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The Forum > General Discussion > Where To For Our Over Six Fives.

Where To For Our Over Six Fives.

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By 2041 it is expected that there will be 6.66 million Australians aged 65 and over, an increase of 54% on the number recorded at the 2021 census. The over 65's are by far the fastest growing age group in the country. The older the age group the greater the increase, those aged 85 plus are expected to grow by 140% to 1.28 million by 2041. The age growth is expected to accelerate after 2031 as the 'Baby Boomers', those bore between 1946 and 1965 enter the over 85 plus age cohort.

What impact will an ageing population have on Australia? As a general rule, older people are less productive, and the older we get the less productive we become, and the less income we have, that is a natural consequence of ageing. It is obvious that the demand for aged services in health, housing and generally can only increase. The burdon of the elderly is going to fall more and more onto the diminishing numbers of younger people in the productive section of society. Will younger Australia step up and meet the challenge of an ageing population, and help provide a quality of life that older Australian expect and are entitled to. This means a greater proportion of taxation being spent on others (the elderly), whilst at the same time, still meeting the expectations of the younger taxpayers themselves. Challenging times ahead.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 22 December 2022 4:49:30 AM
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the older we get the less productive we become,
That's the idea of getting old. What is not the idea is to be so unproductive as the young are now ! They're the ones you're talking about or rather should !
The old of today have been largely productive par the few tens of thousands of bureaudroids among us Baby boomers. Today's old have planned & contributed for the support they're getting now just as we have supported the old when we were younger. Your generation will have to wake up & start living within their means rather than their wants & stop blaming the old.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 22 December 2022 11:36:18 AM
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>As a general rule, older people are less productive
Really? People tend to be at their highest paid just before they retire.

And don't know how others feel about it, but I don't intend to retire until I'm well into my 70s. Being late entering the workforce, it makes sense that I also be late leaving it.
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 22 December 2022 1:18:27 PM
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Dear Aidan,

«Being late entering the workforce, it makes sense that I also be late leaving it.»

Well it does not make sense to me - having been lucky, count your blessings!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 22 December 2022 1:34:06 PM
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Australia should count its blessings.

Every day across the country older Australians
make an enormous contribution to our society.

They contribute so much each year in unpaid caring
and volunteer work. If this unpaid contribution of
older Australians was counted it would amount to
billions of dollars to the bottom line of our economy.

Older Australians should be recognised for their role
in building strong and healthy communities.

Being labelled "too old" or "past their use by date"
means that so many may miss out on work, training,
study, and other opportunities. We need to realise
that many older Australians live independently at
home. They enjoy one of the highest life expectancies
in the world. Only 1 in 4 aged 85 or over lives in
care accommodation.

Volunteering among the "baby boomers"
generation recently retired, healthy and wanting to
contribute to their communities is continuing to rise
compared to previous generations. Increasing paid
employment of Australians over 55 years could add
billions to the bottom line of our economy every year.

We need to make changes in our mindsets at the way we view
older Australians and treat them accordingly. Then perhaps
the future for all of us not only the over 65 year olds
would be brighter.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 December 2022 3:42:18 PM
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Dear Foxy,

Thank you for your contribution.

Indeed it is wonderful when older people are able to participate in LIFE rather than in the stifling money-based "economy". The earlier they exit the formal economic mechanisms, free of bosses, formalities, procedures and financial considerations, free to contribute from their hearts by their own values - the better!

Shall we strive to gradually lower that age of freedom from formal economy and aim for 0% employment and the end of all slavery by 2100?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 22 December 2022 4:44:11 PM
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