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The 15 Minute City

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I have read a few articles about the subject title.
It appears to be a plan which has surfaced from the Davos school for
future leaders. Both NZ's PM and Scomo are on the list.
It specifies a plan where a city is divided into 15 minute squares.
The idea appears to be that you do everything inside those squares.
I have not determined if the 15 minutes is walking or driving.
Most of the discussion is around walking times.

Oxford City Council appears to be the first established.
One proposal is that if you drive your car outside your home square
more than a to be prescribed number of times, in a to be prescribed
period you will be fined eg 150 pounds.

It is suggested that Melbourne and Brisbane are among world cities
considering the scheme.
If you Google 15 minute cities there are a number of references.
Seems a bit hairbrained to me but these days some people will grab it
and run wild with it.
The articles do not push global warming much but it is in the background.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 9 December 2022 3:56:22 PM
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Sheer lunacy, and unlikely to happen.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 10 December 2022 11:13:46 AM
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Sheer lunacy and likely to happen.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 December 2022 11:49:01 AM
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Not only could but will happen if we don't start fighting back damn soon.

Battery electric cars are not a way to reduce pollution, they don't, but a way to get our cars off us. The elites don't like mere peasants having such mobility or nice big houses as we do in Oz, & will use anything, including the global warming scam to get us back in our place.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 10 December 2022 2:13:33 PM
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I was shown a video yesterday, but I haven't really looked too closely at all details of the plan as yet.

Prepare for 'climate lockdowns': Rogue British council wants to strip you of freedoms

As a person who once dipped my toes into the conspiracy theory I can say this is they type of thing they've been talking and warning about for many years.
I've always known they were installing cameras and building a transport control grid and removing cash so that they can track every single thing a person does.
No doubt they will sell the idea as being safer and better for the environment, but really its all about full oversight of every single aspect of a person lives, as well as the ability to control peoples spending and where they can and cant go.

1984 is real, it's just a few decades behind schedule.
The sheer existence of people like Klaus Schwab should at least be enough to convince people that there are people out there, powerful people with these kinds of goals in mind.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 10 December 2022 2:59:49 PM
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George Soros-backed reforms making US cities 'far more dangerous'

These evil people support changes that make a societies more dangerous (in the name of human rights), and then come in and present themselves as saviours with the Orwellian solutions they wanted in the first place.

It's called the Hegelian dialectic.
You create the problem, then you manage the reaction, and present the solution to the problem
- With others none-the-wiser to the fact you created the problems in order to force people to support an agenda they would never have gone along with in the first place.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 10 December 2022 3:06:45 PM
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Good old George, backer of Gun Control Australia and the Greens.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 December 2022 3:26:48 PM
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Here's a bit of info we can dig into to.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 1:13:28 AM
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A 15-minute city is a residential urban concept in which most daily necessities can be accomplished by either walking or cycling from residents' homes. The concept (see also the New Urbanism of the 1980s) is present, among many, an approach which aims to create cities in which each dweller can do her/his usual main daily activities by walking or at maximum "biking" was popularized by Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and inspired by French-Colombian scientist Carlos Moreno who in 2016 coined the term. 15-minute cities are built from a series of 5-minute neighborhoods, also known as complete communities or walkable neighborhoods. The concept has been described as a "return to a local way of life".

Took the above from Wikipedia. I can see nothing wrong with the idea of getting back to a position where people are more involved and interactive within their local community. The impersonal way our lives are now, not knowing our neighbours with little involvement in the local community is not a good thing.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 5:05:51 AM
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Hi Bazz,

I have to admit that I didn't understand the concept of
the "15 Minute City." I had not heard of it. However
from the small amount of research that I've done thus far
it seems that it is already being attempted by quite
a few countries as part of their urban planning programs
where they're trying to decentralize the congestion of the
major urban cities.

