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The Forum > Article Comments > Palestine-Jordan generates gerrymander and injustice > Comments

Palestine-Jordan generates gerrymander and injustice : Comments

By David Singer, published 5/8/2009

Any attempt to strip a current citizen of his citizenship rights in Jordan should be universally condemned.

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I'm heartened that you want me to continue writing further articles. Just shows you how something positive can emerge from a dialogue.
Posted by david singer, Monday, 17 August 2009 4:01:55 PM
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Yes we are all thrilled that you recognise the assistance you are giving the Palestinians.

Odd how public perceptions are formed isn't it?

You should note, and worry for many reasons, is was only the German people who were fooled by Gobbel's lies, everyone else who was able to read the westen liberal media, in the liberal democratic west, were wide awake to his rantings! As the Nazi's expanded their territory the liberal democratic west rallied, curbed and defeated their expansionism.

Worrying times for you Zionists are here, David.
Posted by keith, Monday, 17 August 2009 5:37:00 PM
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never posted before, but the discussion between David and Keith and others has prompted me. Yep, don't happen to agree with all David's views, but I get tired of the other side simply attacking the person, not the arguments... perhaps others are persuaded by these sort of 'posts' but I reckon peace needs a more rational approach, especially when emotions are justifiably raw.
Posted by avid reader, Monday, 24 August 2009 4:56:57 PM
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# avid reader

I am encouraged by your post. I am more than happy to try and answer any queries or disagreements you might have with my views
Posted by david singer, Monday, 24 August 2009 9:14:27 PM
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Avud Reader,

Could you get David to address the landstealing and illegal building on the West Bank. While you are at it please get him yto disavow the Zionist influence over the current Israeli Government.

Ask him why he only ever blames the Palestinians for the violence in the region.

That is why I attack him.

He will dodge, evade, distract, obfuscate and tell outright porkies to hide any opinion or idea that the Israelis are ever in the wrong.

Ask him why Gaza is a ghetto, why Israel needs to occupy the West Bank and why there is a cold war wall around Israel?

I'll wager you'll become as frustrated as I have with him. All he really ever has to do is deny he'a zionist and be critical of the expansionism of Israel and I'll talk sensibly to him and have a modicum of respect for him.

You will, if you ask questions critical of Israel, soon come to dislike him and his attitudes.

Go on ask questions he'll answer but you'll find yourself scratching your head and looking askance at the things he says.

He'll soon alienate you!
Posted by keith, Wednesday, 26 August 2009 1:51:36 PM
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