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Forgiveness is overrated : Comments

By Helen Dale, published 29/1/2010

We should shame Tony Abbott for his hypocrisy every time he sounds off on moral behaviour.

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>> We have - according to quite a few people ... become shameless.

Thank you, David Jennings, for pointing out the elephant in the room.

The findings of the Monash authors with respect to the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma are very intriguing. If a 30% forgiveness rate is evolutionarily sustainable, the immediate question is who should determine how the forgiveness is distributed. What about issuing everyone with tradable forgiveness credits, like carbon credits, which sinners could buy at market rates from the righteous?

Intriguing or not, it's difficult to see how relevant this article is to Tony Abbott. After all, as the authors say in their abstract:

>> The Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma is a game-theoretical model which can be identified in many repeated real-world interactions between competing entities.

Before applying their conclusions to our opposition leader's behaviour, one would need to establish which are the competing entities here. Is there an aggrieved party? Who then? Is the offence of a degree that warrants the kind of sanctions modelled in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma?

Next one needs to determine if this particular piece of behaviour falls with the 30% to be forgiven or the 70% to be punished.

All a bit binary to me. Smite vs not-smite is an over-simplistic way of responding, which makes no reference to the context of the "offence". Real-world adults are able to modulate their responses, and consider the circumstances.

Far be it from me to defend Tony Abbott, but when he speaks as a father about his daughters, I find it difficult to see how it's my business, let alone work myself into a lather of vengefulness.
Posted by woulfe, Friday, 29 January 2010 1:07:18 PM
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Tony, there are no votes in this comment. fancy promoting decency in a depraved society
Posted by Rufflun, Friday, 29 January 2010 1:56:52 PM
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Yep, most politicians are hypocrites, Abbot more so than most. In his defence, I'd say most parents would rather their daughters kept their virginity. I'd rather he kept an eye on the priests though before lecturing kids. There is still a *big* problem with tolerance of systematic child abuse in the church. (respect for power is dangerous)
It is not a bad thing to remind polies, but lets also keep in mind that most of us rutted like animals in our teens and early 20s. I suggest that older folks pull their heads in and understand the urge rather than change their minds when their libido drops. (It looks silly to the youngsters and loses them credibility.)
Tolerance can certainly be taken too far. Game theory shows that organisation beyond about 20 people is only possible when parasites (rule breaking self-profit maximisers) are identified and punished. I honestly believe we have *many* parasites in modern society, but we can afford them because of the incredible wealth generated by modern technology. Of course the US has just shown what tolerating the likes of Bush can do...make decline absolutely inevitable.
We need to learn from this and *not* tolerate the real evils: Unjustified warfare (too expensive!), unjustified profits (profit skimming, profiteering, accounting fraud), excessive debts, unwinnable and wasteful conflicts (war on drugs).
In general: waste and untruth should not be tolerated by both sides of politics. Then we could actually trust them to argue the real points instead of playing shadow puppets with the issues.
Posted by Ozandy, Friday, 29 January 2010 2:33:32 PM
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What is there to forgive? Tony Abbott made a decision in his past and now regrets it. Completely his perogative. There is no right or wrong here. One man's opinion, no matter how old fashioned, does not a policy make.
Posted by pelican, Friday, 29 January 2010 5:25:13 PM
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Tony Abbott is as morally genuine as a three dollar bill....he has to be to be a party politician.
Should we forgive him for that? it is *his* choice of career and *his* choice to be hypercritical pontificating on morals for political reasons.
It is our right to choose not to believe him, and view him for what he is an ambitious liar or a manipulative mad monk.

If he was just talking (which I don't believe)to his girls that's fair enough but to do it publicly put unreasonable public and personal pressure on them. Would you publicly put your children under that pressure, Ive two daughters and I wouldn't (patriarchal overbearing).He clearly no feminist or egalitarian.

The most likely reason was playing to the morally conservative ...look what a good Christian moralist/father I am....image..
Me personally, using ones children like that shows his naked ambition above all else.

Prime Minister material? Clearly he come fist and every thing else including the privacy and integrity of 'his' girls way behind. and us the voter? you figure it out , I'm beginning to.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 29 January 2010 6:41:59 PM
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Helen's paranoid vitriolic outburst directed at Tony-the-monk Abbott, is only half right. Branded as a hypocrite, double-crossing womaniser, ultra left-wing charlatan, etc her castigation is as spiteful as her apparent quest for notoriety and forgiveness !

There is no wrath - like a woman scorned !

Can we take her rancorous hesteria seriously ? Unlikely.

The Honourable member for Warringah (1994-2010) a London born silvertail, says it all. Ex Rhodes scholar, with a string of Academic accolades ; he literally towers over his Parliamentary contemporaries, on both sides of the House. Quick off the mark, his lightning ( middle weight ) boxer reflexes, and nimble mind has often sloshed him into hot water. Some deserved, others misinterpreted. Mostly, the media circus squads and paparazzi have twisted his utterances out of context to suit their gnomic minds and ill gotten agenda. Make a mountain out of an insignificant mole hill - sells newspapers. It's a notorious Fairfax / Murdoch modus operandi. Whatever, next ?

HD belabors the point about TA's youthful exuberances with his campus girl friend. Until now,the gory details have been media expurgated. What a sassy revelation ! That marriage at the time was anathema, especially while pursuing their studies, it appears now, he is being crucified for abandoning his parental obligations,during the ill fated pregnancy ? Either way, like loaded dice, he's a born loser. Fortunately, subsequent DNA testing exonerated his guilt ( aah, the beauty of science ) but indirectly cast's aspersions on another person's loose morals ? Paternity suits can undo so much hyperbole.

Not once, in my recollections has TA aspired to Mary McKillop's sainthood or miracles, unlike Helen's involvement with the clergy. She prefers to believe all that sanctimonious drivel, her indulgent parish priest eulogises, rather than belief Abbott is anything but " perfect ". Perfection btw, is an unattenable mythical ideology, and surprise, surprise exists only in Utopian fantasy. Besides, how really well are we acquainted with our local Padre ?

Only the other day, I saw one in an Adult shop. Another time, in the Races, with a manage-de-trois Marilyn Munroe..
Posted by dalma, Friday, 29 January 2010 7:19:04 PM
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