They're trying to encourage the development
of outer suburbs and communties instead of just planning larger
and larger more conjested cities. Getting people
out of the city - and building self-sufficient communities
outside of the cities. This plan of course is going to need
support - and I guess in part it's already working in certain

If it's well planned and supported - and especially if people
can work closer to home, and not fight the city traffic -
it could well be the answer to our future urban planning.
It may be worth a try.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 8:39:54 AM
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Hi Foxy,
It always sounds good, with positive things as selling points but it never works out that way, it always turns nefarious.

Take covid passports for example, they said they will only ever be used for covid tracking purposes.
Few moths later we hear they are using the data in criminal investigations.
Maybe others argue, we have the data so we have a duty to use it to prevent harm.
In any case no matter what they say, it always ends up turning into something else.

As for these 15-minite cities, they're not even hiding the nefarious aspects, but you might have to dig to find the info.

Someone else mentioned 'fines if you leave your area too many times'
and 'climate lockdowns', these are the things that we need to dig into if we really want to know what they are planning.

You need to be able to look at what they are selling from different perspectives
- One is the feel good side - we wish to mave cities livable and give people access to all they need without need for motor vehicles
- the other is the nefarious side, 'You will own nothing and be happy', they don't want us to own cars, they want to be able to lock us down at will and control everything we do, cameras working as invisible checkpoints keeping tabs on wherever we go, access to bank accounts and control our spending in line with emissions, everyone we associate with, and everything we look at on the internet.

They are even planning personal CO2 emissions quotas where you will pay a global climate tax on everything you do, and if you exceed your climate quota you must buy more carbon credits.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:21:46 PM
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They will have absolute control and oversight over everything we do, and it will be inescapable, and if you don't do what they want, they will just freeze your accounts and then track and apprehend you with their total surveillance.

They always sell it as being good, and safer and better for the environment...

But what if it was never about the environment, and that 'harm to the environment' is just a ruse to bring in all these Orwellian measures that they are planning and want - not for the environment, but to have total oversight and control over the populace?

Yesterdays conspiracy theory is tomorrows reality.
They call it conspiracy theory, so that people like yourself think the others trying to sound the alarms are nutjobs, and to dissuade you from looking into it for yourself.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:23:53 PM
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It seems it has been around longer than I realised.
Anyway it has been taken up by the Davos School of Economics.
You know, the "Great Reset" and "You will own Nothing and be Happy."

Claus Swarb talks openly about how they recruit rising leaders and
infiltrate them into governments. He once gave a list of such Davos
members and it is amazing how many well known names are on it.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:28:13 PM
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Hi AC,

From what you say - it sounds scary. Hopefully though,
there will be some sensible urban planners and councillors
who won't approve or agree to any sort of nonsense.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:33:48 PM
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I can almost guarantee that all our 'branch managers of globalism' leaders will band together on climate issues and say, "we're just not reaching our climate targets and that we need to bring in global climate taxes and personal carbon credit quotas", to fund the changes we need. This will not affect the rich, they can pay the fines and go anywhere and purchase their personal carbon credits and it wont affect them.

This has nothing to do with saving the climate, but a stepping stone to global taxes.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:35:49 PM
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Hi Foxy,
"From what you say - it sounds scary."
- This in essence is why the conspiracy theorist type people have been losing their minds over it and acting like crazy people for years.

- They know what's coming and are trying to stop it, but they are ridiculed, and there are always more people buying into the 'feelgood' side, that those on the 'I don't like where this is headed' side.

- And with the amount of kids who are indoctrinated to the whole agenda right from school, every single year there is a whole new batch of brainwashed indoctrinated kids joining the 'feelgood' team, and the voices of concern are just swept aside.
The battle for respect, decency and human dignity seems to be unwinnable.
There's nothing to stop it from becoming a reality, once the boomers are gone, many of the next generation have been pied pipered into supporting it with everything they are.

The world you know is a manufactured stage show.
"Here's what you need to know"
- They never tell you the stuff you need to know to make a really good informed opinion.
Behind the scenes the world is not as good and wholesome as they make it out to be.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:49:33 PM
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Don't say you weren't warned.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:50:06 PM
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Hi AC,

That's why my father taught me to question everything.
And always ask - WHY?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 1:00:48 PM
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The 15 Minute City has a completely different meaning in SA, where many of Adelaide's older residents are nostalgic for the days when they could drive across it in 15 minutes.

