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The Forum > Article Comments > Peak oil means peak food as well > Comments

Peak oil means peak food as well : Comments

By Michael Lardelli, published 13/7/2009

Lack of energy substitutes will affect the most fundamental of needs - food.

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Informed folks are getting more scared, fools are increasing the fervor of their denial.
The "perfect storm" of population, weather and energy is approaching. There is an attitude common in the West which is "let the poor take care of it". This is a reflection of the kidult culture common in the entitlement classes.
There is also the "God will be done" attitude. God wouldn't much up His garden for His people would he? (Nah! Bloody Greenies)
The fear is that we will drop the ball on civilisation and hand our kids a *much* less civilised world. The gains of a few scientists and engineers over the last century will be consumed and buried in the refuse of millions of humans descended to animal goals: safety, water, food.
Whilst we laude the biggest, greediest profiteers today, we will really regret letting them displace statesmen and run the show for so long.
There may or may not be time to avoid a whole lot of pain. The author is correct: blind optimism based on ignorance is a real danger.
Posted by Ozandy, Monday, 13 July 2009 12:31:33 PM
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The next 10 - 30 years will be "interesting" indeed. Instead of investing in other forms of energy generation what dose our government do? Cuts the subside and lets plants close down. What the hell is with these people? Surely they have the information at hand as well? I guess they are all too busy talking up the economy rather then doing something useful.
Posted by Charger, Monday, 13 July 2009 12:38:29 PM
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Not warming hey.... well you tell my fruit trees that! My peach and apple trees are in full flower, and the mulberries are shooting like mad after their mid winter pruning.

And trusting the NYMEX to know what the price of oil will be in years to come is like asking then to make sure the economy doesn't tank. Oh, forgot, it HAS tanked...!

Professor Laurie Sparke, a leading Australian automotive engineering expert, has warned of an energy crunch that could make the 1970's oil crises seem small-time. He says that in coming years Australia may not be able to buy oil, at any price. Got it? ANY oil. So forget $89, because that what you might have to pay for a quarter of a tank on the black market!

Peak Discovery is STILL 1964....
Posted by Coorangreeny, Monday, 13 July 2009 3:30:32 PM
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Don't let fear get the better of you Michael. Keep going. Speak up and out as often as is necessary.

I think you will find that Dmitry Orlov (who would no doubt share your views) is gaining popularity in official circles.
Posted by KTranter, Monday, 13 July 2009 4:31:16 PM
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Thank you Michael for your opinion piece, what worries me is that we have known about the problems that the world faces for a long time and nothing has been done.
For example we were being warned about water problems, and its effect on the River Murray in the 70's and we still have not sorted it out.
So I am pessimistic about the future.
Posted by PeterA, Monday, 13 July 2009 4:49:09 PM
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“I am pessimistic about the future because I have seen and understood the data on resources. I know that oil production peaked in July 2008. …..
I know that our use of other resources - such as water and phosphate - is critically unsustainable. Now that energy is declining there will not be enough to invest in building the alternative energy future that many of us dream of.”


1. Is the earth running out of oil?

2. Alternatively the earth has an abundance of oil and the problems are:

2.1 The capacity to pump oil from particular fields is limited?

2.2 There has been insufficient investment and development in existing oil fields?

2.3 There has been insufficient effort in seeking new sources of oil?

2.4 When new sources of oil are discovered such as the Arctic region. What is the lead time to for a new field to enter into production?

2.5 Is there limited refining capacity world wide?

2.6 Are there political and administrative considerations limiting production in some countries?

2.7 To what extent is terrorism, war and civil unrest limiting production in some countries?

2.8 The major oil producing counties operate a cartel- OPEC. How does this influence the supply of oil?
Posted by anti-green, Monday, 13 July 2009 6:00:58 PM
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