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The Forum > Article Comments > One in three victims of family violence is male > Comments

One in three victims of family violence is male : Comments

By Greg Andresen, published 27/11/2009

Government policies have been based on the assumption that almost all perpetrators of domestic violence are male and almost all victims are female.

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Pelican:"I find it very hard to believe your figures that for every one women facing DV each day four men are also victims."

You're quite right, my figure also referred to the men who are assualted outside the home. As I have said several times, instead of trying to isolate a specific form of violence that disproportionately affects women and ignoring the far larger amount of violence that affects males we have lost the plot. I merely wished to highlight that.

pelican:"Where are all these women who support violence against men?"

By ignoring at the highest level the violence that is directed at men, the feminist women (and a few self-serving men)in charge of most of the "violence industry" and virtually all of the funding have made it clear that "violence against men is OK", at least in their view.

I doubt you're among them, but by buying into the genderised nature of the subject offered by their propaganda, you're offering your support to their position. Is that really what you want to do?

Aka, spot on.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 30 November 2009 1:55:51 PM
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I've been thinking, which is always a dangerous thing to do, but the gendered feminists like Suzi, Sykes and co, try very hard to make their attacks against people who do not agree whole heartedly with them PERSONAL.

My suppositions are
1) they themselves like Erin Pizzey writes, family terrorists.

2) this one is more likely the accurate suppostion, they find it too confronting to have to deal with ideas and realities that conflict with their own belief systems, so it best to shot the messanger rather than deal with a more accurate picture.

3)dwg presented a picture that perhaps everywomen has at some time engaged in a similar type of behaviour, and to be confront with this is not a comfortable experience, so the best defence is offence.

Typically as Shivers points out, firstly the definition of domestic violence, is expanded, and then the arguement falls back onto who is most at risk of being murdered.

The fact is to be murdered in a DV situation, is about 1 in 500,000. More people die from medical neglicence per year, than are killed in a DV situation.
Posted by JamesH, Monday, 30 November 2009 3:04:10 PM
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"It is an attitude that is enshrined in or society, our legal system, community aid systems. Simply put, we do not exist."

Women victims of women's spite also do not exist and I have seen plenty in the workplace.

Human Rights on gender, race and religion but none if you are simply human. Go figure.

Everyone shoould have the right to live free from harrassment, violence, bullying and discriminatory government policy.
Posted by TheMissus, Monday, 30 November 2009 3:51:19 PM
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Now that we have decided that there is a large amount of violence that few people seem to care about, the question remains what do we do about it? So what can we do to reduce the amount of violence in our society?
Posted by benk, Monday, 30 November 2009 4:02:34 PM
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AKA,Paw,Daviy,JamesH, and others the women as well that have commented on my situation I thank you all,

TORTURE,"is defined to mean the intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering on a person by an act or series of acts done on one or more than one occassion, "Pain and Suffering" includes physical, mental,psychological or emotional pain or suffering,whether temporary or permanent." max penalty (14 years imprisonment)

Now all you that I have fore mentioned plus many more agree on one point Violence must stop, all of you have asked to leave the gender out of it, bruises, cuts and yes even broken bones can and will heal in a reasonable time frame.

Mental "Torture" can take a life time to heal and while ever we get side tracked by the gender issue we will never be able to change a thing.

The Governments don't want to admit this side of the argument as it will leave the agencies in a very precarious situation as torture is not only an Australian Criminal Offence it is Criminal under International Laws so while ever the Governments can keep the spotlight on the female situation then it takes the attention away from the Very Serious issue of "Torture".

That is why the Governments don't want to acknowledge the causes of the Drug and Alcohol abuse that is in Society because of the self medication by people for the depression caused by the Governments

Depression. A Psychological Illness, ie Torture

Thanks All
Only the Best
From Dave
Posted by dwg, Monday, 30 November 2009 4:25:47 PM
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So two out of every three victims of domestic violnce are women? Then why such apparent hatred and maligning of them? Womens services are set up for women, and have no role to assist or lobby for mens services - heck most of them cant help women very well either, especially with difficult and ongoing issues. So why not lobby for better services that can do the job, instead of manipulating stats, cherry picking, arguing the gender wars. Nothing allegedly relative to the mens argument - not being believed, not getting a fair go etc isn't also the lot of many female victims. And all types of 'victims' - men, women and children can get help thru victims services, so that 'men get no help argument isn't really quite right.
And to say the sytem is anti-male is an absurdity - although many men suffer in it. So do women, and so do kids affected by violence.
Posted by Cotter, Monday, 30 November 2009 5:02:15 PM
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