Anyway, what people here don't seem to comprehend is that although the WEF is well connected, it doesn't actually have any power. I strongly suspect it's struggling to maintain relevance, and may be encouraging the conspiracy theorists to keep it in the public eye.

The idea of personal carbon credits isn't new. David Miliband (Ed's older, and at the time more politically prominent, brother) once came out in support of it, proving to me (and I expect many others) that he was utterly lacking in common sense and unsuited to any leadership position.

Oxford City was not built for cars, isn't well suited to them, and already has measures in place to control them, so it's hardly surprising that another proposal to further restrict their use was made there. But again it's totally lacking in common sense, and unlikely to be seriously considered, let alone implemented.


Like many things in the USA, the bail system is strongly biased against the poor. The system where people are jailed for months for often trivial offences that they haven't been convicted of, just because they don't have access to sufficient money for bail, is not conducive to justice. Soros is right to want to do something about it.
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 12 December 2022 11:23:19 AM
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Hey Aiden
The US prison system isn't run by the government, it's largely run by private contractors.
Part of the deal the government has with these contractors is that they guarantee that prisons will be filled to a certain capacity.
This leads to situation where some people are given longer sentences than they should, and also that some people are incarcerated when they should be given non-custodial orders.
This is not a good system.

George Soros is funding prosecutors.
What these people are doing is changing the rules so that petty offenses aren't even punished or followed up on by police at all, which lowers crime statistics on paper but inevitably leads to MORE CRIME as people know that they wont be punished at all.
This is not a good system either.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 3:29:28 AM
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A bit like the British Colonial Government, and its use of private contractors to transport convicts to Australia. The more the contractor crammed in, and the less he fed them, the more he got paid. Perfect system for some.

AC, you're out there in your "little corner of paradise" around Wellington Point are you not. Why would you want to leave paradise for the hum-drum of the city.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 4:39:28 AM
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"AC, you're out there in your 'little corner of paradise' around Wellington Point are you not. Why would you want to leave paradise for the hum-drum of the city."

I'm in Vicky Pt, and the other side of the road is Reddy Bay.
- Ive got bulldozers, excavators and trucks closing in on me in 3 directions, some of which I could hit with a good throw of a rock from my backyard.
- I have a few months to go here at best, but it's been a good 10 years peaceful semi-rural living.
All the kangaroos have been taking up residence in my yard recently as its a safe place for them.
All their existing habitat is being destroyed at the moment, but I think they're planning to keep some nature and wildlife areas when it's done.
There's a few joeys, and a couple of mum's carrying tiny bubbas in the pouch, that are becomeing less skittish around people every day.

Immigration and housing mate, environment be damned.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 11:39:01 AM
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Or if any of you lot are allergic to 'Russian propaganda' try this instead, it's just the same news.

"The city will also benefit financially, with any driver caught passing through a filter without an exemption or a permit being charged a £70 penalty (just over $85) per violation. Planners expect the city could make as much as £1.1 million per year from fines."

Is 'filter' a kind word for 'check point'?

"Your papers please"
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 11:42:42 AM
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Russian and New Zealand sites are not good sources of information about Oxford. Try an Oxford site:
If you read it you'll find:
This is nothing to do with climate: it's entirely about road congestion within Oxford.
It only applies to certain congested roads within Oxford. There are no restrictions on entering or leaving, and in all cases alternative routes are available that are not subject to restrictions or charges.

BTW are you sure that in America the government guarantee that prisons will be filled to a certain capacity? ISTR there was a corruption case a few years ago where a judge who had given juveniles excessive sentences was found to have been receiving kickbacks from a prison company.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 2:50:32 PM
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Bloody hell AC, I'm sorry to hear that, bulldozers, excavators and trucks closing in on you in 3 directions! I designate you to make a last ditched stand against the enemy of the Bayside, THE DEVELOPERS! I will be there with you in sprite as you make the ultimate sacrifice! Do not fear commode, your courageous efforts will not be forgotten, but mentioned in dispatchers, issued by me, from my command post some 50 miles in the rear. Besides what damage can a 100 ton bulldozer do to strapping young lad like yourself? BTW do you have life insurance, a funeral plan, hummmm could be useful?

