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When old men kill their children : Comments
By Philip Machanick, published 9/12/2009The climate change denial movement are 'inactivists': people who cling to the notion that any change is bad.
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Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 9 December 2009 9:20:23 PM
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Emotive, I did think about using the word Sophistry which is perhaps more suitable.
Firstly you point out that there are a few old men who abuse their position of power, and try to link this to the people who are skeptical about humans causing climate change. There is a saying I think is very appropriate and that is if someone is not a liberal when they are 20 have no heart, and by the age of 40 is if they are not conservative, they have no brains. Old men have seen and perhaps experienced where the emotions control the brain, and bad decisions are made, base on an emotional response. Should climate change prove to be a natural cycle of this planet, no amount of effort on the part of us mere mortals is going to change it. So in effect a small number of people get very rich, with the help of all us suckers. Posted by JamesH, Wednesday, 9 December 2009 9:45:00 PM
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Dear Col,
Obviously you don't know much. ALL of my children are a blessing and are hear because they were planed wanted and apreciated and loved not an accident and definately not the problem. What have you done to help educate 3rd world brothers. My wife comes from a third world country and I have helped our nephews and nieces get an education so as a result I have a door to their heart and I give them a talking to on the facts of life. Love is not Blind, Religiom is not christianity, Jesus is our guide through a living relationship with the Holy Spirit, Plan your future so you have choices and as a result none have more children than they can look after. Lack of knowledge, fear and slavish obebience to their culture of ancestry worship or pagenism is the real problem which is works of the flesh and the west has chosen foolishly to reject God the Holy Spirit and chase after gratification of the flesh and knowledge, truth and right thinking are the casualty as we reep the fruit of lusts of the flesh. So Col whether you like it or not the road that most are following leads to destruction for narrow is the way that leads to life and Jesus is the way. Posted by Richie 10, Thursday, 10 December 2009 12:06:39 AM
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Philip may have overstated his case somewhat, but I think his central point is sound.
It seems to me that there is a preponderance of cantankerous, mostly male, codgers who bleat on obstinately and ignorantly in denial of the obvious weight of evidence in support of AGW. One of the reasons that I'm an environmentalist is that I want my children and grandchildren to live in an environment that will sustain them and their own grandkids. From my perspective, any slowing down of the global economy has to be good in strictly environmental terms. I also think that is the most likely scenario in the long term. It will be painful, but sure as eggs it'll happen. As an increasingly old man, I'm very happy that my kids and grandkids generally agree with me, and have formed those opinions themselves. Unfortunately, I don't see them often enough to take credit for their ecological nous. Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 10 December 2009 12:47:16 AM
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Richie10 “Obviously you don't know much.”
Since you do not know me, have no knowledge of my professional credentials, the circles of influence in which I meander nor the honorary “chair” in which I sit, I would only say I know a lot more than you know, certainly about what I know and probably a lot more than you in general but I choose not to brag. So before you start making small-mind judgments of anyone, I suggest you try to check out their credentials, post-nominals, affliliations, memberships and practical experience first “What have you done to help educate 3rd world brothers. Again my sense of modesty compels me to decline commenting My wife comes from a third world country and I have helped our nephews and nieces” If you simply want a “who has the biggest d*ck” competition… look elsewhere, shorty re “…..reject God the Holy Spirit and chase after gratification of the flesh and knowledge, truth and right thinking are the casualty as we reep the fruit of lusts of the flesh” Richie, you were on a roll there for a minute but … going by the spelling and grammar, it looks like “the wheel has fallen off your barrow”…again! CJMoron “It seems to me that there is a preponderance of cantankerous, mostly male, codgers who bleat on obstinately and ignorantly in denial of the obvious weight of evidence in support of AGW.”: That confirms it.. . if our resident moron thinks it is so… it must be wrong in fact overnight events / leaked documents would suggest Copenahgen is turning into a real "tish-fest"…. What a total waste of resources.. all those environmentalists flying around the world… clocking up their loyalty reward miles whilst they expect the rest of us to pay more for everything… hypocrites Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 10 December 2009 9:33:42 AM
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"Col Rouge", when you vacate your honorary chair, don't forget to flush.
I remain underwhelmed by fierce ad hominem attack by anonymous cowards. Meanwhile, here's a transcript of James Hansen on Lateline: Posted by PhilipM, Thursday, 10 December 2009 1:09:14 PM
Because others do not fall for all this guff just means you need to do a little maturing. Try history laddy! You will find all this has been a recurring theme through history, "The end is nigh!" It is a joke don't you get it? More correctly though a fraud.
Look son, look back at the "Hole" in the ozone layer or the "Y2k"over the last 20 years. Lots of my money taken by very cunning crooks and charlatans who sucked people like you in to do their dirty work for them.
You are shameless I do not know why I am bothering.