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The 15 Minute City

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Bloody hell AC, I'm sorry to hear that, bulldozers, excavators and trucks closing in on you in 3 directions! I designate you to make a last ditched stand against the enemy of the Bayside, THE DEVELOPERS! I will be there with you in sprite as you make the ultimate sacrifice! Do not fear commode, your courageous efforts will not be forgotten, but mentioned in dispatchers, issued by me, from my command post some 50 miles in the rear. Besides what damage can a 100 ton bulldozer do to strapping young lad like yourself? BTW do you have life insurance, a funeral plan, hummmm could be useful?

Seriously, I seen the DEVELOPERS given free rein in Sydney, and its created a disaster, the good old billionaire Harry Triguboff has a lot to answer for. WE don't want the same for Brisbane, Brisbane is about 10 years behind Sydney, but catching up fast. Talking to the local councillor and MP's, all you get is; "Ah, is there a problem? I don't think so."...."Sorry gotta rush, I'm late for a big nosh up with Harry!"
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 3:34:13 PM
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Seriously, I seen the DEVELOPERS given free rein in Sydney,
It's for that very same reason that Joh's very last stroke of the pen as Qld Premier was signing off the DOGIT.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 17 December 2022 6:39:49 AM
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Hey Aiden,
I'm fairly sure that the 15 minute cities plan includes provisions for climate lockdowns and fines for vehicles entering / leaving the 15 minute city area if you exceed a threshold.
- But I would have to double check it.
I know the WEF has a fairly well developed plan for motor vehicle sharing.

Re: Prisons filled to a certain capacity
- I think I got this info quite a few years back from possibly Alex Jones,
(which I haven't watched since at least prior to 2014, maybe longer)
If not possibly another radio show I watched at the time
Mike Rivero from Republican Broadcast Radio which I haven't really listened to since maybe around 2016 / 2017.
In any case I will admit it was second hand info and not taken directly from source documents.

I am pretty sure though that the 15 minute city fines for private vehicles exceeding an allowable limit are true.
I did post some links to the 15 minute city websites earlier on this thread.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 18 December 2022 9:51:57 PM
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Hi Paul,
"I'm sorry to hear that, bulldozers, excavators and trucks closing in on you in 3 directions! I designate you to make a last ditched stand against the enemy of the Bayside, THE DEVELOPERS!"

We've had a good run here, but well, one can't easily stand in the way of progress. I heard there's a huge plan recently approved this year for the area in between Vicky Pt shops and the boundary for Redland Bay.

I was also told by a friend that there's even a plan for stadiums to be build eventually as part of building works for the 2032 Olympics up on Heineman Rd, if I remember correctly.

There's a lot of building going on over the last few years and probably a lot more to come;
- There's a lot of high density housing going in, which is changing the character of the area a little.
I know there's a new hospital being built close to Redland Bay ferry under construction to service the Bay Islands.
Over the years since I've been here there's been a decent increase in local traffic, especially so in the last 12 months.
It used to have a quiet, tranquil semi-rural type of feel to the place, but now it's slowly starting to feel more like Cannon Hill or Morningside.

I guess everything changes eventually.
Not much I can do as the developers already own the 15 acre block I'm on.
I saw prices increase 5 fold in an 18mth period on the big blocks where I'm at just a few years back, if that gives any indication of what's being planned.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 18 December 2022 10:17:13 PM
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It brings to my mind the way they Walled the Jews into a specific area in the middle of a busy German City. Eventually they stopped sending food in,maybe the food provider thought it was too expensive. Today they would justify it by thinking these people eat too much and it is bad for the environment. Thus we are being quite virtuos by not sending then enough food

You can guarantee,what humans have done before in history, they will do again. When someone shows you what they are capable of(believe them)
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 25 December 2022 11:10:42 PM
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Hi AC, a belated Merry Xmas',

I'm not opposed to development, sustainable development that is, which is in harmony with the local community. Developers and governments, both Labor and LNP, don't believe the local community have rights, they pay no more than lip service to the locals. It sounds to me the locals in your area are getting shafted from all sides, that's not unusual. BTW, "Harry Triguboff", loves us all, sends you a happy developer Xmas, with a promise of another 'stink works' coming to one of his new 'cesspools' near you shortly.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 December 2022 6:44:59 AM
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