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Time to end silence on child abuse : Comments

By Jeremy Sammut, published 18/9/2009

Rising numbers of children in Australia are being left in situations which expose them to cumulative harm, neglect and severe abuse.

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There was one big difference in the Indigenoous Stolen Generations as to other children.
The abuses were all very similar except with the Indigenous it was an attempt at the genocide of a culture as the removals were to make the Indigenous white & the paler the skin the more the children were wanted & taken.
The Indigenous never had the grog or the drugs that they freely partake of today they were white introductions so the decay that came was not their doing but like the white they used these drugs & alcohol to "Self Medicate" themselves the same as the white until now we have an "Epidemic" of DRUG abuse(alcohol is a drug) right across society.
Has child abuse risen in percentage or is it due to the massive increase in population?
In 1954(26/1 so where's my card for your holiday) the world population was approx 2billion it is now 6billion so the abuse if remaining the same percentage would be three times greater abuse cases than there was when I was born.
The Indigenous fathers loved their children as much as the white & felt no less heartache at their loss than the white.
So lets all forget the race argument & the gender fight & STOP THIS BLOODY CHILD ABUSE
It can be done it is just the adults wont do it they are to busy with themselves & it is not the Governments or Agencies it is us the people that must stop it.
Thanks have a good life from Dave
Posted by dwg, Sunday, 20 September 2009 3:24:14 PM
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Suzy:”… These days we hear about these poor children in some of the foster homes, although I am sure there are also plenty of good foster parents.”

Tip of the ice berg Suzy. We do get to see the odd media story surfacing. I suspect there are penalties in NSW for any information in public leading to the identification of a foster child. No one talks in the fostering game. Complaints to the Ombudsman about DoCS (except in the actual death of a child) are returned to DoCS to be handled internally, in my experience.

Yes plenty of good people, this can not negate the bad.

Over a decade fostering and I have only been fostering here in NSW a couple of years. Every seasoned foster parent I have talked to here has told me to not speak out, do not defend the kids. The gossip is that you will be blacklisted.

Suzy: “So why does this continue to happen if it is well known that some children in care are abused?...”

Political arse covering?
Interagency closing of ranks?
A culture of silence?
Huge amounts of money to be had?
Some NGO’s who have the kids on centrelink benefits plus charge them rent while DoCS also fund them even if the beds are empty. Some NGO’s under contract with a set number of children where other ones can get more children to their carers without limits.

NGO’s calling the shots while the people who work under the Care and Protection Act... well I have never seen them oppose an NGO.

I have witnessed the most appalling lack of any concern for children by Life Without Barriers. I question time and time again what “not for profit” means.

And then we have stories like from dwg and many other parents who are grieving the loss of their little ones. Many stories that involve a "removal" of their children for no reason they can comprehend.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 20 September 2009 6:23:07 PM
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My loss of my Son is a hurtful thing for me but the issue is my son & his hurt.
No education, physically sick for his parents, allowed mix with the very people that are low life scum that would not make main stream gaol they would have to be in protection,drug addicts & drunks, rock spiders(Pedo's), locked down with the very woman that as you have seen by the ex's assessment, grave concerns by what the ex stated happened to her as a child with this woman that now has the care of my son as the grandfather is deceased, scared and frightened etc etc.
What lays ahead for this boy? As I have saidif the people contact me direct then I will forward them the same info that I have sent you after you had the decency to contact direct to find out more of my son's case.
"Time to end silence on child abuse"
Then this case could do it but I am only one if all got the paperwork and all sent that to the media ministers solicitors etc asking what gives then we the adults who are responsible for the children could start to make a difference.
Thanks all have a good life from Dave
Posted by dwg, Sunday, 20 September 2009 7:57:40 PM
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Missma - Not contempt but sorrow for the hardship, misery and lack of opportunity 'enjoyed' by way too many children being born to single mothers of single mothers of ... The lifestyle breeds poverty, insecurity, neglect, aimlessness, risk of abuse, of becoming involved in substance abuse and petty (or worse) crime. Then the cycle perpetuates - often starting mid to late teens.