Seriously, I seen the DEVELOPERS given free rein in Sydney, and its created a disaster, the good old billionaire Harry Triguboff has a lot to answer for. WE don't want the same for Brisbane, Brisbane is about 10 years behind Sydney, but catching up fast. Talking to the local councillor and MP's, all you get is; "Ah, is there a problem? I don't think so."...."Sorry gotta rush, I'm late for a big nosh up with Harry!"
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 3:34:13 PM
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Seriously, I seen the DEVELOPERS given free rein in Sydney,
It's for that very same reason that Joh's very last stroke of the pen as Qld Premier was signing off the DOGIT.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 17 December 2022 6:39:49 AM
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Hey Aiden,
I'm fairly sure that the 15 minute cities plan includes provisions for climate lockdowns and fines for vehicles entering / leaving the 15 minute city area if you exceed a threshold.
- But I would have to double check it.
I know the WEF has a fairly well developed plan for motor vehicle sharing.

Re: Prisons filled to a certain capacity
- I think I got this info quite a few years back from possibly Alex Jones,
(which I haven't watched since at least prior to 2014, maybe longer)
If not possibly another radio show I watched at the time
Mike Rivero from Republican Broadcast Radio which I haven't really listened to since maybe around 2016 / 2017.
In any case I will admit it was second hand info and not taken directly from source documents.

I am pretty sure though that the 15 minute city fines for private vehicles exceeding an allowable limit are true.
I did post some links to the 15 minute city websites earlier on this thread.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 18 December 2022 9:51:57 PM
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Hi Paul,
"I'm sorry to hear that, bulldozers, excavators and trucks closing in on you in 3 directions! I designate you to make a last ditched stand against the enemy of the Bayside, THE DEVELOPERS!"

We've had a good run here, but well, one can't easily stand in the way of progress. I heard there's a huge plan recently approved this year for the area in between Vicky Pt shops and the boundary for Redland Bay.

I was also told by a friend that there's even a plan for stadiums to be build eventually as part of building works for the 2032 Olympics up on Heineman Rd, if I remember correctly.

There's a lot of building going on over the last few years and probably a lot more to come;
- There's a lot of high density housing going in, which is changing the character of the area a little.
I know there's a new hospital being built close to Redland Bay ferry under construction to service the Bay Islands.
Over the years since I've been here there's been a decent increase in local traffic, especially so in the last 12 months.
It used to have a quiet, tranquil semi-rural type of feel to the place, but now it's slowly starting to feel more like Cannon Hill or Morningside.

I guess everything changes eventually.
Not much I can do as the developers already own the 15 acre block I'm on.
I saw prices increase 5 fold in an 18mth period on the big blocks where I'm at just a few years back, if that gives any indication of what's being planned.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 18 December 2022 10:17:13 PM
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It brings to my mind the way they Walled the Jews into a specific area in the middle of a busy German City. Eventually they stopped sending food in,maybe the food provider thought it was too expensive. Today they would justify it by thinking these people eat too much and it is bad for the environment. Thus we are being quite virtuos by not sending then enough food

You can guarantee,what humans have done before in history, they will do again. When someone shows you what they are capable of(believe them)
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 25 December 2022 11:10:42 PM
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Hi AC, a belated Merry Xmas',

I'm not opposed to development, sustainable development that is, which is in harmony with the local community. Developers and governments, both Labor and LNP, don't believe the local community have rights, they pay no more than lip service to the locals. It sounds to me the locals in your area are getting shafted from all sides, that's not unusual. BTW, "Harry Triguboff", loves us all, sends you a happy developer Xmas, with a promise of another 'stink works' coming to one of his new 'cesspools' near you shortly.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 December 2022 6:44:59 AM
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