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Fatherhood and the love revolution : Comments

By Warwick Marsh, published 4/9/2009

Call it a renewal of fatherhood, family revival or a love revolution, but whatever you call it, it is happening.

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On the contrary Dane, I enjoy sparring with people with differing views on these pages.

The people I don't enjoy are those with hate and bitterness spewing from their words.

I don't imagine people who have such negative thoughts would ever have an unbiased debate anyway.

You are right though, I should say happy fathers day to all fathers, not just the happy ones!
Posted by suzeonline, Sunday, 6 September 2009 1:48:29 PM
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I too shall join in wishing all the loving dads a happy fathers' day. Well done guys.

To the missing dads, who've raised the national child support debt to $1 billion, I send a great big raspberry - phhhhhhhhhh! May Karma be kind to you when the bits start falling off and you're all alone!
Posted by Protagoras, Sunday, 6 September 2009 2:28:58 PM
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The posters of CJ and his like are typical of people with small minded dogmas who are totally intolerant of what is good and wholesome. It would have to have something to do with failure in their own life. He accuses those who promote the traditional family as homophobic and yet it often the promoters of this disgusting lifestyle who are first to put forward their prejudice poison. This post is no difference. How any sane person could see homosexual parents as a healthy choice in society is beyond belief and yet the small number of these people seem to have such a loud voice in media and also here on OLO. Warwicks story is one of love commitment and honesty while his knockers seem only interested in trying to prove some unproven and warped theories that kids don't really need a father and mothers. They deny nature at its most basic.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 6 September 2009 2:37:47 PM
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Rebekah- "I last read that most gay men have around 10 to 49 partners"

Many, many heterosexual men have had more than 10 partners- of those that haven't it's not for want of trying. Many of those men will go on to be great fathers and husbands.

If we all agree that marriage strengthens the bonds of heterosexual relationships, why would it not have the same effect on same gendered ones?

"in the UK new peer reviewed research says that children who are brought up in by gay parents are most likely to be gay themselves (Sociologist, Patricia Morgan)".

Patricia Morgan is a well documented conservative activist and that study was published by the Christian Institute- a notorious British far-right group with an avowedly anti-homosexual agenda. I can find no information that confirms the study was peer reviewed.

In addition, that study is over SEVEN YEARS old- which in research terms is aeons ago. There have been hundreds of studies in the meantime, all over the world, the majority of which have shown that on average, children with same-gendered parents do as well as those with heterosexual parents. Children with same-sex parents are not more likely to be gay- they are simply more likely to be open and comfortable about it if they are. If a parent's sexuality was able to influence a child's there would be no gay people.

"The above doesn't make me homophobic"

Correct- you are not afraid of gay people, you are a heterosexual supremacist.

Readers might be interested to know that Warwick's Fatherhood Foundation released a document a few years ago in which it was claimed that gay, lesbian and bisexual people were mentally ill and suffering from "gender disorientation pathology".

Never heard of "gender disorientation pathology"? That's because its a made up disorder that is not recognised by any psychological or psychiatric body in the world and has never appeared in the DSM.

So as much as we all should value fathers, you'll excuse me if I put as much stock in Mr Marsh's opinions as I do the Church of Scientology's.
Posted by Andrew M. Potts, Sunday, 6 September 2009 2:57:18 PM
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CORNFLOWER. A lovely post about how you celebrate fathers day. I have just recieved a card from my daughter who i fought for,for so long to rescue from her abusive and neglecting mother and brought up myself and who is going through university on a shoestring budget because i spent all my money in the family court.It reads as follows;
DEAR DAD. I'm sorry i couldn't buy you a present this year but i hope this letter will mean more to you than any gift ever could. This year has made me realise how much you mean to me and how different my life would be if you were no longer here. When you went in for your operation [i had open heart surgery] i couldn't help but think of all the things you'd miss if you didn't pull through. Without you i would never have made it to where i am today, and more than anyone i want you to be at my graduation. It will be as much your achievement as mine. If you hadn't fought for me and made all the sacrifices you did, who knows where i would be today. I want you to be there when i get married to walk me down the aisle. If i have children some day i want them to know you, i want you to love them and encourage them to follow their dreams as you did for me. Words can't describe how truly devastated i'd be if you missed any of these things. I also can't express how happy i am that you've finally found daphne. You deserve a happily ever after as corny as that sounds.I hope you have an awesome fathers day. Love always S.

What greater gift could a father wish for. HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL.
Posted by eyeinthesky, Sunday, 6 September 2009 3:22:01 PM
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Thank you for a great, love based, article, and for the positive, love based, comments of those, allegedly right wing, patriarchy denying, men.

Thank you, also, to the hate based, left wing, lesbian, femanazi, paedophile, comments as well, long may you continue, to ignore, the facts, or try to twist them into your sick, child abuse agenda. You do more to destroy femanazism every time you repeat the fact less, propaganda over, & over, & over again.

The same tactics repeatedly, also undoes your cause, "blame the victim", "accuse the victim, first, of exactly, what you, yourself, have been doing", "and always play the aboriginal card, because, the sick way, you people compere them to the entire white society, instead of comparing them to poor white trash where dysfunctionality, child abuse and neglect is just as bad".

When will you take responsibility, for deadbeat, single, mothers who manufacture, dysfunctional children, by soaking their bodies, before, during conception, pregnancy, and breast feeding, in tobacco, alcohol, drugs, glue, petrol, etc, leaving both, genders, pre programmed for violence.

Gentlemen, if you enjoyed the article, i can thoroughly recommend "Father and Child Reunion" by Dr. Warren Farrell to you as well.
Posted by Formersnag, Sunday, 6 September 2009 3:40:21 PM
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