Sorry to be politically incorrect but TRUTH stands - children from this lifestyle situation are way over-represented in Child Protection and Juvenile Justice systems. Same with indigenous kids. Nowadays they have to be half dead to get removed from appalling situations. Reckon the 'stolen generation' was an attempt at genocide? Go take a hard look at what's happening to some aboriginal kids today. Things they will never recover from. But PC ensures they get to put up with it ...
Suzeonline - she's worked in healthcare too and has a clue. What experience has formed your POV Missma?

Anyway as a society we need to harden up and be prepared to do RIGHT for the child. Apart from basics - adequate nutrition, shelter, healthcare and education, children need a loving, stable, disciplined environment with suitable role models to give them the best chance in life.

We must stop giving kids back to grossly abusive / neglectful parents again and again. If said parents cannot change their behaviour despite support and education then the child/ren should be placed with suitable adoptive parents. That would solve 2 problems - give the kids a fair chance and keep million$ spent by couples seeking OS adoptions invested in disadvantaged Aussie kids.

While we're at it - have a hard look at some 'reproductive rights' this society now supposedly tolerates. The rights of the mentally handicapped regardless of ability to understand consequences of copulation, let alone child care. The right of children to keep babies - particularly the under 16s. The right of women to have multiple children at the expense of the State.
Time for a pendulum swing back to some of the old fashioned concepts of moral and responsible behaviour.
Posted by divine_msn, Sunday, 20 September 2009 10:40:32 PM
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Dave:”Then this case could do it but I am only one if all got the paperwork and all sent that to the media ministers solicitors etc asking what gives then we the adults who are responsible for the children could start to make a difference.”

For the parents with children in care I believe anything being sent to the media about a child is quickly stomped on by threats of punishment for disclosing private information about a child under state guardianship. A mother on another site tried with a Sydney paper and according to her DoCS quickly stopped any story. Altnews has many parents that are looking at doing a march, some others trying to put together a class action, some more have formed a group that is wanting – well I never did figure out what they want. Not many tolerate a foster parent in their ranks.

Devine:”Nowadays they have to be half dead to get removed from appalling situations.”

Umm… this is not the case generally. A few parents I have heard from state that a few malicious hotline calls is enough.

Devine:”Apart from basics - adequate nutrition, shelter, healthcare and education, children need a loving, stable, disciplined environment with suitable role models to give them the best chance in life.”

Agreed, but this is also is not happening.

Devine:”The right of children to keep babies - particularly the under 16s.”

This is normally dealt with just fine in a regular household, your son becomes your brother etc, been going on since time began. It is a whole different kettle of fish if this happens to a young female in this fostering system. As for “reproductive rights” – nup I don’t even want to go near that can of worms.

Devine:”Time for a pendulum swing back to some of the old fashioned concepts of moral and responsible behaviour.”

I think that those old fashioned concepts of moral responsibility and behavior are now required to give The Forgotten their apology? We must insist our well tax payer funded government departments do better this time.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Monday, 21 September 2009 8:58:58 AM
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pieinthe sky quote<< A few years of them went back to WA to visit her people.>>on pension day? was the 'visit' arranged...who 'arraigned' it?

<<What she saw thoroughly disgusted her.>>.as no doudt it was meant to...see how she has been met seemingly via a religious assosiation...who are hardly setting up these be seen to be drunks...see that not all her people'drink'...yet she saw not those not drinking but only the wild beasts the system likes to publicly display...its inmteresting she didnt report meeting her mother/father...were they these drunks

<< She saw her own people drunk all the time>>>all the brief time of her'visit'/// sounds so authoritive,lol...and so atypical of that certain bias would colour them all

<<..the men beating their women,..the women having sex with almost anyone>>.the almost seems weak...<<..and both parents>>>..both HER parents?

<<..abusing their kids.>>>or her brothers/sisyters?

<<As she put it,>>> your chosing to summerise

<<she was sure glad they stole her>>>interesting even she calls it theft...further...did she met her parents...was everyone long was she in the drunk camp for?...did she go alone? to live there to make things better.?..

what did she do to help others? many kids did she resque?...or did this..weak xtian simply walk away?

understand a part of child stealing...

what sticks were put in her eyes..before the visit...via which she 'looked'..went...'home'...

what were her expectations..compared to the..[her]..percieved reality?

you have word of mouth..not proof
Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 September 2009 9:50:19 AM
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