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What does it mean to be transgender?
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Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 7 February 2023 6:39:17 PM
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The new cult is focused in body worship, and the human body is god.
Christianity holds that the body is the temple of the spirit that came from God and to God the spirit returns. The body is temporal and every cell in the body changes every 21 years and is made of the natural chemistry of the earth. The spirit is the living done in the body by the spirit to design, create, train, and live right, to love and desire good character and care for others. Those obsessed with the body are wrongly focused in their worship. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 8 February 2023 7:44:10 AM
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Well Jose'
You attack Foxy, claiming in your words; "Transgender is not based in science; it is based in the mind. So, your god is anything you decide it to be. Your god is Satan standing in opposition to the Creator." You postulated that there is a remote Satan and a Creator. Then going on to say; "from God and to God the spirit returns", None of that is based in science. You want to accept science where you believe its relevant to your argument, then dismiss it when you want to make none scientific claims, like the existence of a remote God. What other unseen spiritual or physical supernatural beings do you also believe in. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 8 February 2023 8:20:12 AM
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For a self-proclaimed Christian you are displaying very judgemental and un-Christian qualities. You need to look to improving yourself first before judging others who have done you no harm. But by the sound of it - the harm is in your own mind. And that needs fixing. We shall all pray for you to stop evading responsibility and take the hatred that's in your own heart. Satan is living within you and you're not fighting him. You're spreading his work around. He must be very pleased with you Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 8 February 2023 8:58:34 AM
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Hi Foxy,
Leviticus 18 and 20 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." Chapter 18 verse 22. "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Chapter 20 verse 13. And further, Matthew 12:30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. The bible is fairly clear on this issue. I'm not sure you get to pick and choose what's in there. I don't agree with many things that Christians do. But if society recognises 'The right to religion' Then it's surely hypocritical to condemn believers for believing and for following their bible Nor is it right to attempt to rewrite it in a way that suits the individual. I'm not even sure these people from 'Believe Out Loud' actually pray to God when they pray. The Lord’s Prayer For Transgender Awareness: Our mother and Father, our beloved parent, in whom we move and breathe and have our being, The hallowing of your name shines forth in the diversity of your children. From what I understand Christians have love for homosexuals as God's creation, but they do not support the things that they do. Me personally, I think all religions are flawed in some way. In many examples they all promote harm in some way. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 February 2023 10:06:27 AM
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Hi Armchair Critic,
Thank You for such a positive response. It is appreciated. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 8 February 2023 10:54:41 AM