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The Forum > Article Comments > The rise of European fascism? > Comments

The rise of European fascism? : Comments

By Zilka Grogan, published 26/6/2009

The party that claims to speak for the 'indigenous' British population recently won two seats in the European Parliament.

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The BNP might be having this success because, at last, the British people might be standing up to the Islamisation of the UK. The Brits might be taking seriously the predictions that their country will be the first Islamic country in Europe by the end of the century. While this might sound far-fetched, the loss of faith in their own values and heritage by successive British governments and authorities; their acceptance of Islamic demands; the promise by the heir to the throne, Prince Charles, to drop the title defender of the faith and adopt defender of faiths; Charles’s help with raising funds for mosques and his outward encouragement of Islam; amazing remarks about sharia law by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the fact that some of the HQ‘s of terror organisations are allowed to exist in Britain, are all reasons why the electorate might be looking for a change.

Melanie Phillip’s “Londonistan” now is in its 11th edition, so it seems that more and more people are recognising what is becoming of the UK, following years of lax asylum procedure and the unfettered, even encouraged Muslim immigration by leaders who have some guilt complex about a long gone empire. Even terrorist acts by British-born Muslims against their own country don’t seem to have had any effect on their cultural and political suicide.

What is happening in the UK should sound alarm bells in Australia
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 26 June 2009 11:35:38 AM
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Perhaps their success is more about Voter frustration with the choice now being offered to them.
As in Australia, the main political parties are the same shade of grey.. only minute differences seperate their "Policies ",nowdays the popularity of the " Leader " is more important than governance.
Governments play silly buggers.. as in " Utegate "..treating the public like mushrooms.
Notice that a "leak" or information by the AFP into Utegate is released immediately ,whilst we still await information on what happened with that explosion on that "Refugee" Boat, some months ago.
Games, thats all they are , Games in which the great unwashed, the Voters,come a distant last.
There is no way to escape this trend. I thought that Queensland is bad enough with this problem.. but I am shifting to Tasmania next Year... They have two parties that have exactly the same policies and a Loopy Party.. the BNP.. sorry The Green version..

I intend to vote against the sitting party down there.. whoever they are at the time.. what else can one do and stay sane ?
Posted by Aspley, Friday, 26 June 2009 1:14:09 PM
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Before anybody gets too carried away with notions of a rising cultural change in Western society, they should remember that the BNP is a 1982 spin-off of the National Front - a whites-only, fascist organisation.

The BNP were created as a group of anti-Semitic Holocaust deniers who, before the increase in Islam in the UK, were against all coloured people of all religions. They're now spreading their web of hate wider and dragging in new members.

Basically, just a British version of the KKK.

There may be an increased number of disgruntled citizens over there who are protesting against the status quo but I can't see it as a rising tide that's going to unite the UK into a better society.
Posted by wobbles, Friday, 26 June 2009 1:53:43 PM
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Thanks for being super-predictable, Leigh. Your scaremongering is worthy of the finest fringe-fascist manifesto, my congratulations.

But before you get too excited (and you can wipe the froth from the corners of your mouth; not a good look, really), you might profitably reflect on a few minor points.

These were elections to the European Parliament. At which this particular Party secured two seats.

The European Parliament is a bureaucratic jumble of vested interests, and bears only a passing resemblance to a representative body.

In this context, it is probably worth recalling that we sent Pauline Hanson, who is the closest Australian analogue, to our House of Representatives. A highly representative body indeed.

And her subsequent Party secured 12% of seats in the Queensland Upper House. Also a... no, won't go there.

(Incidentally, where are they all now, in terms of political power?)

It is one of the most attractive features of Democracy, and its fellow-traveller Free Speech, that events like these can occur.

Because along with the ability to speak ones mind, and to achieve electoral success in doing so, comes exposure. And once the reality, as opposed to the idea, of these people sees the light of day, their support, and consequently power, tends to recede.

Mind you, there will always be a nutty fringe in politics. We have a couple of noisy individuals bumbling around our own power structure, whose task is to harden the resolve of those around them. Not a bad thing.

But you wouldn't expect the world to cave in, just because we have a couple of "colourful characters" occupying parliamentary seats.

There will be plenty more eggs to crack before these sleazebuckets are booted out again.

But in the meantime, they represent no threat to the system, nor any opportunity for a lurch to all-out Fascism.

On the contrary, their only significance is to underline the magic of democracy. By allowing extremists to have a voice, it is able to ensure they remain visible, in all their ethical squalor.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 26 June 2009 5:45:51 PM
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You nailed the topic perfectly with that post.

No more need be said.

Posted by Fractelle, Friday, 26 June 2009 5:56:37 PM
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Leigh, surely you! Do not support the British National party!!

The British and EU laws will have the BNP having to answer to the public, and their response will be interesting.
Posted by Kipp, Friday, 26 June 2009 6:42:02 PM
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