to a recent article.
India's 'untouchable' women face discrimination even in microloan schemes meant to help them
The job no one wants in India
(and I've seen worse videos in the past as well)
While drinking can be harmful, it's not a God-centric religion with scripture.
Lets be honest here, this was a career for life, and when you have kids, it's their career for life too.
You see how they're not allowed to be traders?
But if they want to buy something, they enrich the class above them.
- Tiered slavery -
Why should anyone be born just for their entire destiny from life until death be for the purpose of cleaning up other peoples shite with their bare hands.
I'm sorry mate, but it's phucking disgusting.
- Please excuse my language -
(And I've never sworn on this level here before, and hope I never have to do so again)
- That's what I think of that.
See if you're born Dalit caste, then it's your life's destiny and purpose to clean shite.
- That's anything but treating others the way you'd like to be treated.